A '[b]format'[/b] refers to the file type of a submission on '[[BotB]. Different formats are enforced to not only encourage diversity in submissions, but to ensure that each '[[BotBr] competes under the same set of technical limitations - in the world of chiptuning, the limitations imposed are incredibly important. In the world of remixing the limitations are typically no outside instruments or samples. Every battle on BotB - whether a '[[OHC[OHB] or major battle - has a specific format. Some major battles, such as '[[Winter Chip] have many different formats - in such a scenario, a BotBr may submit one entry for each format (though this is not enforced at all). Submitting a file of the wrong format is cheating, and will probably result in the down-voting of the submission by the '[[Criticist (class)[Criticists]. Typically, each format will have one or two bespoke software that deal with its creation or playback, though there are exceptions. '[#[Listed by Class] By submitting an entry to BotB, you will receive bonus points. The '[[BotBr Classes[type] of points received is based upon the format, as shown below. '[t[b2]Chipist Formats'[/t] The following formats will result in '[[Chipist (class)[Chipist] points being awarded. Chipist formats involve the creation of chiptune music - music that is designed to play on old video game consoles and computers. The sound processing would typically be done by a piece of hardware - a sound chip, hence its naming. '[tab['[icon[formats/adlib] '[[adlib (format)[adlib][100] '[tab['[icon[formats/ahx] '[[ahx (format)[ahx][100] '[tab['[icon[formats/amigamod] '[[amigamod (format)[amigamod][100] '[tab['[icon[formats/aym] '[[aym (format)[aym][100] '[tab['[icon[formats/channelf] '[[channelf (format)[channelf][100] '[tab['[icon[formats/deflemask] '[[deflemask (format)[deflemask][100] '[tab['[icon[formats/famitracker] '[[famitracker (format)[famitracker][100] '[tab['[icon[formats/fsound] '[[fsound (format)[fsound][100] '[tab['[icon[formats/gameboy] '[[gameboy (format)[gameboy][100] '[tab['[icon[formats/hes] '[[hes (format)[hes][100] '[tab['[icon[formats/mariopaint] '[[mariopaint (format)[mariopaint][100] '[tab['[icon[formats/midi] '[[midi (format)[midi][100] '[tab['[icon[formats/mod8k] '[[mod8k (format)[mod8k][100] '[tab['[icon[formats/mod12k] '[[mod12k (format)[mod12k][100] '[tab['[icon[formats/mod16k] '[[mod16k (format)[mod16k][100] '[tab['[icon[formats/mod24k] '[[mod24k (format)[mod24k][100] '[tab['[icon[formats/mod32k] '[[mod32k (format)[mod32k][100] '[tab['[icon[formats/mod48k] '[[mod48k (format)[mod48k][100] '[tab['[icon[formats/nsf] '[[nsf (format)[nsf][100] '[tab['[icon[formats/nsfplus] '[[nsfplus (format)[nsfplus][100] '[tab['[icon[formats/ntrq] '[[ntrq (format)[ntrq][100] '[tab['[icon[formats/panda] '[[panda (format)[panda][100] '[tab['[icon[formats/pc-x801] '[[pc-x801 (format)[pc-x801][100] '[tab['[icon[formats/sap] '[[sap (format)[sap][100] '[tab['[icon[formats/sapx2] '[[sapx2 (format)[sapx2][100]'[tab['[icon[formats/sgen] '[[sgen (format)[sgen][100] '[tab['[icon[formats/sid] '[[sid (format)[sid][100] '[tab['[icon[formats/sms] '[[sms (format)[sms][100] '[tab['[icon[formats/spc] '[[spc (format)[spc][100]'[tab['[icon[formats/tia] '[[tia (format)[tia][100] '[tab['[icon[formats/ted] '[[ted (format)[ted][100] '[tab['[icon[formats/vic20] '[[vic20 (format)[vic20][100]'[tab['[icon[formats/wildchip] '[[wildchip (format)[wildchip][100] '[tab['[icon[formats/zxbeep] '[[zxbeep (format)[zxbeep][100] '[t[b2]Mixist Formats'[/t] The following formats will result in '[[Mixist (class)[Mixist] points being awarded. Mixist formats involve the creation of sample-based music. '[tab['[icon[formats/allgear] '[[allgear (format)[allgear][120] '[tab['[icon[formats/mariopantse] '[[mariopantse (format)[mariopantse][120] '[tab['[icon[formats/mod64k] '[[mod64k (format)[mod64k][120] '[tab['[icon[formats/pxtone] '[[pxtone (format)[pxtone][120] '[tab['[icon[formats/remix] '[[remix (format)[remix][120] '[tab['[icon[formats/renoise] '[[renoise (format)[renoise][120] '[tab['[icon[formats/s3xmodit] '[[s3xmodit (format)[s3xmodit][120] '[tab['[icon[formats/sunvox] '[[sunvox (format)[sunvox][120] '[tab['[icon[formats/mptm] '[[mptm (format)[mptm][120] '[tab['[icon[formats/bytebeat] '[[bytebeat (format)[bytebeat][120] '[tab['[icon[formats/bytebeat1k] '[[bytebeat1k (format)[bytebeat1k][120] '[t[b2]Samplist Formats'[/t] The following formats will result in '[[Samplist (class)[Samplist] points being awarded. Samplist formats involve the creation of '[[bits] which will later be used by the Mixists in a '[[Remix Compo] such as '[l[http://battleofthebits.com/arena/Battle/5/Detroit+I/[Detroit I]. '[tab['[icon[formats/sample] '[[sample (format)[sample][100] '[t[b2]Pixelist Formats'[/t] The following formats will result in '[[Pixelist (class)[Pixelist] points being awarded. Pixelist formats involve the creation of pixel art. Palette and resolution limitations may also be considered in order to achieve results with a more "retro" feel to them. '[tab['[icon[formats/chipbattle_art] '[[chipbattle_art (format)[chipbattle_art][150] '[tab['[icon[formats/pixel] '[[pixel (format)[pixel][150] '[t[b2]Grafxicist Formats'[/t] The following formats will result in '[[Grafxicist (class)[Grafxicist] points being awarded. Grafxicist formats involve the visual art that would not be considered as pixel art, such as high resolution images. '[tab['[icon[formats/ascii] '[[ascii (format)[ascii][150] '[tab['[icon[formats/ansi] '[[ansi (format)[ansi][150] '[tab['[icon[formats/draw] '[[draw (format)[draw][150] '[tab['[icon[formats/mixbattle_art] '[[mixbattle_art (format)[mixbattle_art][150] '[tab['[icon[formats/photomash] '[[photomash (format)[photomash][150] '[tab['[icon[formats/svg] '[[svg (format)[svg][150] '[t[b2]Mappist Formats'[/t] The following formats will result in '[[Mappist (class)[Mappist] points being awarded. Mappist formats involve the creation of custom levels for video games. Currently, the only game supported is '[[doom (format)[Doom]. '[tab['[icon[formats/doom] '[[doom (format)[doom][100] '[t[b2]WebDevist Formats'[/t] The following formats will result in '[[WebDevist (class)[WebDevist] points being awarded. WebDevist formats involve the creation of webpages using HTML and CSS. '[tab['[icon[formats/html] '[[html (format)[html][100] '[tab['[icon[formats/html5] '[[html5 (format)[html5][100] '[#[Unlocking a Format Badge] When a BotBr has 7 or more entries in any given format with a score of 20 or higher they have 'unlocked' that format and earned a '[[BotBr#badges[badge]. A BotBr can not '[[hostist (class)[host] a '[[battle] with a locked format unless they are an '[[Admin[admin]. The exceptions for that are Mighty BotBrs with 7 or more badges, and Ascended BotBrs, both of which can host any format. '[#[Upgrading Badges] BotBrs can also get upgraded versions of format badges if they continually do well in a specific format. Bronzed badges are earned if a BotBr scores 20 or higher in 28 entries of that format. Argentor (silver) badges are earned if a BotBr scores 20 or higher in 56 entries of that format. Golden badges are earned if a BotBr scores 20 or higher in 98 entries of that format. '[#[See also] '[[1 I Registered-Now what] '[[Battle] '[[BotBr Classes] '[[OHC[OHB] '[[Winter Chip]