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Understanding BotB


  1. Sidebars
  2. Home Bunk
  3. Barracks
  4. Armory
  5. Vomitorium
  6. Lyceum
  7. Popouts
Basically, the purpose of this article was being a template for an actual explanation of all BotB interface in general, in a quirky and simple form... But since it's an actual article nowadays (wow :o), it's gonna tell you everything about BotB interface in general, in a quirky and not quite simple form!

And while we're at it, here's a friendly reminder before you read the whole thing...


Okay, there we go!

This very section is also known as "here's yer BotB, in, like, 2KB of text".

So, to the top and to the bottom of each BotB page (except the 404 redirect), there are those little bunches of buttons and boxes we call The Sidebar (as in, The Legion). There's one more kind-of sidebar you always get to see on the homepage, but we're gonna talk about it later.

1) Home - ...bunk.
2) Browser - more formally known as Format Browser, in which you can see all the OHB/major stuff threaded into several formats. When you see the entries under a specific format they're ALWAYS sorted out, from latest to earliest.
3) Arena - ditto, but for the battles, not just single submissions! You can as well split 'em all to see either just majors or just OHBs.
4) Barracks - technically used to refer to all the BotBr gangbang over here, but in this specific case, those are the top tens for about half of the character classes existing on BotB, plus the long, looong, loooooong roll of everyone who has just paid a recent visit to the site.
5) Lyceum - THIS.
6) Forum - chit-chat, outside compo announcements, bug reports and suggestions - what else could you wish from a forum? Except you can also see the legend for all the comments left on entries, which makes it even better!
7) Chat - more chit-chat, but this time, in realtime and on our very nifty, cosy and warm IRC channel. This linky will lead you to the online chat, so make sure you save all your logs separately BEFORE you quit. ^,-
8) RNG - picks a random page (either entry, botbr, groupthread or lyceum). great, if you want to be surprised!
9) BotB Radio - picks out 125 random BotB submissions for your listening enjoyment and then packs it up in a separate window, complete with a music player! Each playlist entry features a link to the original page, just in case if you wanna download the songsie or laugh the shit out of yourself by reading comments.
ABOVE ALL THAT) Experience Bar - your very personal mana-showing HUD. Consists of 95% aura, 1% nickname, 0,5% level value, 0,5% class name, 1% wallet, 1% LOGOUT button.

1) BotBrs online - an obligatory flag call of everyone who's on the site.
2) Call to Arms - CURRENT BATTLES! HELL YEAH! And you can take part in these, unless it's an OHB - you're most likely to be left with the voting process if you see "voting in 10m".
3) Recent Battles - ditto, but you will never take part in these anymore. *sob*
4) BotB Support - throw us some spare cash to keep BotB running really fast! Boons and nubs are NOT an approved currency here.

Western, Home Bunk Estate
1) Avatar - the smug that's not actually yours (unless you don't feel like making an anonymous BotBr out of yourself). Leads to your profile.
2) Home Bunk - OMG RECURSIVE LINKS! ^,^
3) Edit Profile - just what the title says.
4) Settings - or, otherwise, "All The Other Settings That Don't Really Refer To The Profile".
5) Palette - makes your BotB surfing a lot more fancy and colorful than ever! Keep in mind that the palette you're using to see the site is basically the same palette everyone else will see in your profile.
6) BotB Burfdays - a good reason to write another silly comment on the BotBr's profile. If the guy in the list has the default avatar, a weird nick and a little note which says "0 years", then it might be a spammer who failed to confirm the identification! :o
7) Recent Activity - kinda like the Recent Battles tab, this one covers levelup, newb initiation and mp3 upload messages, apart from everything else.

Home Bunk

That's also what you get for typing! ^,^

Apart from that it has all of the aforementioned sidebars, it also features the Current Battles bulletin (like you haven't had enough of these on the right side of the page) and the roll of all recent comments/posts left on the site.


Here it is, the Hall of No-Lifers, where every valuable BotBr is on count! Rumor has it, though, that one day, puke7 might occupy EVERY position in the top tens... ( . )_( . ) On the other hand, it's nothing more than spooky stories your grandma used to tell you at night, right?

The top ten nominations are as follows:
- BotBrs - the best guys overall. As usual, Strobe wins here.
- Chipists - the best of the most pop class you'll ever see here. Strobe wins there.
- Mixists - the best of the second most pop class you'll ever see here.
- Samplists - the best bit dealers all around. Might be on the edge of extinction, depending on whether Detroits or Ann Arbors are hosted or not.
- OHBists - the most furious martial artists out there - the actual specialization doesn't matter.
- Critisits - the most voting voters out there. As the icon suggests, they always carry a sniper rifle, just to take care of the mafia strolling here and there.
- Taggists - the guys who have nothing else to do other than tag 2400 entries in a row. Just the guys.
- Pedagogists - brightentayle and R3M!
- Playas - the best slackers who, despite doing a track or two, got all their XP through logging in every day. WITHOUT a break.


Ah, armory. If BotB were a country, this would be ruins, which you're still free to explore. And exploit. Briefly speaking, this is a collection of all bits (aka samples) submitted by fellow BotBrs, although they're NOT bitpacks, no - instead, they are separate bits, submitted to Detroit and Ann Arbor majors. These are (mostly) PD, so you can freely use them for your own good.


AKA Results.
AKA Resluts.
AKA Sluts.
AKA Slugs.
AKA Score pileup.
AKA The Dumbest BotB ATM Award Ceremony Record.
Well, you get it - that's where all the entries go after they turn dead. In quotes.

Basically, since OHBs are supposed to be quick and blitzkreigy, there's only one voting category you could see there, it's called "How I Learned To Love/Hate This Submission". The majors, though, are a completely opposite subject of the matter - you're gonna see the Top 7 for the best of the best, and five more charts for the respective voting categories. And if it's a really major major, such as Summer/Winter Chip or Spring Tracks, expect to have more Top 7s for every platform allowed for the competition.


If you haven't understood it ALREADY (which is indeed surprising! o_O), then let us inform you again that you're reading a wiki dedicated to teaching BotBrs stuff and spreading the randomness all around. You're welcome!


These are used to display ads about the freshiest fuzzy drinks in the world and to promote some fresh pictures of BotBrs eating hot stuff, such as burritos, spaghetti and hotdogs! Make sure you control your appetite while seeing these!


On a more serious note, popout windows are mainly used for the BotB Radio, and these BOTH things come in two flavors: the single-track version and the playlist version. The difference between those two is extremely obvious, except the latter doesn't support custom palettes as for now. ,_,

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