- Auto-Favorite
- Related threads
Auto-Favorite mechanism is an iconic feature of the Battle of the Bits
favoriting system. It is not, in fact, a bug, as many users might understandably conclude! Some might even say it is a rite of passage that the majority of BotBrs undergo at some point in their battling lifetimes. A ubiquitous fact of life. Future manifestations show the possibility of being able to remove a favorite in some unknown timeline; however at present, favorites are eternal.
Ordinarily one can favorite an entry by clicking the
icon on the right-hand side of an entry page. Auto-Favoriting saves you the trouble by automatically adding an entry as a favorite
if it was played and/or downloaded 5 times by the user. This also applies to clicking on a graphical entry to view it in glorious full resolution. Each interaction with the entry increments a counter for the user and once that counter hits 5, bam! Favorite. If you listened to it five times, you probably like it enough, after all. Note that for example 4 plays and 1 download adds up to 5, as would 1 play and 4 downloads, or 5 downloads alone, etc.
The most common interaction with the Auto-Favorite mechanic that BotBrs have is
accidentally favoriting their own entry. This pure act of self-love is easy to trigger - the BotB web player is so convenient, and who wouldn't want to listen to their own tune a few times after making it? If you do not wish to wear this badge of honor proudly, consider listening to the entry on your personal hard disk drive or in a browser/window where you are not logged in.
Related threads
Here is a non-exhaustive list of threadlike literature about this oft-discussed topic, to say nothing of its storied life as a chat channel subject:
option to not favorite personal tracks.
Faving bugg????????
the future of favorites
unwilling favoriting
I implore you, PLEASE implement a way to remove a favourite...
How do I remove a song from my favourites?
how/why do i like my own tracks?
Accidentally favorited own entry
botb seems automatically and randomly favouriting our own submissions for us on our back