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This is page is to be used in conjunction with I Am New To Music Theory to help educate readers about music theory, and this article in particular to expose the reader to new ideas, styles, and tactics to creating music.
We will try to stick with tracker modules and stay away from things like allgear or wildchip, since a) they are easier to visualize, and b) things could be misheard. If you want your piece analyzed, please see R3M in IRC.
We'll start off with a recent Winter Chip IX entry.
mootbooxle - Under the Glacier
Donload here.
I'm going to start this off by stressing how important mood and emotion is in music. Without it, music is bland, generic. This piece states its theme in the title, and it pulls it off masterfully with a melancholy, wishful atmosphere given from the get-go.
It is immediately apparent the song is in F Lydian.
The opening sequence looks like this:
The song repeats and builds upon this motif for the rest of the song. The term (possibly antiquated) for such a song is a sonata. There is some wonderful use of echo as a tool of creating a mood of space and isolation, almost loneliness.
And now for something completely different!
goluigi - little babies take over the plane and crash it wow rip
Clocking in at 18 seconds, this should be straightforward to explain.
This is my favorite SCIII entry (mostly because of its blatant descriptioncore)
This is the entire first half of the song. (Wow!)
The song is also in F Lydian, funnily enough, and a few things catch my eye.
-The pitch jump from G to D, almost reminding me of Brian Wilson's vocal melodies. Large jumps are very nice when used sparingly.
-The melody during the dominant second-inversion chord. Neither E nor D are in that chord, but the melody works perfectly!
MKSTAR26 - trull skumpet
kfaraday - Chromatango
Oh dear. What have I gotten myself into? This song is an excellent use of the discipline of chromaticism, which is relatively equal treatment of all 12 notes, as opposed to tonality, which is using certain notes in a piece as focus points. Chromaticism is often achieved, as it is here, through frequent modulation.
Ludwig Van Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata
Pink Floyd - Breathe