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22% damifortune


  1. Common BotB Jargon
  2. Common chiptune jargon
  3. See Also
Feeling lost? Here's some words!

*Please note that some items are links, while others are simply bolded. Click the links to read more dedicated info about the topic.

Common BotB Jargon

ailment - A form of punishment meted out by admins to those who break the rules in some way. Generally they apply temporary restrictions of some kind to your account.

ascended - A BotBr gains "ascended" status once reaching level 27. In addition to gaining a badge on your profile, this confers certain battle hosting benefits; see the link for info.

badge progress - One is said to gain badge progress if their entry scores 20 points or higher. Read more about format badges here.

badger(s) - A joyous exclamation of receiving either badge progress on an entry or gaining a new format badge. Also represented with badger emojis on puke7's Discord server.

bit pack or bitpack - The prompt/rules for a battle, which may be text instructions, an image, a project file, .zip file containing a sample pack, etc. This shows up once the battle timer has started and must be followed. The bitpack is both for fun and ensures fairness (i.e. people don't just submit old material to cheat).

boons - The currency of BotB. Spend it on avatars, bulletins, and battle hostings!

boonsave - The act of receiving one's deposit of boons back for an XHB, which is achieved by receiving a certain number of submissions to the battle. Also "bonsave" and others.

boonsave entry - An entry written at or around the battle deadline solely for the purpose of helping the host achieve boonsave. This is no longer an acceptable practice on BotB and is disallowed. You may receive an ailment for doing this.


BotBr - Battle of the Bits useR.

bronzor - Slang for "bronze medal" in a battle. The name is in reference to the Pokemon Bronzor and can be represented with a zooming-in animated emoji of its sprite on puke7's Discord server. "Pierce Bronzenan" serves the same slang function here.

chievos - Short for "achievements", an unofficial progression system created and maintained by cudsys.

completionist - One who would complete every format in a multi-format battle. See also: The Hall of Completionists

firki - Special markup syntax for use in descriptions, posts, and the lyceum.

format - The format of a battle determines what's allowed to be submitted. Most formats target specific soundchips or software, such as "Sega Genesis" or "Renoise". However, others impose other restrictions, like "remix" (in which you must use only a provided sample pack) or "vocal" (requires original vocal recordings). There are some free-for-all formats too though, such as "allgear" for audio and "visuall" for visual art.

goggles - Effective eye protection. Provided by Goggle Cat, a new service by Goggle, the glassiest search engine in the world! To get its full potential, you will need a Goggle+ account plugged into BotB.

golbat - Slang for "gold medal" in a battle: "gold" -> "golb" -> "golbat". Can be represented with a spinning emoji of the Pokemon Golbat on puke7's Discord server.

hostist - A host of a battle. Hostists gain hostist class points.

IRC - Internet Relay Chat is a protocol used for creating a multi-user chat room. BotB's home can be found on at #botb. You will need an IRC client to connect, or alternatively, use the webchat link found at the top of the page under "Chats -> IRC".

kudos - In the BotB chat, users can give kudos to... well, anything really, you simply type a string of text followed by ++ or -- to increase or decrease the kudos. For example "puke7++" would give puke7 kudos. Limit 32 characters. Typing "!kudos" in the chat will also show the largest and most negative things with kudos.

lyceum - Lyceum is an antiquated term for a lecture hall or educational institution. At BotB, the lyceum houses a wide variety of informative articles.

major or major battle - A large, frequently 1-2 month long battle on BotB. Some have overarching themes like the Monthly Format Challenges, others are free theme (such as the seasonal majors Winter Chip, Summer Chip and Spring Tracks).

melon - In reference to the (now discontinued) Yummy Melon Achievement System, melons were obtained for scoring 30+ on multiple audio XHB entries in a row. An entry is said to have "meloned" if it scored 30 or higher, and those on active streaks are "on a melon run".

mighty - A BotBr gains "mighty" status once reaching level 17. In addition to gaining a badge on your profile, this confers certain battle hosting benefits; see the link for info.

OHB - One Hour Battle. OHC is an older variant, but it's still used as a synonym to the former. After the 2020 introduction of 2HB an 4HB, "XHB" is also used as a catch-all.

scrub - A scrub acts in ways that are detrimental to BotB and its community. Please do not act like a scrub!

siiva - Slang for "silver medal" in a battle: "silver" -> "silva" -> "siiva" (a reference to popular VGM joke channel SiivaGunner). Also sometimes "silvie" or "Sarah Silvermedal". See also "sylveon".

slugs - Chat slang for "I am formally requesting the results of the current XHB". Can also be represented with a slug emoji on puke7's Discord server. Short for results: "results" -> "resluts" -> "sluts" -> "slugs". Also less frequently "reslugs".

sluts - Historical (pre-2020) IRC slang for "I am formally requesting results of the current OHB". Short for results: "results" -> "resluts" -> "sluts". Kleeder is still living in 2018.

sylveon - Yet another piece of slang used to refer to the silver medal of an XHB. Can be represented with an animated emoji of its sprite in puke7's Discord server. See also "siiva".

s3xmodit - AKA "classic DOS module", this is a big portmanteau of four oldschool module filetype formats: .s3m, .xm, .mod, and .it. A popular and accessible sample-based tracking format on BotB.

taxes - Once a year around BotB's birthday in May, the Omnibus Bank of BotB applies a boon tax to all users in a percentage equal to BotB's age in years. Nothing in life is certain save for death and taxes.

tincan - Tincans are awarded for placing 4th to 7th. Both tracks and voting categories are ranked for major battles, making it possible to get multiple cans for one entry. Or several for one BotBr, at that.

vort - Vorts are basically the same thing as votes, except they are spelled like vorts. One is said to have "vorted" if they voted on a battle. Many other variations exist of this state of being, such as "votated", "volted", and "poted/🚰". Active voters may also be said to be "processing/harvesting their raw vortium".

who got bronze - Really, who got bronze?

XHB - Short for "X Hour Battle", where on BotB X is either 1, 2 or 4. Battles which take place over a short length of time. One of the main forms of battle activity on the site. Also called "minor battles".

1 - The lowest score an XHB entry can receive (or a major battle entry in a given category). Often given to illegal works or those that did not follow the bitpack.

56 - 56

7 - The highest score an XHB entry can receive (or a major battle entry in a given category). Often used as a way to refer to works with high praise, e.g. "this was my 7".

Common chiptune jargon

arps - Arpeggios; harmonies which have each note played in a quick sequence. Also known as ornaments.

chiptune - A piece of music created with, or emulating the style of, simple sound chips (integrated circuits) used in early home computers and video game consoles. Chiptunes can be categorized by the hardware used to create them, see Arena
-> formats.

ftm - Source file for the music tracker FamiTracker. Newer forks of the software also include "0cc" and "dnm" files.

mml - A text based music composition language.

module - A project file for tracker software.

nsf - Sound file for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) and its 2A03 sound chip (including various expansion chips). There are several tools that can export nsfs.

opl - A series of FM synthesis sound chips by Yamaha. See Adlib (OPL)
for further disambiguation. In addition to adlib (format), OPL* and OPN* are also used in pc-x801 (format) and sgen (format), and an OPLL clone can be used in nsfplus (format) in the form of the VRC7.

polyphony - Refers to the number of simultaneous sounds that can be utilized on a soundchip or in a given format. For example a maximum polyphony of 4 means that at most 4 sounds can be playing at once.

rmt - Stands for: Raster Music Tracker
. See link for more information.

tia - The sound chip of the Atari 2600. Short for "Television Interface Adapter." See Atari for more information.

tracker - A vertically scrolling music sequencer, comprised of (generally) monophonic channels. See List_of_trackers for a variety of trackers for a variety of BotB formats.

vgm - Sound file for the Sega Master System (SMS) and Game Gear and several variations of the PSG sound chip. VGM is ALSO used as a filetype for Sega Genesis/Megadrive music, both YM2612 only and YM+PSG and samples. To further add to the confusion, VGM can be used as an abbreviation for "Video Game Music." This could refer to music from an actual game, or music stylistically similar to such.

xrns - Source file for the music tracker Renoise.

See Also

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