Article History
27% kleeder
List of Icons


  1. Firki markup's icon codes:
  2. Firki markup's battle icon codes:
  3. Firki markup's Miscellaneous and classes codes:
  4. Firki markup's formats icon codes:
  5. Firki markup's miscellaneous and classes icon codes 2:
  6. Firki markup's trophy icon codes:
  7. Firki markup's unearned badge icon codes:
  8. Firki markup's miscellaneous and button's icon codes:
  9. Firki markup's flag icon codes:
  10. Firki markup's other icon codes:
hell yes

Read more about Icons

Firki markup's icon codes:

Firki markup's code / Icon Description:
Icon: (Size of the Icon:)


The Battle of the Bits icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Admins Badge:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Ascended Badge:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Major Battle's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Ann Arbor's Icon:
(width:16px height:16px)

Firki markup's battle icon codes:


The Chiptune's category icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Detroit's Major battles icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The One Hour Battles icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Two Hour Battles icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Four Hour Battles icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The X Hour Battles icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The One Hour Competition icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Pit Fight Battle's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Remix's category icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Triple theme battle's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Winter Chip's major battle icon:
(width:16px height:16px)

Firki markup's Miscellaneous and classes codes:


A Bed icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The BotB currency's icon:
(width:12px height:12px)


The Bug's forum category icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bulletins's forum category icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The chipist's class icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The criticist's class icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


A floppy disk icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The download's amount icon:
(width:9px height:9px)


A door icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


An eye icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The favorite icon with a S in it:
(width:16px height:16px)


The favorite add button's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The favorite remove button's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The feature's category icon:
(width:16px height:16px)

Firki markup's formats icon codes:


The 0cc format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The AdLib format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Amiga's AHX format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Allgear format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Amiga mod format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The ANSI format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Ascii format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The zx spectrum Ay's format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The baby-k vic20 tracker format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Bespoke Synth format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The boom's format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bytebeat format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bytebeat1k format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Channel F format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Chipbattle art format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Deflemask format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Doom WAD format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The draw format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The fakebit format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Famitracker's format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The F Sound's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Furnace Tracker format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Gameboy format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The PCE-TG16 HES format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The HTML format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The HTML5 format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The JummBox format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The klangfreude tracker format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The klystrack format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Little Piggy tracker format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Mario Paint format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Mario Pants Extended format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Midi format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Mixbattle Art format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The 🗿 Moai / Thirty Dollar Website format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The 4k Module limit format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The 8k Module limit format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The 12k Module limit format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The 16k Module limit format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The 24k Module limit format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The 32k Module limit format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The 48k Module limit format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The 64k Module limit format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The MP3 format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The ModPlug Tracker format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Roland MT-32 format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The musescore format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Nintendo sound format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The NES/Famicom Classic format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Extended Nintendo sound's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The NTRQ tracker format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Panda tracker format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The NEC PC-x801 FM format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Pure Data format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The PDF format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The photography format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Photomash format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Pixel format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The old pixel format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Plaintext format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The PX Tone format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Remix format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Renoise format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The s3m mod and it formats's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Sample format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Atari SAP format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The double Atari SAP format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Sega Genesis format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Commodore SID format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Sega Master System format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Lunar Magic format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The snibbetracker format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Super Nintendo format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Sunvox format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Scalable Vector Graphics format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Commodore Plus/4 format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Teletext format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Atari TIA format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The TIC-80 Tiny Computer format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The VCV Rack format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The .VGM File Format format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Commodore VIC20 format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The visual allgear format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The vocal format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Wildchip format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Yamaha XG format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Yamaha OPM / YM2151 format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The ZX Spectrum Beeper format's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)

Firki markup's miscellaneous and classes icon codes 2:


The Grafxicist class's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Codist class's icon:
(width:15px height:15px)


The hæitds's icon:
(width:10px height:10px)


A heart icon:
(width:13px height:13px)


The home icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The hostist's class icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


A key icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The lieks's icon:
(width:10px height:10px)


A list icon, and the writist's class icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


A mail icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The mappist's class icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The mighty's badge:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Mixist's class icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


A icon with MP3 on it:
(width:16px height:16px)


The mummi's ailment icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The n00b's class icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


A newpaper icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The low BotB currency icon:
(width:12px height:12px)


The OHCist's class icon
(width:16px height:16px)


The Parasite's ailment icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The pedagogist's class icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


A pencil icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The photographist's class icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The pixelist's class icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The playa's class icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The plays counter's icon:
(width:9px height:9px)


The main BotB feed's posts icon:
(width:9px height:9px)


The Forum's project icon:
(width:15px height:15px)


The renderist's class icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Rich site summary's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Samplist's class icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The entry's score icon:
(width:9px height:9px)


Centered entry's score icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The scrub's ailment icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


A search icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The signalist class icon:
(width:13px height:13px)


The skull aura's icon:
(width:13px height:13px)


The forum's smeesh game related icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


A speaker icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


A muted speaker icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unvoted entry's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The System Operator's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The taggist's class icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


A thums up icon:
(width:15px height:15px)


The tincan icon:
(width:15px height:15px)


A trash icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The troll's ailment icon:
(width:16px height:16px)

Firki markup's trophy icon codes:


A bronze trophy icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


A gold trophy icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


A silver trophy icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


A bronze trophy icon:
(width:15px height:15px)


A gold trophy icon:
(width:15px height:15px)


A silver trophy icon:
(width:15px height:15px)


A bronze trophy icon:
(width:15px height:15px)


A gold trophy icon:
(width:15px height:15px)


A silver trophy icon:
(width:15px height:15px)


A bronze trophy icon:
(width:15px height:15px)


A gold trophy icon:
(width:15px height:15px)


A silver trophy icon:
(width:15px height:15px)


A bronze trophy icon:
(width:15px height:15px)


A gold trophy icon:
(width:15px height:15px)


A silver trophy icon:
(width:15px height:15px)


A bronze trophy icon:
(width:15px height:15px)


A gold trophy icon:
(width:15px height:15px)


A silver trophy icon:
(width:15px height:15px)


A tincan trophy icon:
(width:15px height:15px)


A bronze trophy icon:
(width:15px height:15px)


A gold trophy icon:
(width:15px height:15px)


A silver trophy icon:
(width:15px height:15px)


A tincan trophy icon:
(width:15px height:15px)


A bronze trophy icon:
(width:15px height:15px)


A gold trophy icon:
(width:15px height:15px)


A silver trophy icon:
(width:15px height:15px)


A bronze trophy icon:
(width:15px height:15px)


A gold trophy icon:
(width:15px height:15px)


A silver trophy icon:
(width:15px height:15px)


A bronze trophy icon:
(width:15px height:15px)


A gold trophy icon:
(width:15px height:15px)


A silver trophy icon:
(width:15px height:15px)


A bronze trophy icon:
(width:15px height:15px)


A gold trophy icon:
(width:15px height:15px)


A silver trophy icon:
(width:15px height:15px)


A bronze trophy icon:
(width:15px height:15px)


A gold trophy icon:
(width:15px height:15px)


A silver trophy icon:
(width:15px height:15px)


A bronze trophy icon:
(width:15px height:15px)


A gold trophy icon:
(width:15px height:15px)


A silver trophy icon:
(width:15px height:15px)


A tincan trophy icon:
(width:15px height:15px)


The bronze 0CC Famitracker trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden 0CC Famitracker trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver 0CC Famitracker trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze AdLib trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden AdLib trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver AdLib trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze Amiga AHX trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden Amiga AHX trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Amiga AHX trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze Allgear trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden Allgear trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Allgear trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze Amiga MOD trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden Amiga MOD trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Amiga MOD trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze ANSI trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden ANSI trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver ANSI trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze Ascii trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden Ascii trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Ascii trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze ZX Spectrum AY trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden ZX Spectrum AY trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver ZX Spectrum AY trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze baby-k vic20 tracker trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden baby-k vic20 tracker trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver baby-k vic20 tracker trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze Bespoke Synth trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden Bespoke Synth trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Bespoke Synth trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze Boom Map trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden Boom Map trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Boom Map trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Bytebeat trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze Bytebeat trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden Bytebeat trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Bytebeat1k trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze Bytebeat1k trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden Bytebeat1k trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze Channel F trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden Channel F trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Channel F trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze Chipbattle art trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden Chipbattle art trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Chipbattle art trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze Deflemask trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden Deflemask trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Deflemask trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze Doom WAD trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden Doom WAD trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Doom WAD trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze draw trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden draw trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver draw trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze fakebit trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden fakebit trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver fakebit trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze Famitracker trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden Famitracker trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Famitracker trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden F Sound trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze F Sound trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver F Sound trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden Furnace Tracker trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze Furnace Tracker trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Furnace Tracker trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze Gameboy trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden Gameboy trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Gameboy trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze PC-TG16 HES trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden PC-TG16 HES trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver PC-TG16 HES trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze HTML trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden HTML trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver HTML trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze HTML5 trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden HTML5 trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver HTML5 trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze JummBox trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden JummBox trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver JummBox trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze klangfreude tracker trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden klangfreude tracker trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver klangfreude tracker trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze klystrack trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden klystrack trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver klystrack trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Little Piggy tracker trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:15px)


The golden Little Piggy tracker trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:15px)


The bronze Little Piggy tracker trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:15px)


The bronze Mario Paint trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden Mario Paint trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Mario Paint trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze Mario Pants Extended trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden Mario Pants Extended trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Mario Pants Extended trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze Midi trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden Midi trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Midi trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze Mixbattle art trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden Mixbattle art trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Mixbattle art trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze 🗿 Moai / Thirty Dollar Website trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden 🗿 Moai / Thirty Dollar Website trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver 🗿 Moai / Thirty Dollar Website trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze 04k Module limit trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden 04k Module limit trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver 04k Module limit trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze 08k Module limit trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden 08k Module limit trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver 08k Module limit trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze 12k Module limit trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden 12k Module limit trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver 12k Module limit trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze 16k Module limit trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden 16k Module limit trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver 16k Module limit trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze 24k Module limit trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden 24k Module limit trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver 24k Module limit trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze 32k Module limit trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden 32k Module limit trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver 32k Module limit trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze 48k Module limit trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden 48k Module limit trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver 48k Module limit trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze 64k Module limit trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden 64k Module limit trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver 64k Module limit trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze ModPlug tracker trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver ModPlug tracker trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden ModPlug tracker trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze Roland MT-32 trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Roland MT-32 trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden Roland MT-32 trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze musescore trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver musescore trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden musescore trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze Nintendo sound format trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden Nintendo sound format trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Nintendo sound format trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze Classic Nintendo Sound Format trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden Classic Nintendo Sound Format trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Classic Nintendo Sound Format trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze Extended Nintendo sound format trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden Extended Nintendo sound format trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Extended Nintendo sound format trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze NTRQ tracker trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden NTRQ tracker trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver NTRQ tracker trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze One Hour Battle trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden One Hour Battle trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver One Hour Battle trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze Two Hour Battle trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden Two Hour Battle trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Two Hour Battle trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze Four Hour Battle trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden Four Hour Battle trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Four Hour Battle trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze Panda tracker trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden Panda tracker trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Panda tracker trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


A gold NEC's PC-X801 icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver NEC's PC-X801 trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze NEC's PC-X801 trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The gold Pure Data trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Pure Data trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze Pure Data trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The gold PDF trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver PDF trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze PDF trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The gold photography format trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver photography format trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze photography format trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze Photomash trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden Photomash trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Photomash trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze Pixel trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden Pixel trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Pixel trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The gold Plaintext trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Plaintext trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze Plaintext trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze PX Tone trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden PX Tone trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver PX Tone trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze Remix trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden Remix trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Remix trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze Renoise trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden Renoise trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Renoise trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze s3m mod and it trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden s3m mod and it trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver s3m mod and it trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze Sample trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden Sample trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Sample trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze Atari SAP trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden Atari SAP trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Atari SAP trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze double Atari SAP trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden double Atari SAP trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver double Atari SAP trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze Sega Genesis trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden Sega Genesis trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Sega Genesis trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze Commodore SID trophy's icon:
(width:15px height:15px)


The golden Commodore SID trophy's icon:
(width:15px height:15px)


The silver Commodore SID trophy's icon:
(width:15px height:15px)


The bronze Sega Master System trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden Sega Master System trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Sega Master System trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze Lunar Magic trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden Lunar Magic trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Lunar Magic trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze snibbetracker trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden snibbetracker trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver snibbetracker trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze Super Nintendo trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden Super Nintendo trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Super Nintendo trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze Sunvox trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden Sunvox trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Sunvox trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Scalable Vector Graphics trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze Scalable Vector Graphics trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden Scalable Vector Graphics trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Commodore Plus/4 trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze Commodore Plus/4 trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden Commodore Plus/4 trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Teletext trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze Teletext trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden Teletext trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze Atari TIA trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden Atari TIA trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Atari TIA trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze TIC-80 Tiny Computer trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden TIC-80 Tiny Computer trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver TIC-80 Tiny Computer trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze VCV Rack trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden VCV Rack trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver VCV Rack trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze .VGM File Format trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden .VGM File Format trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver .VGM File Format trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze Commodore VIC20 trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden Commodore VIC20 trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Commodore VIC20 trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze visual allgear trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden visual allgear trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver visual allgear trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze vocal trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden vocal trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver vocal trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze Wildcard trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden Wildcard trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Wildcard trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze Wildchip trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden Wildchip trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Wildchip trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze Yamaha XG trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden Yamaha XG trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Yamaha XG trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze Yamaha OPM / YM2151 trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden Yamaha OPM / YM2151 trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver Yamaha OPM / YM2151 trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The bronze ZX Spectrum Beeper trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The golden ZX Spectrum Beeper trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The silver ZX Spectrum Beeper trophy's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)

Firki markup's unearned badge icon codes:


The unearned 0CC-FamiTracker badge's icon:
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(width:16px height:16px)


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The unearned Amiga MOD badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned ANSI badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned ASCII badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned ZX Spectrum AY badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned baby-k vic20 tracker badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


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The unearned Gameboy badge's icon:
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The unearned PCE-TG16 HES badge's icon:
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The unearned HTML badge's icon:
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The unearned klangfreude tracker badge's icon:
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(width:16px height:16px)


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(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned Mario Paint badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned Mario Pants Extended badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned Midi badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned Mixbattle art badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned 🗿 Moai / Thirty Dollar Website badge's icon:
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The unearned 4k Module limit badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned 8k Module limit badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned 12k Module limit badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned 16k Module limit badge's icon:
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The unearned 24k Module limit badge's icon:
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The unearned 32k Module limit badge's icon:
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The unearned 48k Module limit badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned 64k Module limit badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned MP3 badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned ModPlug tracker badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned Roland MT-32 badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned musescore badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned Nintendo Sound Format badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned Classic Nintendo Sound Format badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned Extended Nintendo Sound Format badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned NTRQ tracker badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned Panda tracker badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned NEC's PC-X801 badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned Pure Data badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned PDF badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned photography format badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned Photomash badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned Pixel badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned Old Pixel badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned plaintext badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned PX Tone badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned Remix badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned Renoise badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned s3m mod and it badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned Sample badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned Atari SAP badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned double Atari SAP badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned Sega Genesis badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned Commodore SID badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned Sega Master System badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned Lunar Magic badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned snibbetracker badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned Super Nintendo badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned Sunvox badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned Scalable Vector Graphics badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned Scalable Vector Graphics badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned Commodore Plus/4 badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned Teletext badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned Atari TIA badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned TIC-80 Tiny Computer badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned VCV Rack badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned .VGM File Format badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned Commodore VIC20 badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned visual allgear badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned vocal badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned Wildchip badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned Yamaha XG badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned Yamaha OPM / YM2151 badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The unearned ZX Spectrum Beeper badge's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)

Firki markup's miscellaneous and button's icon codes:


The Entries's Upload Render button icon:
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The Forum's Updates category icon:
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The Edit botbr profile's icon:
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The votes icon:
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A Wrench Icon:
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A ZIP compressed file icon:
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The Zombi's ailment icon:
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The External link's icon:
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Firki markup's flag icon codes:


The Andorra country flag icon:
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The Antigua and Barbuda country flag icon:
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The United Arab Emirates country flag icon:
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The Afghanistan country flag icon:
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The Antigua and Barmuda country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Anguilla country flag icon:
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The Albania country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Armenia country flag icon:
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The Netherlands Antilles country flag icon:
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The Antarctica country flag icon:
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The Angola country flag icon:
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The Argentina country flag icon:
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The American Samoa country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Austria country flag icon:
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The Australia country flag icon:
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The country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Aruba country flag icon:
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The Azerbaijan country flag icon:
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The Bosnia and Herzegovina country flag icon:
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The Barbados country flag icon:
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The Bangladesh country flag icon:
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The Belgium country flag icon:
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The Burkina Faso country flag icon:
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The Bulgaria country flag icon:
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The Bahrain country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Burundi country flag icon:
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The Benin country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Saint Barthelemy country flag icon:
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The Bermuda country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Brunei country flag icon:
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The Bolivia country flag icon:
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The Caribbean Netherlands country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Brazil country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Bahamas country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Bhutan country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Bouvet Island country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Botswana country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Belarus country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Belize country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Canada country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Catalan Community country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Cocos Islands country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Democratic Republic of the Congo country flag icon:
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The Central African Republic country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Republic of the Congo country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Switzerland country flag icon:
(width:12px height:12px)


The Ivory Coast country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Cook Islands country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Chile country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Cameroon country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The China country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Colombia country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Costa Rica country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Cuba country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Cape Verde country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Curacao country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Christmas Island country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Cyprus country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Czech Republic country flag icon:
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The Germany country flag icon:
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The Djibouti country flag icon:
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The Denmark country flag icon:
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The Dominica country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Dominican Republic country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Algeria country flag icon:
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The Ecuador country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Estonia country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Egypt country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Western Sahara country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Eritrea country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Spain country flag icon:
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The Ethiopia country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Finland country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Europe continent flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Falkland Islands country flag icon:
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The Fiji country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Micronesia country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Faroe Islands country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The France country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Gabon country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Grenada country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Georgia country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The French Guiana region flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Guernsey country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Ghana country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Gibraltar country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Greenland country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Gambia country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Guinea country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Guadeloupe country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Equatorial Guinea country flag icon:
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The Greece country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Georgia country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Guatemala country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Guinea-Bissau country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Guam country flag icon:
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The Hong Kong country flag icon:
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The Guyana country flag icon:
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The Heard Island and McDonald Islands regions flag icon:
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The Honduras country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Croatia country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Haiti country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Hungary country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Indonesia country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Ireland country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Israel country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Isle of Man country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The India country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The British Indian Ocean Territory country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Iraq country flag icon:
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The Iran country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Iceland country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Italy country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Jersey country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Jamaica country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Jordan country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Japan country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Kenya country flag icon:
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The Kyrgyzstan country flag icon:
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The Cambodia country flag icon:
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The Kiribati country flag icon:
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The Comoros country flag icon:
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The Saint Kitts and Nevis country flag icon:
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The North Korea country flag icon:
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The South Korea country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Kuwait country flag icon:
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The Cayman Islands country flag icon:
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The Kazakhstan country flag icon:
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The Laos country flag icon:
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The Lebanon country flag icon:
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The Liechtenstein country flag icon:
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The Saint Lucia country flag icon:
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The Sri Lanka country flag icon:
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The Liberia country flag icon:
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The Lithuania country flag icon:
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The Lesotho country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Luxembourg country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Latvia country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Libya country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Morocco country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Monaco country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Moldova country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Montenegro country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Saint Martin country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Madagascar country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Marshall Islands country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Macedonia country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Mali country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Myanmar country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Mongolia country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Macau country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Northern Mariana Islands country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Martinique country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Mauritania country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Montserrat country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Malta country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Mauritius country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Maldives country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Malawi country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Mexico country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Malaysia country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Namibia country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Mozambique country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The New Caledonia country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Niger country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Norfolk Island country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Nigeria country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Nicaragua country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Netherlands country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Norway country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Nepal country flag icon:
(width:13px height:12px)


The Nauru country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Niue country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The New Zealand country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Panama country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Oman country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Peru country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The French Polynesia country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Papua New Guinea country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Philippines country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Pakistan country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Poland country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Saint Pierre and Miquelon country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Pitcairn country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Puerto Rico country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Palestine country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Portugal country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Palau country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Paraguay country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Qatar country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Reunion country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Romania country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Serbia country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Russia country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Rwanda country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Saudi Arabia country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Solomon Islands country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Seychelles country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Sudan country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Sweden country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Singapore country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Saint Helena country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Slovenia country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Svalbard and Jan Mayen country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Slovakia country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The San Marino country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Sierra Leone country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Senegal country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Somalia country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Suriname country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The South Sudan country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Sao Tome and Principe country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The El Salvador country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Sint Maarten country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Syria country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Swaziland country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Turks and Caicos Islands country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Chad country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The The French Southern Territories regions flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Togo country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Thailand country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Tajikistan country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Tokelau country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The East Timor country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Turkmenistan country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Tunisia country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Tonga country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Turkey country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Trinidad and Tobago country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Tuvalu country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Taiwan country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Tanzania country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Ukraine country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Uganda country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The United Kingdom flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The United States flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Uruguay country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Uzbekistan country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Vatican country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Saint Vincent and the Grenadines country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Venezuela country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The British Virgin Islands country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The U.S. Virgin Islands country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Vietnam country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Vanuatu country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Wallis and Futuna country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Samoa country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Yemen country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Mayotte country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The South Africa country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Zambia country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Zimbabwe country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


An Unknown country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


An Unknown country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


An Unknown country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The United Kingdom country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Bulgaria country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Serbia and Montenegro country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Espacenet country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The France, Metropolitan region flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Soviet Union state flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The East Timor country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The United States Minor Outlying Islands regions flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Yugoslavia country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)


The Zaire country flag icon:
(width:18px height:12px)

Firki markup's other icon codes:


A golden middle finger icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


A bat icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


A clown icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


A rat icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


A waffle toy icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


A tiny heart icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


A tiny golden skull icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


A laughing pumpking icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The main BotB feed's favorite icon:
(width:9px height:9px)


The main BotB feed's new favorite icon:
(width:9px height:9px)


A 1UP icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The palette's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The create new palette button's icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Forum's BotBrs category icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The Forum's Entries category icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The BotB main feed's Alert button icon:
(width:16px height:16px)


The main BotB feed's new posts icon:
(width:9px height:9px)


The Youtube's site icon:
(width:16px height:16px)

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