'[b]WaveTracker'[/b] is a '[[Tracker[tracker] focused on wavetable synthesis, a form of sound generation rooted in small sequenced waveforms that are altered/manipulated over time to produce more complex sounds. The layout and design of the tracker were specifically modeled after '[[FamiTracker], a classic and well-loved chiptune staple. WaveTracker also supports samples, and has robust editors for both sample data and waveform data used for the wavetable synthesis. It was developed by BotB's own '[l[https://battleofthebits.com/barracks/Profile/squiggy/[squiggy] and can be downloaded for free '[l[https://wavetracker.org/[here]. (Please note that a very usable Linux port is almost finished. To use it, check out - using git - the branch by Speykious '[l[https://github.com/Speykious/WaveTracker/tree/potential-linux-build[here], change to the WaveTracker/WaveTracker subdirectory, and run the command 'dotnet run'.) '[#[Using WaveTracker] If you have used '[[FamiTracker] or other popular trackers like '[[Furnace Tracker] or '[[OpenModPlugTracker[OpenMPT], you should be able to pick this one up fairly easily! Instruments can be added/selected to the right; waves for the wavetable instruments can be added/modified at the top right in the Wave Bank. The pattern order can be found at the top left labeled Frames - below the module and edit settings. WaveTracker supports up to 24 channels - you can add more by going to the Module Settings under the Module menu. Instruments come in two flavors - Wave or Sample. Envelopes can be added to both to control/automate various parameters, including many cool morphing options for Wave instruments, such as Wave FM and Wave Stretch. A notable difference between WaveTracker and most other trackers is that many (though not all) effects and values use regular decimal instead of hexadecimal. '[#[WaveTracker effect list] Each effect is followed by a parameter, "xx", from 00-99, which controls the intensity of the effect. Some effects have 2 parameters, written as "xy"; these are instead in hexadecimal, from 0-F to offer greater range for a single digit. * 0xy - Arpeggio (first note, second note) Cycles through notes in a chord every tick, with base + x and base + y semitones. Use 000 to disable. For example: 047 defines a major chord * 1xx - Note rise (speed) Continuously increase the pitch at speed xx. Use 100 to disable * 2xx - Note fall (speed) Continuously decrease the pitch at speed xx. Use 200 to disable * 3xx - Portamento/Glide (speed) Automatically glide between notes at speed xx. Use 300 to disable * 4xy - Vibrato (speed, depth) Modulates pitch with speed x and depth y. Use 400 to disable * 7xy - Tremolo (speed, depth) Modulates volume with speed x and depth y. Use 700 to disable * 8xx - Pan (position) Sets the stereo panning of the channel with position xx. 00 is 100% left 50 is center 99 is 100% right * 9xx - Stereo split (phase) Artificially widens the channel in the stereo field by offsetting the phase of one side xx percent. Use 900 to disable. * Axx - Volume fade down (speed) Continuously decreases the channel volume by xx steps every tick. * Wxx - Volume fade up (speed) Continuously increases the channel volume by xx steps every tick. * Bxx - Jump to frame (frame #) Jumps the playhead to frame xx. Used to create song loops. * Cxx - Stop Stops the song. (xx has no effect) * Dxx - Skip (row #) Skips to the next frame at row xx. * Fxx - Tempo change (ticks/frame) Overrides the initial song speed with xx ticks per frame. * Gxx - Delay (ticks) Delays the channel's row by xx ticks. * Ixx - Wave blend (blend amount) Blends the channel's wave with the next wave in the wave bank. xx controls the amount to blend in. 00 is 100% of the original wave, 99 is 100% of the next wave * Jxx - Wave stretch (stretch amount) Stretches the shape of the channel's wave from the edges inwards. Acts a bit like a pulse-width modulator. xx controls the amount to stretch. * Mxx - Wave FM (intensity) Frequency modulation. Modulates the channel's wave by the next wave in the wave bank. * Pxx - Fine pitch (offset) Detunes the current channel. Default is P50. * Qxy - Note bend up (speed, semitones) Bends the current note up by y semitones at speed x. * Rxy - Note bend down (speed, semitones) Bends the current note down by y semitones at speed x. * Sxx - Delayed cut (ticks) Cuts the note after xx ticks have passed. * Lxx - Delayed release (ticks) Releases the note after xx ticks have passed. * Vxx - Set wave (wave #) Sets the channel's timbre to wave xx in the wave bank. '[#[Restrictions on submit] Submission should be a working .wtm module playable in WaveTracker. Using the latest version is recommended; specify otherwise or assume that others will be checking out your entry in the latest version. '[#[Playback (for voting)] You will need to '[l[https://wavetracker.org/[download WaveTracker] and open the module. Once it's open, press play using the playback controls near the top. '[#[See also] - '[[hes (format)], another format using primarily wavetable synthesis