"Entry of the Day" is a feature introduced in August 2020 on the frontpage of BotB website. '[[BotBr[BotBrs] can vote for a track, and hope it will be selected. '[#[Where it is?] It is on the frontage of BotB website, both for PC and mobile phone '[#[What is it?] it is basically a jukebox where any user can decide wich track will be rendered, uploaded on Youtube and displayed for everyone on the homepage '[#[How to vote?] For now, entries are selected by puke7. These are the requirements: - botbr must be level (6, 8, or 9? or higher?) - entry must have radio status (score + favorites >= 30) - entry must not have a preexisting yt render - entry must not already be in the render queue If you're subscribed to the patreon, you can request one entry per month. It doesn't matter if it has less than 30 scorefavs, as long as it doesn't have unicode characters in it. puke7 is able to veto an entry though. '[#[Restriction] The video renderer doesn't handle unicode characters yet. '[#[See also] - Discussion thread: '[l[https://battleofthebits.com/academy/GroupThread/20713/youtube+render+request+feature/[here]