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The Lyceum is BotB's learning center. Here
BotBrs of Level 5 creed may share their wealth of knowledge. Yes, a
BotBr must have a certain
Bonus Magic Power to contribute or edit on this repository of wisdom. The lyceum is generally only for articles that would be interesting AND useful to the average BotBr. Use common sense when starting new articles.
Lyceum Basics
Loosed basely on the wiki precept, the Lyceum Engine is meant to string together the miscellaneous with the help from contributing BotBrs. Throughout the texts of this Lyceum you will find links pointing to other Lyceum Articles like so --
The Lyceum's Homepage has a basic search query form. The search will look for any article Titles or Texts which
contain your search query. It does not use spaces to separate query words. So searching with less will get more results.
Edit Articles
If a BotBr has appropriated
Bonus Magic Power of Level 7 an 'edit' link will be visible next to the Title at the top of the Article.
All text formating uses
Firki Markup and no HTML is allowed. Check out current articles to see
Firki Markup in action.
When submitting an article edit make sure to fill in the 'edit note' for the lyceum. This note will be placed in the article's history.
Add Articles
If you wish to add an article, just go
HERE, select the title of the article and save it.