- Basic Commands
- PM Commands
- DCC Stuff
BotB is the multifunctional IRC Bot for the
irc channel #botb on irc.esper.net and displays events that happen on the BotB website, such as logins, new entry uploads,
BotBr level ups, and a plethora various of misc stuff.
BotB Is following the original rules of Robots as described by Isaac Asimov.
1.A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
2.A robot must obey any orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3.A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
Basic Commands
BotB Bot has various helpful commands.
When a link is posted, the bot will give information for that page.
will also give extra information for youtube links.
"!ohc" gives the current OHC status on BotB.
"!g (string)" returns a URL for a
Google search where (string) is your search query.
"!gi (string)" returns the first image it can find related to the input (string).
also "!image (string)
"!i (string)" returns a URL for a
IMdB search where (string) is your search query.
"!w (string)" returns a URL for a
Wikipedia article where (string) is your search query.
"!y (string)" returns a URL for the first hit of (string) on YouTube.
"!pix (string)" returns a URL for a
BotBr picture where (string) is in your search query.
"!panda" displays Panda Lyceum page.
"!user (string)" returns a URL for a BotBr's profile, where (string) is the BotBr's name.
"!chord (type) (note1) (note2) (note3)" etc will generate a sample
of that chord type, example "!chord piano c e g" will generate a Cmajor chord.
valid types: piano, choirs, synth
extra: input "baseline" instead of a (note) will make a baseline over the sample
extra extra: input "beat" adds drum bead over the sample
aswell, using the first note as base.
example: "!chord synth g a# d baseline"
will produce a synth chord with baseline.
PM Commands
BotB Bot can also listen to PM commands.
sending OHC_AddMe to BotB on IRC will put you on the OHC Spamlist and
will highlight you when there is an ongoing OHC.
sending OHC_RemoveMe to BotB on IRC will remove your nick from that list.
OHC_End_AddMe will add you to the OHC End list, which will highlight you
when there is 2 minutes left of an OHC.
OHC_End_RemoveMe will remove your nick from that list.
Memo Functions
!memo write/read number text
For example !memo write 0 "Hello there!"
will be stored at place 0 in your memobook, for retrival
with !memo read 0
DCC Stuff
If you DCC send a file to BotB it will display it in the main channel #botb , many file formats supported; not executables and some others.
Transcoding: Sending an NSF, AMD (AMusic Adlib), SAP, SPC
and SID filetype will also output a link to an converted MP3 audiofile.
Sending a .BMP file will display the original file aswell as an HTML/ASCII
representation of that Bitmap.
Sending a .MML file will compile it to a NSF file and display a link
to the compiled file in the channel.
For Web Interface of the uploaded files (through DCC)
go to (http://upload.rotfl.at).
Users may see what they upload by addressing the filename after the username:
For example:
(Asterisks are not to be entered; but are a representation of, "enter whatever you want within the format.")
The FTP upload folder can now be publicly accessed by FTP:
port: 8078
user: botb
pass: botb
The FTP allows for uploads, and read only.
BotB runs on a cute P4 1.6ghz with 386mb SDRAM!