Playlists are lists of entries you can play back. There are several different types of BotB Playlists, but they all open a radio-window popup usually. The most common playlist is the '[l[["General BotB Radio"] in the top navbar. There are also battle-specific, format-specific and profile-specific playlists as well as Favorite-playlists. A link to the recent submissions playlist can be found on the front page below the Video of the Day. '[#[Custom Playlists] A '[[BotBr] is able to create '[l[[custom playlists] at the Level of 6. The creation of a playlist costs '[[56] boons. After giving a title, the edit-page shows up and gives the BotBr the option to add entries in the order they like to the playlist (comma-separated). If a n00b is very unhappy with their playlist, they can also delete it again. The max length of a custom playlist is 256 entries. On the Home Bunk below a BotBrs avatar is a direct link to the playlist creator if they reached Level 6. On a profile, there is a tab "x playlists", if the user created any playlists. This way, you can browse other people's playlists and listen to them! Entries which are featured in a playlist also show their playlists on the right between the tags and the favs-list. '[#[See also] '[[Home Bunk] '[[BotBr]