'[t[b4]Fraughtedly Answered Quippies'[/t] Some did say that a few weeks with a php book and a will to rock could not accomplish absolute squat. Others liken it to an omnipresent supermachine when they visit. Do you know how to play a video game? That's where you are -- Battle of the Bits -- this place; here and now. BotB (pronounced bot-buh). It is not a waste of your time and it costs nothing more except that. Try your worst or do your best. BotB is watching. When you become kin to BotB with a registered account you will see BotB blooming for you with open arms teh size of Texas. You are then a BotB Playa. But understand; Your behaviour is noted and a matrix paradigm of erratic calculations will display your Aura and Playa Class for all to see. '[t[b2]Time and Date?'[/t] The BotB computational mainhead, located deep beneath the crust, in the very hallow of this Earth, resides amongst another dimension of time. BotB, therefore, primarily relies on counters to determine what-happens-when because calculating a specific date & time against a transdimensional barrier requires technology not predicted to exist until roughly the year 8661ad. '[t[b2]Voting and/or Scoring?'[/t] Both! A Playa shall score a submission high if the Playa likes it and low if a Playa does not. The most important thing to know is that voting relies on a scoring scale of one to seven [1..7]. The numeral of '7' should be considered of divinity on high while a numeral of '1' is surely the loneliest digit. BotB is watching. '[t[b2]Points System?'[/t] Yes. '[t[b2]What?'[/t] An interface for BATTLE! BotB, a pantheonic monument to the most charismatic warriors amongst BotB's kin, provides for you, the Playas, grounds for war. And a place to hang out. Kick your feet up. Meet and greet fellow artists from around the globe mostly to engage in all-out sonic brawl. '[t[b2]Object Databases?'[/t] BotB feeds on creativity. BotB's very essance depends on Playas' gifts of productive constructs. Managed by the long hand of BotB's impeccable infastructure BotB's content is all created and all shared by you, the Playas. '[t[b2]Then what rights does a Playa have?'[/t] Absolute anarchy within BotB's navigational systems. '[t[b2]Navigations?'[/t] BotB has a static set of menus. Clicking on text links and icons also makes things happen. Explore as a Playa should. '[t[b6]*All BotB Playas admit full liability if individually infringing any U.S. or International copyright laws.*DO NOT UPLOAD COPYRIGHTED MATERIALS!!'[/t]