The story behind BotBrs nicknames
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 23 Pedagogist
hii! though it would be neat to know more about the community so i decided to ask this; what do your BotBr username means?/why do you choose it?

i'm really curious about most if not all BotBr nicknames!~ :D
you first fruity boy
Level 21 Chipist
post #96947 :: 2018.02.28 10:07pm
  Viraxor, tothejazz, Robyn, mk7, Cessor Safari, BubblegumOctopus, Savestate, footprints420, Galgox, ViLXDRYAD, puke7 and Sinc-X liēkd this

just kidding
Level 29 Chipist
mine has the most interesting story

i picked random letters and put a dash in it
Level 23 Pedagogist
i think is fair lol

ViL came originally from Mick Trancy's Vilous book, since i liked the creatures she made many years ago, specially Sergals

X was took from, probably a mix between many MSN Messenger nick formatting my friends and contacts had lol, and Toxicxeternity since he used to be my favorite guitarrist on youtube since about 10 years ago now i can't really choose a favorite, mostly because i enjoy a lot of different styles now

Dryad i don't really have a solid memory of why BUT that was the name of a hero i invented in the time i played with toys, maybe when i was 5, despite it isn't in my native language words, many years laters i found out they were spirit of nature, and since i love nature i decided to bring it to my artistic name as well

the casing? demoscene! on old-school intros was styled to use upper-case letters except for the i, because upper-case I is similar to lower-case l in some fonts lol so this decision was in tribute to them!~ =' 3
Level 23 Mixist
My username was originally my Minecraft name. Miner-scale ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I know it's stupid but it's stuck so whatever
Level 14 Chipist
post #96961 :: 2018.03.01 1:51am
  mirageofher and BubblegumOctopus liēkd this
WoW name generator. (vanilla y'all)
tbh it sux tho idk why i still use it.
Level 19 Chipist
post #96962 :: 2018.03.01 2:40am
  VirtualMan, sc, mootbooxle, BubblegumOctopus, pedipanol, Sinc-X and ViLXDRYAD liēkd this
Mine was a tour motto from a few years ago. It was my band Hailgun and a band from new Zealand called Master Blaster touring Europe. "growley" was some word my band mates mum used when he was a kid but he couldn't remember the context, so it became the word we used to describe when anything remotely good happened:)
i used flash like 16 years ago, haha
Level 17 Playa
post #96968 :: 2018.03.01 4:33am
  MrGamer, sleeparrow, BubblegumOctopus, Jangler and ViLXDRYAD liēkd this
D&D half-orc barbarian
Level 13 Chipist
post #96970 :: 2018.03.01 5:54am
  Viraxor, ASIKWUSpulse, MrGamer, pandavova, sleeparrow, MiDoRi, BubblegumOctopus and ViLXDRYAD liēkd this
  Cessor Safari hæitd this
footprints comes from "Whose footprints are these?" (Metal Gear Solid), and 420 is a giant shitpost number :^)
Level 21 Criticist
post #96975 :: 2018.03.01 6:47am :: edit 2018.03.01 6:50am
  MrGamer, ap0c, VirtualMan, gotoandplay and mootbooxle liēkd this
My cousin would always enter his initials in NES games as ACE and I had heard that the reason was because they're really close to each other and easy to input. Xyz does the same.

If you ever see me with 39808 appended to my name on sites where you need something like catlover69 to differentiate between the other 68 catlovers on the site, then that was my old school ID#.

If you see me with Ylem in it, that's one of my oldest friends' record label's name and whenever the fuck I actually get around to making a non-chip album, it'll be on there. I technically have a release or two on there already
Level 22 Chipist
post #96976 :: 2018.03.01 7:04am :: edit 2018.03.01 7:07am
  Viraxor, mk7, MrGamer, Modus Ponens, Robyn, MiDoRi, tfx and ViLXDRYAD liēkd this
Mine was from when I tried to sign up for an Apple developer account (I was like 13 or 14 at the time lmao). Originally it was capitalized as "devEd", but eventually i signed up for a (now dead) forum under the name "DevEd2" and (after removing the 2) the name stuck. Other names I've used include EdTheGreat* (this predates DevEd) and UburL33TUzerNam (created for essentially a shitposting forum).

Note 1: The Ed part comes from my real life name.

Note 2: I was not aware of the whole "palindrome" thing when I first created my nick. Nowadays, it's probably the main reason why I still keep the name.

*I hate this so badly that I actually had to fight the urge to not include it in this post.
Level 27 Renderist
I had a t-shirt when I was a teenager with a fat Buddha on it. It was my favorite. When I started getting into ROMs and dumping I used the name Buddha. On IRC on the Vertigo 2099 and Outlawz communities (at around 2000) I met MickoZ. He called me B00daW because l33tsp34k was new at that time.
Level 30 Chipist
post #96979 :: 2018.03.01 8:13am
  Kaytse, tothejazz, mk7, MrGamer, Galgox, VirtualMan, gotoandplay and Cessor Safari liēkd this
I've been through a lot of usernames before settling with Savestate
McNuggets (Smash Exclusive lmao)

when i was signing up for botb, i saw it as a fresh start. i wanted something that didn't have numbers, didn't have more than one word, and straight up didn't suck lol (unlike all my other names). iirc i figured a list of code/game/tech related names that were relevant to me at the time and did some research to see which ones weren't taken and Savestate ended up being the one. (SAVESTATES exists but just barely)
Level 25 Chipist
post #96985 :: 2018.03.01 9:35am :: edit 2018.03.01 9:53am
  sleeparrow, Viraxor, ASIKWUSpulse, MrGamer, argarak, mk7, gotoandplay, mootbooxle and BubblegumOctopus liēkd this
  Cessor Safari hæitd this
I was on newgrounds in 2013 or so and I saw some guy called "Razoric" and I really liked that name but I didn't want to steal it so I changed two vowels and a consonant

That's just how I made up this name in general though. I went by Razerek everywhere else by 2015 so I just decided to use it for botb too
Level 25 Chipist
When I was in a group chat, my friends decided to use names of cartoon characters, so I picked "Pé de Pano" which is the brazilian name for Sugarfoot from The Woody Woodpecker Show, and I liked being called that.

After a while, I started trying to use "pedepano" on forums and etc, but on most of them the username would be already taken, so I started using "pedipano" and "pdpano". But then when I tried creating an account on some website, when I tried "pedipano", it was already in use and it suggested me to use "pedipanol" and I kinda liked how it sounded, so I stuck with it for years.

Only much later on, when I started hanging out here on BotB I found out my nickname can sound like a medicine name.
Level 19 Chipist
post #96990 :: 2018.03.01 10:39am
  retrokid104, Caffeinator, Viraxor, MrGamer, gotoandplay and Savestate liēkd this
Ok I will tell you the tale of the name H_mister. It all began on a cold November evening, I came across this mysterious forum known as the famitracker forum. Amazed at what I heard, I wanted to through my hat into the ring, and so I signed up.As a 17 year old I thought that H-meister was a cool ass name as you do when you're a teenager, but I missplet it and it has been Mister ever since.
Level 26 Chipist
post #96994 :: 2018.03.01 11:15am :: edit 2021.02.07 12:53pm
  Viraxor, MrGamer, argarak, Oli, raphaelgoulart, mootbooxle, MiDoRi, Savestate and ViLXDRYAD liēkd this
I've used so many different names in the past, but when I was active on Anther's Ladder, I played under the name Galaga, because I was obsessed with that game at the time. But I wanted something more original to use, and I came up with Galgox. Now, I use it for pretty much everything.

So I go by Googie nowadays, but a lot of places won't let me change my name, BotB included... Seeing this thread get bumped, I thought I'd edit in the story behind the new name as well.

One day I was watching The Founder and I wanted to know what that retro style for buildings in the 50s was called, and that's how I learned about Googie architecture. The name feels more fitting to me even if it's not as unique of a name.
Level 21 Chipist
post #96997 :: 2018.03.01 11:34am
  MrGamer, chinanewyr, gotoandplay and Galgox liēkd this
Mine comes from an old username which had the initials "TF" - I won't post it as I'm still not so accepting of my 13 year old self ;)

At some point I invented a 'cooler' sounding alias by appending an X to the end (X's are cool, aren't they?) and arrived at TFX. About two years ago I transitioned to a lower case name that feels more like a word and less like a set of initials.
Level 1 Playa
Rainbow Elephant
post #97000 :: 2018.03.01 11:48am
  Kalowe, dobra, NardInYourYard, Collidy, Gaetano96, AArt1256, MrGamer, Jakerson, chinanewyr, NerdMcBoon, sc, Uteprin, mootbooxle, Xyz, RazerBlue6, ViLXDRYAD, growley and Sinc-X liēkd this
  Savestate hæitd this
i'm an elephant and i like rainbows
Level 28 Chipist
post #97003 :: 2018.03.01 12:39pm :: edit 2018.03.04 2:02pm
  Collidy, Surfcroc, kinkinkijkin, AArt1256, MrGamer, argarak, sc, raphaelgoulart, mk7, gotoandplay, MiDoRi, Sinc-X and growley liēkd this
Bubblegum Octopus (with a space) is basically my main music project. I had previously been mostly making fucked up noise, grind, and ambient/spoken word stuff but had started making melodic music. After the first batch of Bubblegum Octopus songs, I wanted to show my friends from jazz band in high school, but AIM file transfer wouldnt work. In 2005, as you might recall, sharing audio was best done via myspace, so I made a myspace and needed a name. Because of extreme sleep deprivation, I had been hallucinating while writing, and kept looking down at my desk and seeing this pink, chewy looking octops pulsating in time with the music, so I grabbed that name.
My closest music friend at the time was going by Peppermint Pony, which I didn't even consider until I showed him.

It was not meant to be a primary project, as I was prone to just making new names every couple months back then (and while I was super proud of myself, I'm very shy and sensitive, so I didn't even want many people to hear it). That said, not long after, with absolutely no amount of self-promotion of my own, the goofy shit I was doing as a 16/17 year old made me myspace famous (no joke!) and I was kinda stuck with it. (To this day, I still feel hounded by and obligated to play at least one MySpace era "hit" almost every show).

In 2013 I made a BotB profile (which i hardly remember), and I grabbed the name just out of habit. When I rediscovered the site in 2016, I didn't want to stick with this, since it has almost nothing to do with BgO the project (other than some of my core principles about composing music for myself and other unfiltered, personal tendencies) but then I did an OHB, had to upload it somewhere... you get the idea. STUCK AGAIN.
Just like.... bubblegum...

ETA fixed some typos and made some things a little easier to understand
Level 26 Mixist
[real name]
[shortening of real name]
Aru (+ Azumaya)
Aru Azumaya (- maya)
Aru Azu (flip positions)
Azu Aru (reverse Aru)
Azu urA (lowercase urA)
Azu ura (- u in ura)
Azu ra (combine)
Azura (add dashes)
Level 24 Mixist
post #97012 :: 2018.03.01 1:22pm
  Collidy, Jakerson, argarak, sleeparrow, Robyn, puke7, Cessor Safari, Mota O Marmota and ViLXDRYAD liēkd this
I'm a Godzilla fan. Enough said.
Level 27 Chipist
post #97013 :: 2018.03.01 2:19pm :: edit 2018.03.01 2:19pm
  Collidy, Jakerson, VirtualMan, Cessor Safari, ViLXDRYAD and Sinc-X liēkd this
My username was originally created for an online browser-based game called Kung Fu Madness, which is where the "Kung Fu" part came from. The furby part (or Kirby under some circumstances, although I have never officially used KungFuKirby as a username... the one time it was used, it was because I wasn't the one that set it up) has existed for longer, and was my favorite toy (well... at least the editions going from 1998 to 2012.). Helps that I became aware of their infamy to some extent... and I chose both sides.

This username stuck because I came up with a game idea with KungFuFurby as a character. The game idea, which I named Kung Fu Furby: The Game (and dates back to 2005)... has at least two surviving prototypes. One of them is playable via the Stencyl website. I also have abandoned the prototype and the game idea, citing its origin: it was based off of an image I previously used as an avatar, called War Furby by Georgette Tan (the original website is long gone). I even made a sprite of it (the sword is still there, but I didn't keep the other one). Citing ethical reasons, I have decided not to continue to pursue the idea.
Level 22 Chipist
post #97014 :: 2018.03.01 2:53pm :: edit 2018.03.02 5:44am
  Collidy, mk7, Robyn and MiDoRi liēkd this
My first original nickname was the one I made for runescape back in the day and I won't ever want to talk about that ...

Then eventually around 2010 a PlayStation 3 showed up in this house and I needed an online name for PSN. At that time I liked Razer's products, which had blue lightning such as the Lycosa I had, I decided for RazerBlue (not really orignal, I was young okay). That was taken so PSN suggested me adding a 6 behind it. That's still the name I use here :P

I also maintain the nickname ToastIsMyName on a few sites, the main ones being Reddit, Twitch and PowerUnlimited, being more of a general forum handle ish. How I came to that name, I don't remember anymore, but it's a funny name so I'll take it.

Then also around a year ago (I think), I didn't really like the name RazerBlue6 anymore since if I ever wanted to have some online reputation, such stupid name with a brand in it wouldn't feel right for me, and something such as ToastIsMyName sounded a bit too silly in my taste. I also hated the fact that I had a number in it since that felt like such old and cheap thing to have in nicknames back in the day.
After a very long period of thinking I came up with DeltaRazero:
Delta came from the cool deltablues band "Black River Delta" I listened some tracks of at that time and it has a sort of double meaning in that it's meant as a river that splits (and so the blues connection, cause I like blues a lot). Append that with razer because I liked being called that, add an 'o', change the accent to zero (so ra-zero), et voila; DeltaRazero.

And besides that I also sometimes use the nickname Trash Binnerino on messaging platforms (not meant as something negative, I just like the nick lmao)
Level 12 Chipist
Mota O Marmota
post #97017 :: 2018.03.01 4:34pm :: edit 2018.03.01 4:38pm
  Collidy, mk7, nitrofurano, Jakerson, VirtualMan, Jredd, raphaelgoulart, MiDoRi, mootbooxle and ViLXDRYAD liēkd this
I've had two names before and both these and what I use currently involve my nickname: "Mota".
From the time I was a child I was called "Motinha" (little Mota) for being advanced in school and being the smallest in age and size among all others in the class. The "Motinha" grew (which would be strange if it did not happen) and now my friends call me "Mota". The "Marmota" came up in a conversation, when the maestro of the orchestra that I participate said about adding "Omar" between "Pedro" and "Mota" of my name and that sounded like "Marmota" (or grondhog in English) for my friends from there, then from so they all call me "Marmota". I put together a nickname and another and formed my new nickname: "Mota O Marmota" :D (Or Mota the groundhog).
Level 27 Mixist
post #97019 :: 2018.03.01 5:27pm
  Collidy, NardInYourYard, Gaetano96, mk7, CastleNes, argarak and sleeparrow liēkd this
petet is a typo of my first name that a friend made in a groupchat and it stuck!

my other nickname, dxeyes, is phonetically equivalent to the acronym for DirectX instruments, which I used to use before vsts
Level 24 Mixist
Cessor Safari
post #97022 :: 2018.03.01 5:51pm :: edit 2018.03.01 7:44pm
  Collidy, VirtualMan, mk7 and Savestate liēkd this
  Razerek hæitd this
I didn't take the pro out of processor. Also, what is alliteration?
Level 30 Chipist
post #97023 :: 2018.03.01 6:10pm :: edit 2018.03.05 3:57pm
  Kalowe, Collidy, Claire, Kaytse, cabbage drop, mk7, CastleNes, Jakerson and raphaelgoulart liēkd this
My name came from Wreck-it Ralph, and I got hooked to it ever since.

When I was younger and getting into online gaming I took my online name very seriously. I was talking about ideas for usernames with my parents and my dad said "Why not Toxic Gaser because your farts smell so bad?" (They really did).
I thought that was hilarious because I was 12 years old and so I kept it. I later joined a gamer clan that used the tag Dr., So I became Dr. Toxic Gaser. Then I shortened it to Dr. Toxic to distance myself from my smelly past and then when I left that group I changed it to Doxic.

You did ask.
Level 24 Chipist
post #97026 :: 2018.03.01 7:13pm :: edit 2018.03.01 7:19pm
  Collidy, VirtualMan, sleeparrow, Gaetano96, cabbage drop, mk7, argarak, chinanewyr, Uteprin, Robyn, puke7 and MiDoRi liēkd this
Back in 2010 my IRL friend called me a pig devil.
Then in around 2013 my Chinese friend shortened it to Pigu. (I didn't know that it means butt until few years later)

But I don't care. It just sounds cool to me.
Level 27 Chipist
Yung Gotenks
post #97027 :: 2018.03.01 7:20pm
  Gaetano96, mk7, Jakerson, VirtualMan, Jredd and petet liēkd this
I forgot the origin my name, but i probably came up with this stupid username when i was obsessed with DBZ.
Level 27 Chipist
little babby mm1 age 10 decides to make a youtube channel and nicks himself moviemovies1

thats literally it
Level 24 Chipist
post #97031 :: 2018.03.01 10:21pm :: edit 2018.03.01 10:23pm
  Gaetano96, argarak, sc, puke7, tfx, BubblegumOctopus, mk7, ViLXDRYAD and MiDoRi liēkd this
back in 2008 a friend of mine came up with a name for himself - DJ Klozet (DJ toilet in polish). I wanted it as well but he came up with another one for me - DJ Umywalka (DJ sink)

Fast forward to 2010, i'm playing osu!. Been there for a few months now, and one day my friend gifts me a supporter tag (which among many perks grants a nickname change) and was like "Change your name to Zlew, please."

Marysia is a less engaging story.
A guy I know used "Marysia Mżawka" (rough translation of Marisa Kirisame) in some places of the Internet. As a good friend, I stole it off of him and started using it. Then I cut out the "Mżawka" part because it proved impossible to read for foreigners (and that stuck as my IRC name). Like a year later I was watching Joel from Vinesauce play some bootlegs (I believe it was from the Grand Dad video), and there was a Mario Bros. version called "Mr. Mary". Then little baby realized that it's a perfect name (people confused me for a girl based entirely on the name) that would hopefully clear out ambiguity it didn't

Also there's TheMaskarad - my OG youtube name - which has a story similar to MM1's. It was just that Bakugan was big at the time and "Maskarad" was taken.
Level 22 Mixist
post #97032 :: 2018.03.01 10:32pm
  Collidy, tonreihe, tennisers, sleeparrow, BubblegumOctopus, Savestate and ViLXDRYAD liēkd this
called myself 'MG' on this tiny tiny tiny bzpower splinter forum that had like 6 people on it at most and later i mashed it up with my initials and it became my default username

didn't feel like using my 'official' musician name when i first registered for this site in 2013 so i used that instead
Level 10 Playa
post #97036 :: 2018.03.02 1:13am :: edit 2018.03.02 3:20am
  Collidy, argarak, BubblegumOctopus, MiDoRi and mootbooxle liēkd this
Mine came from a portmanteau and mutant of the planet names Uranus and Neptune, in earlier form as "Utaperina", a name I thought I'd give if I were to create an operating system (I never started the project; I realized how hard it'd be to create one, even for designing the logo of it.). I don't know why specifically those two planets but it just sounded cool to my 13 year old mind.

Years passed, I was thinking of having a musician name for myself that I'd stick for a long period because I don't want to use my usual nickname (comprising of my real name), because my parents detest the idea of me being a musician due to some religious bull. Yeah Uteprin sounds stupid but it personally does the job.
Level 23 Pixelist
post #97037 :: 2018.03.02 2:05am :: edit 2018.03.02 2:11am
  cabbage drop, mk7, mirageofher, argarak, chinanewyr, Galgox, raphaelgoulart, BubblegumOctopus and ViLXDRYAD liēkd this
Here goes the boring, unoriginal story of my nickname
//Any info on past or irrelevant, shitty nicks purposefully omitted, send your complaints about lack of thereof to

At some point i was like

>>I want a nickname that i genuinely like, and isn't a crappy, throwaway one, aka something i could be using as my main one, suitable for any purpose<<

It came to me somewhat randomly, when i was watching an anime, where one of characters went by the same nick, which i liked, plus that also made me come to realisation that

>It doesn't seem to be as alarmingly overused by weebs i mean anime fans, as other Japanese-originating ones [✓]
>I like green more than other colors [✓]
>My eyes are green (poopy shade of, but still) [✓]
>I like cute names [✓]

The casing itself isn't an important part of it anymore, but i first used it in the current form as my nickname in Xonotic IIRC. Later i learned about the demoscene casing, which my nick happened to almost fit, but i didn't like MiDORi as much as MiDoRi, so it's stuck.

Only recently added Mizuno, to further minimize the possible ambiguity, effectively reducing it to near zero
Level 24 Grafxicist
post #97039 :: 2018.03.02 5:29am
  VirtualMan, argarak, chinanewyr, sleeparrow, sc, Sinc-X, Cessor Safari, BubblegumOctopus, Savestate and footprints420 liēkd this
My nickname is just "Moop" but predictably that username was not available when I was registering for Neopets back in the day. I just added my initials to the front and continued using it as a username all over the place.

As for the moop part, my dad started calling me "the moop" when i was very young and he tells me it's a reference to this Seinfeld clip
Level 23 Samplist
man, my story is lame.... simply my last name lolz Although, Baron/Puke will attest to the fact that in the small red-neck town we grew up in, going by last name was pretty normal.
Level 20 Chipist
post #97044 :: 2018.03.02 9:29am
  sleeparrow, Tilde, Cessor Safari, VinCMG, Sinc-X and Savestate liēkd this
I'm going to quote my own profile description :) -->

"My name is taken from a Pac-Man clone I made, called MS-BUBA."
Level 25 Chipist
Someone at my work pronounced my network login like a word, and then I looked it up and found out it really is one.
Level 26 Mixist
post #97047 :: 2018.03.02 10:40am
  sleeparrow, BubblegumOctopus, Savestate, MiDoRi and Razerek liēkd this
I thought that was a good idea to take some random nickname typical for russian counterstrike 1.6 community and to make some chipmusic using it.
But then i thought it was just too dumb so I've diminished it into mk777 and then just into mk7.
I'm pretty happy with it even if it didn't have any sense from the beginning :)
Level 14 Chipist
post #97050 :: 2018.03.02 1:00pm
  Collidy, BubblegumOctopus, Savestate and ViLXDRYAD liēkd this
I got my name by looking at other names and trying to think of a name that would 1.) not be a reference to a fictional character, 2.) be remembered easily, and 3.) Not be stupid sounding to say out loud. I had just drawn a cool feather and wanted to use it as my avatar, so I chose a bird name. As for the L right after the F (that nobody acknowledges at first), I thought it would make me stand out and be really funny.
Level 10 Playa
post #97065 :: 2018.03.02 4:58pm

Haha you got me. I was about to ask where's the F in your name, but only after a brief moment in the loo I realized it's the only one that's capitalized. I so smurt.
Level 17 Mixist
post #97067 :: 2018.03.02 6:23pm
  sleeparrow and Savestate liēkd this
My username was always pretty simple:
Za from zach
alan from my middle name
3 from needing a number and also being a weeb ( 3 = san )
Level 25 Chipist
post #97068 :: 2018.03.02 6:39pm
  Jakerson, Cessor Safari, Galak Sea, Modus Ponens, BubblegumOctopus and sc liēkd this
q plus kirby plus 64
Level 20 Chipist
post #97069 :: 2018.03.02 6:46pm
  Lincent, argarak and Savestate liēkd this
My original username, from when I was five or six, made for roblox (it was 2008) and flash game sites, was "goodpoopie," the first thing that came up in my head.

Obviously this was not a good username, so when I was 11 I changed it to GudPiggeh. Pig because I played minecraft at the time, even though I couldn't change my username (though I used the /nick command to fake change it.) The misspelling was because I was 11 and thought it was cool.

I have a new username, exylic, which is basically my last name but jiggled a little bit with I and C replacing an E, though I didn't make a new botb account yet because i barely have a badge on this account yet and am not good enough to get another .-.
Level 27 Renderist
post #97070 :: 2018.03.02 9:03pm
wicka wicka; slim shady
Level 30 Chipist
Cool thread. So I might as well "chip in":

I had became a total metalhead in my early teen years. I had also gotten a copy of Scream Tracker III, Cubic Player and bunch of mods a friend, who had downloaded them from local BBSes, and I started playing around with these occasionally (didn't probably have much of clue what I was doing, but it was still pretty fun).

A bit later we discovered with another friend that there was a thing called "tracked metalscene" in dark depth of the interwebs, which instantly caught out attention. We wanted to start our own metal tracker group and naturally the one of the first questions was: "what artist handles should we use?".

I released couple of (crummy) tunes under the nick "Gargoyle", but then somehow discovered there was already another tracker using that nick (from probably a website like TraxInSpace or something), so I ended up changing my nick to "Warlord".

Biggest influence for the nick probably came from too many hours of playing "Warlords II Deluxe" (it says "Greetings Warlord!" when you start a game), but in the mind of a teenage kid, the nick seemed also "badass" enough for the tracked metalscene thing and, and also LAN/online gaming. I had managed to also purchase my first own modem at this point.

See below link for the Warlords II Deluxe reference:

In hindsight, I could have made _a little bit_ more original pick (there's e.g. quite a few bands using the same name) and have thought several during the years, that should I change it something else, but the thought-process usually ends with "nah".

In unrelated story, the other guy quit the tracking scene after couple of years, but I kept the tracking group going for several additional years and it eventually became one of the longest standing group in that small/obscure sub-scene, until the whole thing gradually faded away. :P

Btw. "Funnily" enough, I started my computing career with C64, moved to Amiga 500 and only after Commodore as a company had gotten bust, wanted to get my first PC (this was at turn of 486/Pentium era). Amiga is the origin of trackers, and growing up I admired the cool musics of Amiga games, but didn't really know yet that trackers were even a thing.
Level 23 Mixist
post #97087 :: 2018.03.03 2:04am :: edit 2018.03.03 2:05am
  Collidy, Viraxor, Lincent, mk7, Sinc-X, BubblegumOctopus, Mota O Marmota and MiDoRi liēkd this
Mine is super boring, really.

Nerd, because I'm a nerd. Boon, because I like video games, but I'm horribly bad at most of them.
The Mc just ties that shit together.

Amazing story.
Level 17 Chipist
post #97165 :: 2018.03.03 11:00am
  Viraxor, argarak, Dimeback, Galgox and ViLXDRYAD liēkd this
My favorite pokemon is mudkip and my favorite number is 12, so i wanted the name mudkip12 when i was like 10 or something, but it was taken. themudkip12 was available on minecraft so i used that. Then i made a youtube acc and themudkip12 was taken, so I threw in Master for some reason and TheMudkipMaster12 was born. Then i realized that name is stupid so i just shortened it to TMM12 and it sounds and looks cool i think idk. 'das it
Level 15 Pedagogist
post #97171 :: 2018.03.03 11:22am
  puke7 liēkd this
This name is short for Johto Kenjimara, one of three random "Japanese-sounding" names that I made up when I was in elementary school.

...yeah, the origin story for A-zu-ra is way more interesting (´・ω・`)
Level 22 Chipist
post #97175 :: 2018.03.03 11:53am
  mk7, argarak, sleeparrow, MiDoRi, Savestate, Jredd, sc and pedipanol liēkd this
My usual internet username is Cat_of_Ananke, which I think I first used in Minecraft when I was 11. I liked cats a lot, and I wanted my name to sound cool and powerful, but I didn't want something too plebian or mainstream sounding like "Cat_of_Doom" or "Cat_of_Eternity" or some shit like that so I named myself after goddess Ananke.

Melon is just my real name Melony but cuter lol
I initially signed up to BotB as Cat_of_Ananke, but then I thought to check if Melon was still available and most evidently it was.

Usually I'd prefer my username to be Cat_of_Ananke on most websites, but BotB is such a friendly and informal community I'm happier to use my real name like this (-:
Level 26 Mixist
I picked up a Martin "DJ lighting and sound equipment" brochure at Guitar Center back in the late 90's when I was still a vinyl DJ. On the cover there was this cool looking DJ spinning records with a bunch of crazy lighting and at the top it said "DJ Catalogue"

I cut out the picture and put it on my wall with a bunch of other posters and random ok looking free things I found as a teenager in record stores. Then a friend came over and saw it and asked me "Who the hell names himself DJ Catalogue? that's got to be the worst DJ name I've ever heard".

I laughed because it was just a cover for a DJ equipment catalogue, but after thinking about it, I thought it sounded cool. I went with the oldschool "Selector" instead of "DJ". When the site was new I was at Puke's apartment and Selector Catalogue didn't fit within the name length requirements. I remember him saying "I can change that" as I typed sc and hit enter, registering the name. Having the name sc takes away the worry of releasing under the full name and as a result I make and upload way more stuff, it's better this way.
One time when I was really tired and a friend of mine asked what my middle name was I meant to say Jared but it came out slurred like "Jred" then I added another D to it because it looked and sounded cool to me.

When I was in high school a group of anime drawing friends had made characters for themselves and asked what I would name mine if I made one. I replied with Jredd, and I told them what he would look like. (Think a mixture of Seperoth and Future Trunks from DBZ but give him green hair and put him in a Jedi style cloak and give him a magical staff similar to Goku's power poll) *Yeah I know lol*

But anyway when I started going online and posting music in my late teens I took this name with me at first just for video game remixes and had the name Mystro88 for remixing non video game things and some electronic original music.

I quickly ditched the Mystro88 name when I was getting way more attention on sites like VGmix and OCremix for my video game stuff and decided that I should go with Jredd for everything and it has stuck ever since.

I would say these days just by the sheer volume of original tracks I have posted around the web compared to remixes that I am finally more known for my original chip music compared to my remixes and I am extremely happy about that.

I have had the name Jredd for music in some capacity online since roughly 2003/2004 and I have been going strong until now and I do not expect to stop making music any time soon :D.

I do have some music sitting around that predates my online days that is just under my real name "Trevin" back when I had a Sega Saturn and Dezamon 2. (I also have some old Mario Paint stuff recorded on VCR tape from when I was really young somewhere) But the majority of my stuff can be found online in various places under the name Jredd.

So if it's music, is under the name Jredd or in rare cases Mystro88 and it sounds kind of like me chances are it probably is :).

Thank you for reading this unnecessarily long explanation.

I love you guys lol <3.
Level 29 Mixist

you have no idea how long i have pronounced your name as "Jay Redd"................
Level 26 Mixist
post #97211 :: 2018.03.04 11:10am
  Viraxor, Jakerson, Galgox, MiDoRi, sleeparrow, Jredd and Modus Ponens liēkd this
Judge Jredd
Level 19 Chipist
Modus Ponens
I was in university when Google first started Gmail. I wanted to sign up for it, and I wanted a cool username that would be halfway decent and respectable. Up until that time, I had been using a few different corny video game-inspired names online (I think my first online username when I was a kid was "LockeColeVI"), but I wanted to move past that and settle on something that was a little geeky but also not something that a typical video game fanboy would use.

I had just finished a logic course, which I absolutely loved (and I still love logic), so I thought it would be fun to use one of those cool Latin-named rules of inference as my name. Modus ponendo ponens ("the way that affirms by affirming"), typically shortened to just modus ponens, is the rule that states that when you know that P logically implies Q, and you know P, then you know Q. For example, "if people are bored by my post, then some of them will stop reading it." I'm sure some people are bored, so some of them have stopped reading, Q.E.D.
Level 22 Chipist
post #97216 :: 2018.03.04 2:59pm
  Sinc-X and Jredd liēkd this
Is it bad I find "Jay Redd" sound super awesome and therefor use that instead all the time?
Level 25 Chipist
post #97220 :: 2018.03.04 5:01pm
  Viraxor, Lincent, raphaelgoulart, RazerBlue6, sleeparrow and Sinc-X liēkd this
Oh why not? Everyone else does ha ha ha. Although someone might mistake me for some black rapping thug. Someone on facebook thought I was "J-Redd" or something and I looked him up and could not stop laughing just because of wildly different we are.
Level 30 Chipist
post #97225 :: 2018.03.04 7:21pm
  sleeparrow, Jredd, A-zu-ra and goluigi liēkd this
Jredd is pronounced 'dread' n that's pretty thug ngl 🤘🏿
Level 13 Criticist
post #97228 :: 2018.03.04 9:36pm
  Viraxor, mk7, Melon, sleeparrow, MiDoRi, Jredd and ViLXDRYAD liēkd this
I just use my real life first name, almost unknown on the internet haha

I always pronoune Jredd as J. Red, even though I know I'm supposed to say "shred" or so lol
Level 19 Chipist
post #97230 :: 2018.03.04 10:43pm
  sethdonut, argarak, Jredd and Sinc-X liēkd this
Diagamblic is my old name.

Diagamblic comes from an AOL screen name my brother came up with when I was 10. Literally smashing two words together in a portamantaeu - Diabetic and Gambler. As I've been a type 1 diabetic most of my life.

Dya is my newer name I write all music under. It's a shortened and MUCH easier to pronounce name and also apparently the name of a romanian pop princess. So there's that!
Level 24 Chipist
YQN could stand for Yoots Queendom Nullified, but it doesn't.

When I was a kid I had an Atari ST, with an azerty keyboard. Unfortunately some games were not designed to work properly with all keyboards and very often when I typed my name in the hall of fame (actually I rarely made it to the top scores), it would spell YQN instead of YAN (my name's Yann).
Level 24 Chipist
post #97245 :: 2018.03.05 9:10am
  Collidy, sethdonut, mk7, Jakerson, argarak, raphaelgoulart, VirtualMan, Savestate, Modus Ponens, Melon, Galgox and footprints420 liēkd this
So back in 2004, i played RuneScape a lot.

My first dude died with all of his stuff on him, and i decided it would be faster to make a new character for the starting items instead of trying to work my way back up.

Since i was already familiar with the game, i decided to come up with a name based on the firemaking skill. The fact that i didn't need to put any numbers on it led me to use the same name on a bunch of other sites, most notably YouTube and Newgrounds.

So at this point I've had the name flaminglog for more than half of my life. I even have a domain registered under it,

Anyway that's my story
I think it was 1998 and I needed a free email account. I went to hotmail and everything I typed in was taken and I didn't like the numbers they added in their suggestions. Out of frustration I typed in "vomit" and, again, a bunch of numbers added that made no sense. I moved on to "puke" and there it was! "puke7" had me laughing out loud. Lucky Vomit!! Yes, that's who I am.
I think around '93 I came up with the hacker alias "aneurySm". This was used for some really silly demo animations and metal/rock covers for the PC speaker which were on AOL before it was connected to the internet. Moving forward to about '98 when I finally discovered trackers I was using it for music too. Somewhere around '04 I got tired of all the other aneurysm bands/performers ("Aneurysm X", "DJ Aneurysm", etc.) and decided to change my name to Knoxburry which was a moniker I had used around '99-'01 for selling bootleg CD-R's to friends (my list was online under trilobyte records [which I think someone else used for a netlabel about a decade later]). A friend told me it was a horrible name, but maybe if I put a title in front of it then it could work so Baron Knoxburry was born. Also it was poor timing as selector catalog (aka "sc") had just sent out proofs for a split vinyl release I was on. Several years passed and I realized it is a horrible name because it's long and heavily prone to being remember incorrectly. Now all my gigs and newer media accounts are "b-knox" which steps on the toes of some Florida MC named Brandon Knox or "b.knox" but I think I won out with web presence! \o/
Level 23 Pixelist
post #97249 :: 2018.03.05 10:16am
  Viraxor, Jakerson and Jredd liēkd this
TFW when i'm also on the same boat with those pronouncing "jredd" as "jay red" lol
Level 22 Chipist
post #97252 :: 2018.03.05 12:35pm
  Viraxor, Jakerson, chinanewyr, Xyz, goluigi, VirtualMan, Flaminglog and Modus Ponens liēkd this
i've always pronounced Flaminglog like flamingo with extra consonants jammed in :3
Level 29 Hostist
post #97253 :: 2018.03.05 1:18pm
  Viraxor, Chip Champion, Melon and Flaminglog liēkd this
I watched Scarface the other day and laughed when Tony Montana was calling the flamingos pelicans.
Level 22 Chipist
post #97257 :: 2018.03.05 3:02pm
  Collidy, Viraxor, mk7, Xyz, goluigi and RazerBlue6 liēkd this
uuni means oven in finnish

uni means sea urchin in japanese
Level 30 Chipist
post #97259 :: 2018.03.05 6:25pm
  Collidy, Viraxor, mk7, Jakerson, argarak, puke7, VirtualMan, Dimeback, Sinc-X, MS and ViLXDRYAD liēkd this
I actually made this account a long time ago as a throwaway account cause I wanted to peek at some modules but needed an account to DL, so I somehow came up with this random name. 'Bout a year and a half later, I decided to start writing and submitting tracks, so I reused this account I made earlier.

I don't actually remember how I came up with this name though...
Level 30 Chipist
post #97262 :: 2018.03.05 10:06pm
Hahah, yeah, too bad I ended up staying around, huh :D
Level 30 Chipist
post #97283 :: 2018.03.06 7:45pm
  Savestate, MS, MiDoRi and VinCMG liēkd this
Heh, no I'm not signup2dl--jerks, I made not a sound when I donloaded what I was looking for!!

Think only puke7 would have the power to unravel the mystery behind signup2dl--jerks.
Level 27 Chipist
post #97287 :: 2018.03.07 10:06am
  Sinc-X and Savestate liēkd this
Interestingly enough, funute, I was partially influenced to sign up... to download as many of the SPC files I could find off of here after I found one via YouTube.
Level 8 Playa
post #97289 :: 2018.03.07 10:29am
  Viraxor and puke7 liēkd this
So, the Xbox name generator gave me the username "GaucheCoder64" and I used it until about 2015 when I changed it to "Gauched" out of embarrassment.
Level 13 Mixist
post #97293 :: 2018.03.07 1:09pm
  VirtualMan, puke7, Savestate and goluigi liēkd this
I have quite a few lingering names floating around the web..... 6mariot6, gymleaderjoe ---- even just "droctogonapus" from an old old old and very bad newgrounds joke... brainfoam is relatively new. The joke came from me calling a friend "bonedead" instead of "braindead" or "bonehead," kind of stemmed from there somehow
Level 11 Grafxicist
post #97294 :: 2018.03.07 2:49pm :: edit 2018.03.07 2:50pm
  petet and puke7 liēkd this
I had this terrible headache for about a year or so in 2011/2012 , and created out of it a character who had "Noisy" for his nickname. I started using it as a signature for my drawings and shit, and ultimately my alias in most websites. NNOIZZ is a cool looking derivative.
Level 27 Renderist
post #97303 :: 2018.03.08 1:04am
  puke7 liēkd this
you ain't no square, daddio.
Level 28 Chipist
post #97375 :: 2018.03.10 10:11pm
  mk7, argarak, RazerBlue6, Savestate, MiDoRi and Cessor Safari liēkd this
1024 because it's an important number (eg, 1kB is 1024B, 1MB is 1024kB, 1GB is 1024MB, etc, etc).
Null because it sounded cool, and was used in programming.

the end
my previous name was too lame to repeat
Level 9 Chipist
im a goose
Level 1 Playa
Rainbow Elephant
post #97391 :: 2018.03.11 8:27am
  RazerBlue6 and Sinc-X liēkd this
yes i saw u pick a fight with cows when i was in canada
Level 11 Chipist
post #97402 :: 2018.03.11 1:51pm
  Kalowe and dobra liēkd this
i picked two random words and put them next to each other
Level 18 Chipist
post #97421 :: 2018.03.11 4:21pm
  Modus Ponens, Jakerson, argarak, VirtualMan and MS liēkd this
R, M and S are my initials. 'atoM' is my second name reversed. Atoms aren't indivisible(rigid). There you have it.
Level 11 Chipist
post #97447 :: 2018.03.12 1:40pm :: edit 2018.03.12 2:00pm
When I first got on Xbox, I started using LittleDoc9, then it evolved to Doc2211. Of course, both of these names sounded idiotic so I decided on my next signup I use a different one. When I signed up for Soundcloud, I needed a new nickname. At the time, I was using a lot of random DPCM voice clips and samples that had nothing to do with the actual song, so I was just sort of "Syncing Sounds", which is what led to my nickname. Granted, I don't really do that type of thing anymore, but I liked the name so I kept it.
Level 17 Mixist
I Joined This Site On Of China New Year 2015
Level 19 Chipist
post #97458 :: 2018.03.12 5:49pm
  Collidy, mk7, YQN, Jakerson, argarak, tennisers, Savestate, Post-retro, Melon, Sintel and BubblegumOctopus liēkd this
Cryptovolans is a defunct dinosaur genus and is now considered to be the same thing as Microraptor which what I AM. >v<

But Cryptovolans sounds more like an artist name. It all works out via SYMBOLISM because Cryptovolans is essentially a 'fake' old fossil, and I make fake old music.
Level 9 Chipist
post #97479 :: 2018.03.13 6:12am
  Collidy and MiDoRi liēkd this
I bastardized my classmates' names back in elementary, and there was this one guy whose name is Giro so I spelled it as "Jiro" instead. For some reason, it stuck with me until today. Somewhere around 2014-15(ish), I decided to make that name look "unique" as an internet moniker, hence it is stylized as "JIR-0". I'm still very surprised some people would mispronounce it completely as "Jir-oh" or individually say out each syllable, lmao.
Level 25 Chipist
post #97561 :: 2018.03.15 1:02pm
  Collidy, cabbage drop, Xyz, mk7, Jakerson, VirtualMan, petet and Uteprin liēkd this
I like rain a lot. When I was a kid the Ultimate Warrior was my favourite wrestler. I think that's pretty much it. I picked this name for my internet handle around 1996 when I was 13 and will probably never change it.
Level 17 Chipist
post #97576 :: 2018.03.15 6:41pm
  mk7 and Savestate liēkd this
my name was because my 6 y/o self liked it.

2013 passed and i already made a minecraft account with xracecar, so i had to make a new one because my sister was being a dumbo and bought it for the wrong email address. EccentricMatrix came into play and is now my auxiliary username.
Level 23 Mixist
post #97618 :: 2018.03.17 3:41pm
  Xyz, Savestate and Melon liēkd this
Interesting tidbit, my first choice for my minecraft name was actually tacos. So if it wasn't already taken, you could have been looking at tacos.
Level 11 Chipist
post #97655 :: 2018.03.19 5:29am
  MiDoRi and ViLXDRYAD liēkd this
Mine is fairly straightfoward. The Producer-san aspect, at least. But yeah, if any of you know Idolm@ster/IM@S, it's stemming from there. In the anime, the standard one with 765 Pro as a studio, the Producer-san there is portrayed as a calm guy with glasses that is into arcade games 'n such.

Friend of mine I fit the desc. fairly well, looks and hobby-wise, so I embraced the username.
Little after came the alternation to Puddy, which a friend that I used to have a crush for gave me. Originally was a little embarrassing to me, but I accidentally leaked the nickname by sharing a pic of a high-score into a different community. Using Puddy instead of Producer-san, it raised a lot of questions and spread like a wildfire since, making me embrace that aswell.
Level 30 Mixist
post #97681 :: 2018.03.19 10:14pm :: edit 2018.03.19 10:16pm
  Aether09, cabbage drop, mk7, mirageofher, Jakerson, argarak, VirtualMan, Robyn and Bjorn Borg liēkd this
"tennisers" comes from years ago when my parents used to make me play tennis. I never really cared much about it and was never actually good at it because I didn't practice on my own. However, I liked it enough to try to get on the team in middle school. It also gave me something to build my ego when I played against someone less experienced. I had little other identity back then besides that I liked reading books and playing runescape.

i haven't played tennis in years and I probably never will again unless someone makes me do it. It would still probably be fun-ish, just not my sort of thing anymore.
Level 11 Chipist
post #97706 :: 2018.03.20 4:24pm
  mirageofher, Jakerson, Robyn, Dimeback, tennisers and raphaelgoulart liēkd this
i used to be "pi-rate" because i like bad math puns, but at some point i thought it made me sound like i was doing some shady shit, so i changed it to "sen-pi" because i also like anime
Level 22 Mixist
post #136152 :: 2021.02.07 12:32pm
  CastleNes, mirageofher, Jakerson, argarak, nitrofurano and tael liēkd this
i pressed random on wikipedia until i got a 1-word name, and then i joined 4cc irc with it at age 14 (not a good idea)
Level 29 Chipist
post #136155 :: 2021.02.07 1:01pm :: edit 2021.02.07 1:02pm
  Kaytse, Jakerson and argarak liēkd this
i was in a training course (c# programming, i guess? i really hate this language! :D ), and we were asked to create an e-mail account using our personal name, for something that i can't remember now - as i didn't want to use that, instead, i used as a name something that were often mentioned on the news that week: (nitrofurano in portuguese) - so in the end i kept using that as nickname since then
Level 13 Criticist
post #136158 :: 2021.02.07 2:26pm
  mirageofher, nitrofurano, Jakerson and argarak liēkd this
Back in 2005, my ISP unexpectedly went out of business, and I found myself needing to set up a new email account. I had been dealing with spam because my old username was based on my real name and so was easy to generate. And at the time I was listening to Schoenberg and other twelve-tone composers. The German for tone row is Tonreihe, so I decided to use that as my username in order to cut down on spam. And believe it or not, it worked for quite a while. I ended up using it as my username pretty much everywhere I could.
Level 28 Mixist
post #136159 :: 2021.02.07 3:35pm
  mirageofher, tonreihe, YQN, nitrofurano, Jakerson and hanna liēkd this
"argarak" is a possible name for an ilwrath
star ship captain
from the game "star control 2
- the ur quan masters
" during a battle encounter. my alt "beep-eep" is a possible name for a yehat
star ship captain from the same game.

to my knowledge, star control 2 was one of the first DOS games to use .mod tracked music and messing around with its module files in milkytracker was my introduction to module music and that eventually lead me to find this place :p
Level 19 Mixist
post #136160 :: 2021.02.07 4:19pm
  cabbage drop, Modus Ponens, nitrofurano, Jakerson, ordinate and hanna liēkd this
majoras mask character that is kawaiiii
Level 21 Chipist
post #136161 :: 2021.02.07 4:35pm
  mk7, MiDoRi and nitrofurano liēkd this
Mine is maybe interesting maybe not.

I actually started under an alias named CreepahWeegee in 2011 (influenced by some old school Youtube Poop channels like HotelWeegee etc. + I was a fan of horror and creepy things. It was actually not a Minecraft reference even though I was aware of Minecraft at the time).

From 2011 - 2015 I held onto that alias for all my videos and any music stuff (not much of that music is still around but the videos are). And anyways, I went through a phase of titling videos really cryptic or out there titles and one of the places I liked to get title ideas from the guitar artist Buckethead. He had 300+ albums at the time and a plethora of names to pick from.

I then also decided I wanted to make a new YT channel for videos I was making that I didn't want to upload to my main or my reupload channel, so I went to the good ol' Buckethead list of albums and stumbled upon the song Viravax

I fell in love with this name and coincidentally decided to name my channel Viravaxify

Then in 2015, I decided it was time for my old alias to leave, so I said you know I love the name "Viravax" so much, let's just adapt that too all my channels instead! And thus, that is how I got my name from a Buckethead song!

Another fun fact: I actually don't even like the Buckethead song itself lol
Level 28 Chipist
this is literally just, my name, and i've had no luck in coming up with a cool alias to make my weird art under. it might still happen. not good at names
Level 24 Chipist
post #136163 :: 2021.02.07 4:54pm
  sethdonut, nitrofurano, sleeparrow, tael, 2a03fox, argarak, mirageofher, Jakerson and hanna liēkd this
i suggest putting an extra letter in front
Level 25 Grafxicist
big lumby
post #136171 :: 2021.02.07 8:04pm
  Kaytse, cabbage drop, Quirby64, TristEndo, mk7, tonreihe, nitrofurano, mirageofher and Jakerson liēkd this
lumby doesn't really have much meaning behind it other than being a shortening of lumberjack and a way of describing the area i live in (southern wisconsin)
Level 20 Chipist
post #136172 :: 2021.02.07 9:09pm
  Surfcroc, kinkinkijkin, cabbage drop, Quirby64, TristEndo, mk7, nitrofurano, amelia, sleeparrow, Jakerson, tael, mirageofher and Galgox liēkd this
imma furry
Level 25 Chipist
post #136175 :: 2021.02.08 12:51am
  TristEndo, nitrofurano, 2a03fox, Jakerson and mirageofher liēkd this
its literaly Abstract 64. Abstract which is just a random word i come up and 64 is from Super Mario 64 cuz i used to use this name intended for a SM64 Machinima channel. but which mow i do music and drawings lol
Level 7 Playa
post #136193 :: 2021.02.08 8:53am :: edit 2021.02.08 12:11pm
  goluigi and YQN liēkd this
one day, kleeder came with a truly brilliant idea of "badging" my alt account as scrub for a week or two, so i'm scrub!
Level 25 Mixist
post #136211 :: 2021.02.08 2:53pm
  Prestune, kinkinkijkin, Modus Ponens, sethdonut, tael, hanna and sleeparrow liēkd this
I like the cognitive effect of gradual reassociation when a name is the plural form of some familiar inanimate object(they do this stuff in anime, 'knives' from trigun comes to mind). also the visual gentleness of gyms in lower case is something I identify with in some abstract way
Level 12 Pixelist
post #136212 :: 2021.02.08 3:57pm
  tonreihe and hanna liēkd this
i keysmashed on the number row and since it got shortened to numbers that just stuck. i've had this username for at least 6 years. if numbers is taken i just use noombers instead. the only change i have ever made is decapitalizing it from 'Numbers' which i felt was too formal
Level 20 Chipist
post #136232 :: 2021.02.08 9:44pm
  dobra, mirageofher and big lumby liēkd this
i actually don't know where thingerthing came from, my previous aliases were "Animator Rizzn" and "Closed Hue."

thingerthing just kinda appeared one day and I just used it for a while I changed all nicknames to that.

the profile pictures though are even stranger, I remember for a while I had a custom made waluigi :thinking: emoji that I drew in MS Paint but that was after I had a profile picture so something before that used to exist. i don't think i'll never know what though. then sometime in 2019 or 2020 that I started using the "bubblegum kid" avatar as it fitted who I was. some kid. but even then I don't know where it started as I don't remember changing to this avatar.

alot of my internet history is muddy, there's no real memory that I have that I can say for sure happened, and I guess it's best that way cause even if I did have something before, there's most likely a good reason why I forgot it

i can tell you though when I made animator rizzn when I was 11 or 12 I actually got into a stickman collab video thats on YT somewhere, its like some fireball fighting collab stuff or what ever but the main point of it is that it's REALLY REALLY BAD so yeah. kinda went on a off topic rant there, but whatever i've typed so much I don't want this to go to waste.
Level 16 Chipist
post #136244 :: 2021.02.09 7:38am
  mk7, Lincent, maJsty14, mirageofher, Jakerson, nitrofurano and ko0x liēkd this
Huh... It was 1994, I had my dial-up modem connected. I was planning on playing my first "online game" (don't remember what though) - I looked around and saw a magazine about games. I though "Huh. Mister Gamer" And I took that and stuck with it. I'm the OP of MrGamer. Not original, but not many by the same handle that has made music exclusively on the PC since the 90s. :D
Level 28 Mixist
post #136259 :: 2021.02.09 4:09pm :: edit 2021.09.21 6:56pm
  kinkinkijkin, Gaetano96, hanna, TristEndo, doctorn0gloff, argarak, nitrofurano, Lincent, maJsty14, CastleNes, damifortune, Jakerson and Svipal liēkd this
hhhallooooooo i am mirageofher


there was a meme online in probably the late 2000s... nice boat.
my (weeb-type) junior asks me what nice boat was. me, not knowing the meme, replies, "USS Miramar" because i remembered encountering this particular ship.

my senior overheard aparently, and he started calling me miramar,, and then people joined and called me mira... at aroudn the same time i was talking to some korean friends online. this is when the name mira evolved to future (mirei).

i visited the last of my family in korea, and while i was there, i met the same fellows i spoke to online.. at one instance, one of them said in a sentence, "_ is mirei" which in the language sounded like "mire ji." mireji. mirage. it seemed fitting due to the fact that i lurked in a desert for some time before departing to go there.

many years later, i sit down drunkly and registered on botb with "-ofher" stuck at the end for why these suffixes added, i have no idea
Level 21 Criticist
post #136275 :: 2021.02.09 7:21pm
Level 23 Pixelist
post #136276 :: 2021.02.09 7:21pm
  BubblegumOctopus, mirageofher, Oli and Jakerson liēkd this
Simply just my first name, but I also happen to have green eyes so it's more personal in a way
Level 9 XHBist
post #136279 :: 2021.02.09 9:06pm
  MrGamer liēkd this
  mirageofher, nitrofurano, Lincent and damifortune hæitd this
i used to use my body to take advantage of old people on the internet so they would give me money to buy videogames and food :)
I'm aware its offensive to an extent but it's stuck with me at this point
Level 23 XHBist
post #136285 :: 2021.02.10 4:50am
  Lincent, ASIKWUSpulse, hanna, Warlord, TristEndo, mk7, Jakerson, nitrofurano, zenkusa, damifortune, mirageofher, kleeder, argarak and Svipal liēkd this
Well, you know when you are asked to type a random name, then to be sure no one already took it, you tape "sdfsdfsdfsd". And you press enter, the website says "Username already in use". So you put a random word, and add numbers to it? Well that is definitly not what I do (well, I stopped 20 years ago :p)

For BotB, well, there is lore!

I created my account on another music community, and posted my 2 first chiptunes on it (NSF). But the website was nearly inactive, and I understood I had to look elsewhere. So I opened a search engine tab, and type maybe "chiptune community" or something like that, and kept the username and avatar. But that is only half of the story... Why CastleNes then?

"Castle" is a series I didn't watch, but the main character was played by an actor I know thanks to Firefly, a great space opera TV show. I liked how the Firefly's character was doing things for others, and trying to do the good thing, each time it was possible. So that is the reason for the Castle part, + of course, castles are cool, it sounds old, fantasy, etc.

Now that Nes part. I started doing some NES, and used a CamelCase syntax to make the first letter of each word uppercase, like in a programming langage, and thought "Funny, Nes looks like a username like this". Then one of my two first NES track was "The Silver Dragon", and I started to build some lore about a dragon called Nes, in my first pixel entry (yes, I started day one), but he was not blue yet. I wanted him to be more sneaky/vicious than Castle, his dark side, so I made him blue pretty fast (D&D players know blue dragons are vicious but loyal, I liked that, the way you can "trust" a shady character sometimes, that maked interesting stories).

CastleNes was born, and I tried to hide this blue dragon in many graphical entries, to reveal he was Castle's master like 3 months later. Cause I like plots and mysteries, and personally think villains/dark characters are the most important thing in a good story :p The Joker, Loki, Tywin Lannister, Jar Jar Bings...

Next sheningans about Castle and Nes lore pretty soon ahah
Level 14 Chipist
post #136286 :: 2021.02.10 6:59am
  hanna, Viravax, Jakerson, dotmid, argarak, nitrofurano and mirageofher liēkd this
maj: majestic, majou, mage - I like witches, wizards, and tyrian purple

Jsty: my late Grandpa, who was one of my absolute favorite human beings, called me "Justy Man" (my name is Justin)

14: My birthday is on a 14th
Level 13 Mixist
post #136306 :: 2021.02.10 6:43pm
  hanna, TristEndo, maJsty14 and Jakerson liēkd this
first name + last initial + mystery sauce number
Level 5 Grafxicist
post #136307 :: 2021.02.10 7:57pm
  hanna liēkd this
I made it up when I was signing up to some website. I usually suck at making up names for things, so I use the names of preexisting things, e.g. PerplexingPool (my username on SquidBoard) is named off of a track from Pikmin 2. I'm kinda proud of the name dotjpeg (or dot.jpeg), I like it when people nickname me 'dot'.
Level 19 Taggist
Pale Dim
post #136321 :: 2021.02.11 6:38am
  Modus Ponens, maJsty14, Jakerson, mirageofher and Nes liēkd this
I just realized today that every name I've used online has been stolen :/

So Pale Dim is a boss in a Final Fantasy game. When I played the game as a yung'in, I thought that this dragon just having two adjectives as his name was pretty rad. After Al Gore created the internet several years later, this was the name I ended up using for most things.

Side note: The only mention of "Pale Dim" on Wikipedia is actually a reference to me, due to a translation patch I made for an awful Famicom game umpteen years ago.
Level 25 Chipist
post #136324 :: 2021.02.11 8:37am :: edit 2021.02.12 9:06am
  Sloopygoop, hanna, Jakerson, Svipal, TristEndo, argarak and mirageofher liēkd this
It's my latest music-handle and also the origin of the many nicks of asikwus. Asikwus is a random word made with my last name Wüst but without the "t" and dots over "u" and some additional letters. Pulse is a """reference""" to my previous music-handle PULSEwave195, from 2017 and back

I choose ASIKWUSpulse because it sounded more cool to not have (imo mediocre) numbers in the username like PULSEwave195 had, and in general have a completely made up word from something familiar (the initial idea of asikwus)
Long ago maybe 2004 I was using the name "Power Glove" on the internet as my primary alias... I thought that was a really cool name. But, I was beginning pro wrestling training school so I wanted a more original name and I spent weeks making a list of Tristan or T related nicknames to use for pro wrestling (for example Crazy.T) there is a cringe worthy list still in my records.

I was up late on a game trading chat spitballin' names with some people and somebody chimed in with tristendo. The Name TristEndo has since taken on a life of its own as the alias has followed me into the real world and soon "Tristendo The human Nintendo" Was coined by friends of mine because of my large N.E.S Collection I had in my living room. Almost anybody Who knows me will also know me as TristEndo to this day.

When I started posting chipunes on the internet in 2008 I Uppercase the T and E to better convey what I was going for. I joined BotB soon after that. More years passes and now I am here :D

Thanks for reading
--TristEndo "The Human Nintendo"
Level 3 Playa
Level 31 Chipist
i was planning to write something in this thread since 2018 now.
okay, long story short: its my last name (more or less).

i've been using it since i joined The Internet™ in 2010 by creating my first youtube account.
Level 20 Pixelist
post #136400 :: 2021.02.13 4:47pm
  kinkinkijkin, mirageofher, MiDoRi, Quirby64, Sloopygoop, tael, TristEndo and hanna liēkd this
badly wrote my name in a drawing as a signature and saw that it looked like "loni", so im loni now
Level 21 Mixist
post #136424 :: 2021.02.14 7:03am
  VinsCool, TristEndo, Quirby64, Xyz, Sloopygoop, RadamLee, maJsty14, big lumby and CastleNes liēkd this
Seth Donut is a character I drew in 7th grade. Seth because I thought the name was cool, and Donut. The character had spiky hair and smiled like the characters for the skate company World Industries, but Seth Donut had boxing gloves for hands. I used the name in PSO for Dreamcast and noticed thereafter that the name is virtually never “taken” on platforms or services I sign up for, so it stuck as the go-to. Never bothered to rebrand, never needed to. Seth Donut Productions is now the name of my film company.
Level 19 Chipist
post #136488 :: 2021.02.14 4:22pm
  Prestune, TristEndo, Quirby64 and sethdonut liēkd this
Sloopy Goop was a character I created as a wee child to draw in comic strips: a sea-green ghost from the Pac-Man mold. He had friends and family and I actually drew comics about him through college, which is when I happened to start making chiptunes. "Sloopygoop" was a screen name I was using and started posting music under, and has been my musical/performance name ever since!
Level 25 Chipist
post #136513 :: 2021.02.14 10:08pm
  mirageofher, big lumby and TristEndo liēkd this
my obsessions in elementary school were q (because haha funi/it wasnt used much), the kirby series (first game was kssu), and the number 64 (wii virtual console)

i wonder how those formed together! :D
Level 11 Pixelist
post #136555 :: 2021.02.15 9:42am
  VirtualMan, tael, Xaser, Jakerson, MiDoRi, Lincent, mirageofher, damifortune, sethdonut and kleeder liēkd this
Well.. it is time, isn't it? :D
I guess the story is not that cool.

Simply... kleeder showed me this Website back in 2018 and talked about ''BOT-b'' and funny as i am my response was: ''Hehe, and whats about ''BOT-a'' - AND NOW! Here i am >>BOT-a<< .. (disclaimer: i'm not a bot) :D

Actually my Nickname ist: ''Piatralisch'' (translated to: piatrical)
'cause i have a habit to mix my name ''Pia'' with random words... and i'm a little theatrical sometimes. uwu

Thaaats it! - Mystery solved. ~
Level 24 Chipist
post #136573 :: 2021.02.15 12:24pm :: edit 2021.02.15 12:24pm
  Jakerson, sethdonut, mirageofher and CastleNes liēkd this
^ speaking of ~

Tilde is just the name of one of my characters now, but originally it was just one of those non-names I used as a team name for a video game stream that never went anywhere. Pretty cringe stuff!!

(I'm Multi, not Tilde. but it's too late for that now! >:V)
Level 22 Chipist
post #136768 :: 2021.02.19 4:58am
  Webriprob, mirageofher, goluigi, Tilde and CastleNes liēkd this
Damn I wish I remembered how I made my nickname. I think my friend and I just came up with it in middle school and I just started using as a joke in skype group chats. It kinda stuck from there.
Level 23 Chipist
post #136813 :: 2021.02.19 12:42pm
  ASIKWUSpulse, DefenseMechanism, Gaetano96, mirageofher, Jakerson, CastleNes, Nes and Xyz liēkd this
My current handle is heavily influenced by a name i used to bear in another community, "A Melon". Melon is an anagram of Lemon, so Lemonade --> Melonade.

I thought Melonade might be taken by literally everyone so I just added an M afterwards, but it also ended up kinda reflecting what I had for my previous nickname, so.. MelonadeM. I was thinking about reversing it to make it more unique but I'm glad I didn't.

The previous nickname I was using at large was "m9m"; I wanted to move away from it at the time because it was taken by most online services (it was either too short or someone already had it), while also being extremely hard to pronounce ("em-nine-em". seriously. I remember a lot of people struggling with it, even though it was easy to type).

A while later it ended up having another benefit, which is dissasociating with a lot of the awful shit I've done while growing up. I guess I'm putting it out here so it's kinda associating back to me in a way, but very few people know that in the grand scheme of things.

I've had older nicknames than that, "mega6man" and "mega9man" (the latter got abbreviated into m9m), I just liked Mega Man (still do!), and before all of that I think I went by 5tapl3rguy (which I'm forced to use for one service to this day lmao whoops).

All of this considered, I simply go by "Mel" these days as it is my preferred name. I guess this is also the first post I make on this new account too heheh
Level 24 Pixelist
post #136850 :: 2021.02.19 5:48pm
  mirageofher, Quirby64, Xyz, Tilde and MelonadeM liēkd this
On the way back from a trip to NYC we passed a town called "Dinwiddie" and I misheard it
Level 30 Chipist
post #136996 :: 2021.02.21 1:00pm
  lasersphaser, kinkinkijkin, HefkamazeR, cabbage drop, mirageofher, sean, ASIKWUSpulse, Quirby64, Jakerson, tael and TristEndo liēkd this
I always felt bad for pigeons.

so I decided to become one.

Also think I was listening to a lot of OMY (obscure band based on Yellow Magic Orchestra, featuring vgm composers such as Shinji Hosoe)
Level 23 XHBist
post #137099 :: 2021.02.23 7:05am
  ASIKWUSpulse and mirageofher liēkd this

Nothing to do with the OPM chip? FM Operator Type-M ?!
Level 21 Criticist
post #137108 :: 2021.02.23 11:41am
  Tilde and Galgox liēkd this
I've misread that name as Omni for the entire time you've been here.

So you're not the omnipotent omnipresent master of pigeons :(((
Level 30 Chipist
post #137140 :: 2021.02.23 6:16pm
  lasersphaser, kinkinkijkin, cabbage drop, sean, hanna, mirageofher, ASIKWUSpulse, Quirby64, MelonadeM, Nes and Jakerson liēkd this
No castle, my great unity with the OPM chip was destiny. For you see, my title was chosen out by the hand of fate, that I would bare the name of such chips, of which I would both admire and steal, like a pigeon purging the hand of a city denizen, of the chip it wished to consume.
Well, I have consumed the chip of FM, and it's potency is most befitting indeed.

And do not underestimate the pigeons Xyz. My birds let me see all! He who controls them, controls the world! I have many pigeon spies across the lands, you see, so to call the Empire of Pigeons omnipotent is a most appropriate term. One could even say it's rather ominous.... >:333
Level 24 Chipist
post #137173 :: 2021.02.24 7:20am
  sean, Jakerson, Maximemoring, Xyz, OminPigeonMaster and MelonadeM liēkd this
Level 30 Chipist
post #137206 :: 2021.02.24 11:47am
  sean, Jakerson, Tilde, mirageofher and Quirby64 liēkd this
wwwwwhatthefuuuuuuuuu- nay, botb has a word limit, so I had to miss out the "ous" of Ominous xDDDD
I mean, my pigeon army IS omnipotent, but OOPM doesnt have the same ring to it.
Level 21 Criticist
post #137207 :: 2021.02.24 11:59am
  Kalowe, dobra, kinkinkijkin, sean, YQN, Jakerson, Tilde and OminPigeonMaster liēkd this
You're telling me we could've had "OminousPigMaster" instead this whole time?
Level 13 Criticist
post #137215 :: 2021.02.24 1:35pm
  mirageofher, Jakerson, ASIKWUSpulse, MelonadeM and CastleNes liēkd this
is my naem
Level 31 Chipist
post #137290 :: 2021.02.25 8:57am
  Gaetano96, argarak, Maximemoring, Jakerson, big lumby, Xyz, ASIKWUSpulse and mirageofher liēkd this
we should create another thread named "comment if you thought it would be 'omni', too"
Level 25 Grafxicist
big lumby
post #137301 :: 2021.02.25 10:46am
  mirageofher, YQN and Jakerson liēkd this
am i the only one who knew it was omin all along
Level 30 Chipist
post #137361 :: 2021.02.25 8:08pm
  nitrofurano, qrqrqr0515_1, kleeder and Jakerson liēkd this
Xyz~ And disrespect my pigeon hierarchy?! Nooo, the world must know that it's "Pigeons" that dominate all land. I don't want such an important message to be diluted, with any misunderstandings of pigs.

Maybe it is very "ominous" Schall that you mistook the word for Omnipotence. >:::) But potted plants and pigeons are sworn enemies, so it is no wonder one such as Big Lumb would untruth such facts, in his bid to find a weakness, to that which cannot be destroyed >:DDD

Amy, I know you probably would xDDD
Level 16 Mixist
post #137763 :: 2021.03.01 10:09pm
  Jakerson and mirageofher liēkd this
Level 21 Chipist
post #146985 :: 2021.09.21 1:21pm
  nitrofurano, mirageofher, kalii, JWPH and argarak liēkd this
Sketch Man Was one of a few Mega Man fanart robot masters I made up in middle school, who uses energy-to matter conversion pencils and paper as weapons or something. I thought I was an artist back then so I identified myself with him.
Level 8 Chipist
DJ Uncelot
post #146986 :: 2021.09.21 1:31pm
  SketchMan3 liēkd this
I have the heart of a dunce jockey and I isc a lot
Level 22 Chipist
post #146988 :: 2021.09.21 2:02pm
  VirtualMan, Post-retro, cabbage drop, nitrofurano, mirageofher, JWPH and argarak liēkd this
I like the wild stillness of the nighttime and remembering that I’m a dust speck in the vast cosmic equation. Now: time, current. dark: period in a day/night cycle, the result of planetary bodies in motion.
Level 25 Grafxicist
post #146995 :: 2021.09.21 3:17pm
  cabbage drop, nitrofurano, big lumby, mirageofher, kalii, argarak and OminPigeonMaster liēkd this
I was probably around 9 years old, and I was signing up for my first online game. It came time to create a username, and I chose the first three words that came to my mind:
Web - because I was on the world wide web
Rip - as in rip a piece of paper, and
Rob - as in to steal (I don't remember why I chose this word, lol)
My username is a portmanteau of those three words, and as such, Is pronounced as "web" "rip" "rob"
I've always been pretty attached to it, despite it being quite a strange name.

I also helped MrMinisterMaster come up with his username, but that's a story for another day ;)
Level 8 Criticist
post #146998 :: 2021.09.21 3:47pm
  mirageofher liēkd this
This handle was just an acronym of my old Minecraft username, which, interestingly enough, represented my then-passion for creative writing, as well as holding the name of one of my OCs I created at that time.
Level 18 Mixist
post #147005 :: 2021.09.21 6:44pm
  chrrsy and mirageofher liēkd this
I really like the album "Calibration" by Omar Rodriguez-Lopez so one day I made my online handle "Kalibration" and then people started calling me "Kali" and I thought it was cute so it stuck
Level 10 Mixist
post #147013 :: 2021.09.21 9:36pm
  mirageofher liēkd this
me circa 2015: this "the dinkster" meme is pretty funny! i will use this instead of the username that literally has my home city (at the time)

me circa 2017: :((((( its not funny anymore but i dont want people to not know who i am (i was a couple years into ytpmving at that time and i was just starting to not suck). i will remove all the vowels and some other letters

i've thought about changing it to "bynkster" (mostly because it is very easy to misspell "tdstr") but at this point ive got 5 years of internet history under tdstr so itd be way more hassle than its worth. i'm still trying to get spotify to let me have my name in lowercase instead of "Tdstr" lol
Level 24 Mixist
post #147043 :: 2021.09.22 12:31pm
  VirtualMan, Red Reign, Dolce, mirageofher, nitrofurano and Lincent liēkd this
i made themnotyou up in grade 7 as a band name and drew it on the cover of my binder. it was meant to reflect my feelings as a misfit outcas, as in they always get it and i dont, it being whatever popular kids have. it then grew to encompass how i feel about the world as a whole, since my life as a misfit outcast did not stop after school.
Level 28 Chipist
post #147846 :: 2021.10.14 5:54am
  kinkinkijkin, Doxic, mirageofher, tfx, Jakerson and kleeder liēkd this
I'm the King of Cans!... okok I'm the master of n00bs

Well I have been using "UI" since 2000, it is a simple version Human, also a 2 letters name and in the QWERTY keyboard the letters are together.
Ui also means Onion in some languages...

All n00bs ®
Level 12 Mixist
post #147974 :: 2021.10.18 8:42am
  Kalowe, VirtualMan, PolarBirds, xterm, mirageofher, kleeder and tfx liēkd this
it was one of the most incognito names i could come up with, in order to be super stealthy

but i think i blew my cover by making music and then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ might as well roll with it. like a pizza roller
Level 8 Chipist
post #147985 :: 2021.10.18 8:09pm
  mirageofher and kleeder liēkd this
My username, proj_antihuman is derived from this insufferable group chat I have consisting of people I went to high school with. It's shorthand for "project:antihuman". One day, we had this political discussion about capitalism or something and I jokingly said "there's no such thing as left or right because eventually you turn into an antihuman weirdo if you stray too far from the norm-HEY that sounds like a cool band name, I'm using that" and so it stuck!

Now you know the truth!
Level 10 XHBist
post #147988 :: 2021.10.18 9:01pm
  Kalowe, kinkinkijkin and mirageofher liēkd this
it is my name
Level 23 Mixist
post #148064 :: 2021.10.21 2:58am
  VirtualMan, kinkinkijkin, Dolce, HefkamazeR, roz, mirageofher and kalii liēkd this
tele = telecaster, style of guitar
bash = attack and hurt
become telebasher
Level 22 Chipist
post #148067 :: 2021.10.21 4:09am
  cabbage drop, roz and mirageofher liēkd this
It originated from a Mario Kart forum I used to visit. I took a break for a while, and when I came back, I wanted a fresh start with a new username. My favorite character at the time was Luigi, so I wanted to change it to Greeny, but that was already taken. My mind then wandered to other green objects and then came up with 1-UP
, but that was also taken, so it became 3-UP instead.

I've had several other usernames through out my life, but 3-UP is the one I became most well known for, cause that's when I actually started to get involved with the MK community.
Level 22 Chipist
post #148070 :: 2021.10.21 6:57am
  roz, mirageofher and nitrofurano liēkd this
ravencloak at gmail was taken, as was ravan... so I went with Ravancloak heheh. Probably inspired by Raven from TT, Darth Revan, and (mostly) the dubstep artist Savant (I really like how the AVA is stylized in Savant's logo). When I started putting crap music on bandcamp, I just used my email and it's stayed since.
Level 18 Chipist
post #148076 :: 2021.10.21 11:04am
  VirtualMan, nitrofurano and mirageofher liēkd this
Fav character from the worst fighting game ever made.
Level 10 Grafxicist
post #148088 :: 2021.10.22 1:03am
  kinkinkijkin, Doxic, roz, Luigi64 and mirageofher liēkd this
i like cheese
Level 22 Chipist
post #148090 :: 2021.10.22 3:10am
  PolarBirds, roz and mirageofher liēkd this
I random-walked the TVTropes wiki until I found an article name that sounded cool. Some time later the article was renamed, meaning the name is MINE, ALL MINE! MUAhahahaaaa etc.
Level 20 Chipist
post #148201 :: 2021.10.26 3:19am
  Caffeinator, kinkinkijkin, mirageofher, roz, doctorn0gloff, Webriprob, damifortune, chrrsy and TristEndo liēkd this
  Buttchat940 hæitd this
skydev is sky devil!! not sky developer!!! although, i am fine with either hehe. been having a lot of fun reading these stories, so I thought I would share mine!

as for an origin story, let's see... i can pin this name back to an old NinjaKiwi account of mine from 2013 called Skydevil58. why 58? I don't know, these numbers aren't important to me. but, i thought the name Sky Devil was cool, it was the first alias I came up with on my own.

so, I started using the name for everything. online accounts, characters in games, you name it. from 2013-2016 I was going by SkyDev, but I dropped the capitalization and added an underscore in 2017 (skydev_). later (2019) i realized the underscore was silly so i removed it and here we are today :)!

these days, ive separated "skydev" from myself a bit. this alias (persona?) represents my love for music, art, and games specifically, but is also just a general artist name for myself. for things I want to keep more personal, I've been going under the name "dappo" (which is more of a nickname for my actual name). you can call me dappo or skydev! i don't mind :)
Level 16 Chipist
post #148401 :: 2021.10.31 3:17am
  nitrofurano, mirageofher, skydev, Lincent and argarak liēkd this
Literally "Vin is Cool", just my first name and a bit of narcissism, quite ironic considering how I usually tend to undersell myself in general.
The nickname is not very original on its own, and since this dates from my earliest days on internet with an email address, it just stuck, and never bothered to change it either.

A much older variant of it was "VinnyCool" but I dropped it in 2008-ish for the simple fact that many things would need 8 characters and since Vinny is technically making the name longer for no purpose I kept it at Vin, my first name, and since then I never bothered altering the nickname again.

I did use some throwaway nicknames around places too but I am not going to tell what specifically because they were intended to keep myself anonymous and separate from my "real" internet identity, lol
Level 25 XHBist
post #148478 :: 2021.11.01 9:51am
  lasersphaser, kinkinkijkin, doctorn0gloff, nitrofurano, OminPigeonMaster, mirageofher and skydev liēkd this
iam mi bezonis nomon por retejo. mi decidis laŭkaprice uzi la vorton "rozkoloro" (esperanto for "pink"). poste mi konstatis, ke disfendite en duono ĝi faris bonegan nomon ("Roz Koloro"). nun mi kutime uzas nur la antaŭnomon.

i like that to the english ear it sounds ambiguously gendered. on one side it evokes 'rose' which has feminine connotations, on the other it ends on a voiced consonant which usually reads as masculine.
Level 10 Playa
post #148583 :: 2021.11.04 6:12am
  skydev, damifortune, roz, mirageofher, OminPigeonMaster and Lincent liēkd this
'evening Mars' is a phrase used in the setting passage of Seajeff's album Preschtale. That passage was later recited either once or twice in the collaborative tribute album Preschtale Variations, which I was pretty into when I appropriated this username (I just really liked how the phrase sounded). Both albums are fantastic and I recommend them.

The full passage:

I found my true north in the land of shining stars,
I'm moving on my way from morning Earth to evening Mars.
I'm rising through the silence of Mother Universe,
And faith in God that helps me keep my inner force.
Level 28 Chipist
post #148608 :: 2021.11.04 4:22pm
  leejh20, Kalowe, dobra, skydev, duj7716, nitrofurano, ASIKWUSpulse, SketchMan3, OminPigeonMaster, mirageofher, TristEndo, doctorn0gloff, kleeder and damifortune liēkd this
  gabriel_ hæitd this
My name is Gabriel Jakerson

I choose Jakerson as a nickname because I think its cooler than Gabriel :)
Level 7 Mixist
post #150231 :: 2021.12.22 7:54pm
  VirtualMan, kinkinkijkin, skydev, roz and doctorn0gloff liēkd this
I'm going to dethrone the 1997 hit pop-rock single mmmbop once and for all.

And so, I am mmmbop2.

Make my enemy brave and strong, so that if defeated, I will not be ashamed.
Level 9 Mixist
fuck vcv
post #150284 :: 2021.12.24 2:23am
  VirtualMan, kinkinkijkin, skydev, Lincent, roz and TristEndo liēkd this
the story says that one day a botbr tried to enter a vcv compo but as he was only making stuff unworthy of submission, he was very frutrated and decided to blame it on the software and he created an evil alt account...
wizard music
Level 8 Chipist
post #150955 :: 2022.01.14 11:55am
  kinkinkijkin, skydev and Lincent liēkd this
My OC is CMOS the battery so yeah
Level 28 Mixist
post #150959 :: 2022.01.14 4:46pm
  mirageofher, skydev and HefkamazeR liēkd this
wing -> [^_^] -> pumpuli, all the while being LittleTheremin here I guess.

None of it makes any real sense, just some fun stuff from whenever it was picked up!
Level 8 Chipist
post #150974 :: 2022.01.15 10:14am
  skydev liēkd this
Hefka = In oral French "FK", respectively first and last letters of my first name. It's way more friendly than my actual first name who starts like "f***" and ends like "prank".
Mazer = It's because I draw labyrinths
Level 20 Pixelist
post #150976 :: 2022.01.15 11:33am
  skydev, cabbage drop, ASIKWUSpulse and ViLXDRYAD liēkd this
I thought it sounded kind of cool and I live in the north and like animals.
That's it :>
Level 8 Mixist
post #150981 :: 2022.01.15 3:02pm
  skydev liēkd this
Back when I made my first online account for a "make your own games" website, I got really excited so Chopy was the first thing that popped up in my mind and 61 was the number I used to remember my password at the time. I guess that name stuck with me for 11 years.
Level 22 Mixist
post #150987 :: 2022.01.15 6:19pm
  Kaytse, VirtualMan, ASIKWUSpulse, skydev, Lincent, big lumby, nitrofurano and cabbage drop liēkd this
My old username (TLORD765) had a cool number. So I took that number and made it hexadecimal
Level 22 Mixist
post #150994 :: 2022.01.16 7:39am
  mirageofher, kinkinkijkin, ASIKWUSpulse, skydev, BubblegumOctopus, nitrofurano, kilowatt64 and doctorn0gloff liēkd this
it comes from my current "online music person" name, father playstation, which came from a split second decision I made when creating a character on Elder Scrolls Online. I was playing on PS4 (not anymore, was a quick stint) and making a templar and thought Father Playstation was funny. now im stuck with it!!
Level 7 Chipist
post #151036 :: 2022.01.17 11:33am :: edit 2022.01.17 11:34am
  skydev liēkd this
I was having trouble thinking of a username so I started looking up old words for stuff. Grabble is an archaic word defined as:

"feel or search with the hands; grope about. sprawl or tumble on all fours."

That is kind of how I write music: waving my hands around and banging into stuff like the power just went off, until I find the thing that feels right. So it seemed like a good fit! <3
Level 14 Signalist
post #151193 :: 2022.01.23 1:01am
  skydev and damifortune liēkd this
When I made an XBOX account for playing in servers in MCPE, for some reason it didn't give me the option to input my "gamer tag" so it created a random one. And that random "gamer tag" was "AnnoyedArt12056".

For some reason I forgot my password after I created my XBOX account so I made a new account. Since "AnnoyedArt12056" was taken, I put "AnnoyedArt1256" in the "gamer tag" input, and that's how I got my long username.

Then I created social media accounts and "AnnoyedArt1256" was a bit too long so I set the name of my social media accounts (except youtube) as "AArt1256"
Level 24 Chipist
post #151213 :: 2022.01.24 9:17am
  Caffeinator, kinkinkijkin, skydev, Lincent and ViLXDRYAD liēkd this
It started in late 2019 when I felt like needed a moniker. Prior to that I’d been using several names, including the name of my old fursona. For some reason, the first thing that came to mind was Fade. So, I started naming all my tracker modules with “fade” at the start. Fast forward to March of 2021 when I made a rebrand across all my platforms due to bullying from being a furry. I decided to spice things up a bit by making it all caps and swapping out the A for a lambda. And that’s how I became FΛDE!
Level 22 Chipist
post #151245 :: 2022.01.25 11:55am
  kinkinkijkin, ASIKWUSpulse, tenryuu, skydev and Lincent liēkd this
it means oven in finnish
Level 23 Pedagogist
post #151248 :: 2022.01.25 12:17pm
  skydev and cabbage drop liēkd this
Level 9 Chipist
post #151251 :: 2022.01.25 2:45pm
  skydev, mirageofher and cabbage drop liēkd this
i like a vtuber named amano pikamee
she is a thunder type monster
hence, denki

ras is a character in the maimai series, starting with maimai milk
i like how derpy she is
hence, ras

put it all together and you get denkiRAS
Level 23 Chipist
post #154132 :: 2022.03.26 4:37pm
  Kalowe, Kaytse, VirtualMan, ASIKWUSpulse, xterm, skydev and cabbage drop liēkd this
My username is my last name + man.

I’m kind of lucky to have “Bravo” as my last name!
basicolly, monkey hour
Level 11 Chipist
post #154197 :: 2022.03.27 10:04pm :: edit 2022.03.27 10:04pm
  Lincent, xterm and skydev liēkd this
Mine is actually deeper than it seems :
-I created this name originally as a faction name on a small [and glitchable] Minecraft server

-It's inspired by 2 French memes :
1. A kid named "Roulroul", who says "BEH BEH BUUUH" with a weird face ( ) : I roughly swapped the vowels like "uh uh eh", and kept a "B" for the last one, so "uh uh bweh"
2. One of my top memes, A viral video where a dude insults people for 10 minutes, and it's pure comedy gold. At some point, it says "I'll bring a fag and it's gonna f* you", and then says "Hey, look, it's here! That's the fag that will do you!". And that "fag" is called "Shlaghetto" {Shla-geh-to} :
I thought the "Shlag" word sounded funny so I paired it with the "uh uh bweh", which resulted into "Shlu Shlu Bweh"
I also put "b"s after the "Shlu"s because it sounds like bubbles, and it's funny

The idea was to really have a screwed up yet funny name. And as such, I wrote it as one word instead of 3 (maybe also because the Minecraft faction plugin didn't accept spaces)

...Of course, it didn't happened in such precise order, it was kinda the result of a brainstorm lol
Level 22 Chipist
post #156504 :: 2022.05.21 12:38am
  Caffeinator, Kaytse, sleeparrow, ASIKWUSpulse and Lincent liēkd this
My name started as a shortening of a moniker I had on a server for an opensource online game similar to Diep ("Kole O'Tank"), however, after some time it amalgamated into the nickname I have now, and I have essentially adopted it.

It's not really an interesting story by any means but yeah
Level 12 Mixist
post #156515 :: 2022.05.21 8:38am
  lasersphaser, damifortune and doctorn0gloff liēkd this
A few months ago, I was in a band with some of my schoolmates, and we were having trouble deciding on a name. We wanted to create a mix between electronic, 90s alternative, and midwest emo, so we started tossing names into The Almighty Hat™ and picked one at random. We ended up deciding on the name WeatherScan, with one of the leftover names being Bink And Smacker. When the project ended up going nowhere, due to our drummer moving states, I stole the name and took it for something later.

Bink And Smacker is the name of a program made by RAD Game Tools that converts .mp4 files into their proprietary video format Bink Video. It was mainly used in 6th to 7th gen games like Halo, THPS, Diablo, GTA, and pretty much any game that had videos displayed on screen. For example, the Bungie logo in Halo: Combat Evolved is a .bik file you can find in the game files totally unpacked, which you can play in a media player like VLC Media Player or foobar2000.
Level 21 Mixist
post #156535 :: 2022.05.21 2:12pm
  Kalowe, Surfcroc, kilowatt64, Bravoman, Dolce and Webriprob liēkd this
My last name is Mainard. "Nard" rhymes with Yard. and im in your yard
Level 18 Mixist
post #156571 :: 2022.05.22 4:41am
  Caffeinator, kilowatt64, VirtualMan, Bravoman and ViLXDRYAD liēkd this
Became a raging Elvis fan at the age of 14 and named all my accounts this.
Level 11 Pixelist
post #156621 :: 2022.05.23 7:51am :: edit 2022.05.23 8:53am
  Dolce liēkd this
I came up with PlugNPlaystation late at night as a play on words. I wanted to use it as my Minecraft username but it was too long :( PlugNPlay was taken, but PlugAndPlay wasn't, so I took that. Since then, I've stuck with it. I make modular synths now, so it turned out to be an even better username than I thought ;)
Level 8 Pixelist
post #156622 :: 2022.05.23 9:04am
  mirageofher, VirtualMan, Bravoman, cabbage drop, kinkinkijkin and MiDoRi liēkd this
i like popeye. and i mean REALLY like popeye. i have attempted to reach him personally, but have been delivered several restraining orders. something about harassment? i dont care. i like popeye
Level 23 Pedagogist
post #156623 :: 2022.05.23 9:10am
  mirageofher, cabbage drop, kinkinkijkin, MiDoRi and iYamWhatIYam liēkd this
Popeye rockssss!!!!
Level 27 Chipist
post #156708 :: 2022.05.24 8:46pm :: edit 2022.05.24 8:51pm
  Caffeinator, argarak, mirageofher, Surfcroc, Lasertooth, roz, kinkinkijkin, damifortune and sleeparrow liēkd this
My initials are kwh, which also stands for kilowatt hours. Just a play on my name +64 cuz Nintendo attested by my current avatar lol

Every time I set up a new profile anywhere I deliberate about changing my username for reasons unknown, so I have different nicks all over the place. Someday one will actually stick.
Level 6 Playa
post #156944 :: 2022.05.29 4:26am
  goluigi, VirtualMan and Bravoman liēkd this
Loeder is dutch for bitch B-)
Level 19 Mixist
post #156949 :: 2022.05.29 6:26am
one day in 2008, i made a mistake. in my first months of ever touching a computer in my life, at age 10, i became a gamer. however, the gamer websites all needed usernames. i typed "comfy patterns" as usernames and then i ended up playing games from a publisher "Aeria Games" a lot and i had signed up there with kinkinkijkin.

i dont actually use kinkinkijkin in many places anymore, it's really only a public thing and only even a username. accounts with "display names" which have the kinkinkijkin username have all had them changed to "Mouri Sunlight", which i will now explain

one day in 2013 i was playing skyrim with a lot of mods. the culmination of the aesthetics and mechanics added and modified by these mods gave me the ability to basically roleplay a cryptid. i named the character "ASHGRAVE DESTROYERFIST, IMMOLATOR OF THE FIRST EMPIRE, CRUSHER OF THE LAST, THE MIGHTY NAME OF FEAR" (though just shortened to "ASHGRAVE" ingame). i kept the character around a lot for humourous use, she never really got reworked much since i honestly kinda designed her in a way i still respect. in 2019 i started work on an extreme metal project named loosely after her, "Tomboj Cindraj", esperanto for "Ashen Graves/Tombs". this made a small splash but honestly i couldnt get myself to continue it due to anonymous nature of the project preventing me from really feeling like I could get it off (funny that I can't actually get any music off on my usual name either lol), but made another, much heavier project using some of its writing called "Grave Flame".

In 2021 I decided to change my display name on twitter to "Mouri Sunlight" as a really obtuse joke related to all this: Mouri is a shortening of "mourir" which is the french verb for to die, and Sunlight refers to a bright ball of flame which may cause one to become ashen. I've liked the name Mouri Sunlight so much for public relation that I've started changing my brand to it.

and then there's my private discord account a bunch of people here know the name of. i can't go too in-depth without pointing out what the username is fully, but it was inspired by a random idea of something to commission from a friend (never did end up doing that) of just a series of images of inanimate objects, but they're experiencing mental health struggles. i latched on to the one i did because the object involved in that prompt is experiencing something i experience, ie HE JUST LIKE ME FR
Level 21 Chipist
post #157364 :: 2022.06.10 12:47am :: edit 2022.06.10 12:49am
  kinkinkijkin, kleeder, Jakerson and Luigi64 liēkd this
My given name starts with a J, and my dad's starts with an R, and Lepage is my (our) family name. We originally came up with this handle because we shared an account on way back in the late 2000's, but I then went and stole it for myself because my other handle was kinda lame.

Contrary to popular belief, it does not in fact stand for Jr. Lepage.
Level 12 Mixist
post #157367 :: 2022.06.10 10:26am
  mirageofher, kinkinkijkin and kilowatt64 liēkd this
Oddly enough, my username has religious stuff behind it.
I am a follower of Inari faith Shinto.
Amatsu Mikaboshi is the name of a kami who I personally do not worship, but do believe in.
The name translates to "Dread Star Of Heaven" or "August Star Of Heaven".

So yeah. There is the odd story behind my nickname.

My old Nickname "Grimkin" was just a hollow knight enemy.
Level 3 Mixist
post #165861 :: 2023.01.16 10:58pm
  Quirby64 liēkd this
Something I heard Jeff Gerstmann or Ryan Davis say on an early Giant Bombcast. Jeff was in the habit of appearing on GameTrailer's TV show on Spike, so they called him "TV's very own Jeff Gerstmann".
Level 6 Mixist
post #165873 :: 2023.01.17 6:42am :: edit 2023.01.17 6:44am
  Hexer, Lasertooth, mirageofher and kilowatt64 liēkd this
I am Skrinkus because I am a scurngly little skrimbo. A tiny skrunkled shclorbus if you will.
Level 24 Chipist
post #166067 :: 2023.01.21 10:25am
  cabbage drop and Lincent liēkd this
"Collidy" is actually a nickname to Starcollider. And Starcollider is my (female) ponysona.

I thought it would be cool if I call it that.
Level 9 Pedagogist
post #166069 :: 2023.01.21 12:31pm
  cabbage drop and Retro Gracz liēkd this
smb3 was (is?) my favorite mario game when i was 13 and had no personality beyond liking mario games

nestunes (as i go by elsewhere now) is probably pretty self-explanatory in that i like the nes and i make music for it, but there is also a bonus reason, which is that we called ourselves the nintendo entertainment system as a joke while trying to decide on a system name and then it stuck
Level 13 Mixist
Retro Gracz
post #166084 :: 2023.01.21 6:44pm
  cabbage drop and kilowatt64 liēkd this
Retro Gracz means Retro Gamertm in polish, and i came up with this original sounding nickname when i was 13 5 years ago and wanted to start a youtube channel, and had no personality beyond retro gaming. So i have been using this handle on various places now for 5 years, and might as well just own up to it ;_;
Level 15 Chipist
post #193538 :: 2024.07.17 6:50am
  Hexer, Surfcroc, lasersphaser, Prestune and gau liēkd this
i was wondering if this thread existed, looks like it does. im gonna revive it. for the newbies. like me.

i have a younger brother. back when he was still learning how to speak, he wasn't able to say my name, that being nugo (yes ik weird name) instead he kept saying "mugo". this eventually caught on and my family started occasionally using it. even once my brother learned how to say "n" he still used "mugo" often.
i decided to use it because.. i like it a lot too!
it was original, it wasnt a combination of 11 words, what more could you need!

(btw nugo isnt my full real first name, its a shortened version of my real name, which im not gonna reveal (also now i realise if i combined "mugo" with said name it wouldve been cooler... well whatever)
Level 22 Mixist
post #193539 :: 2024.07.17 7:10am
  Lincent and Collidy liēkd this
i'm a dysphoric trans woman and i like bunnies. that's literally the reason my nickname is snugglybun.
Level 24 Chipist
post #193541 :: 2024.07.17 8:37am
  Kalowe, Lincent, Surfcroc, cabbage drop, Lasertooth and Mugo liēkd this
Preston (my real name) + chiptune = Prestune
I thought I was really clever for that one
Level 22 Mixist
post #193542 :: 2024.07.17 8:41am
you were really clever, in fact you were so clever that the value overflowed and became 0
Level 22 Mixist
post #193543 :: 2024.07.17 8:43am
  Mugo liēkd this
@mugo without hearing the full first name it sounds like your birth certificate said "hugo" but then the top of the h got rubbed off
Level 21 Chipist
post #193546 :: 2024.07.17 10:03am
  Hexer liēkd this
SRB2 (game i like)
er (goofy ah suffix)

SRB2 + er = SRB2er

(fun fact: i had another (original) nickname before, but then i just decided to commit to this.
...kinda wished i didnt... ass name ngl
welp... guess i gotta continue commiting...)
Level 12 Chipist
post #193553 :: 2024.07.17 11:33am
  Hexer liēkd this
Retrokid was just kind of something I came up with. when I was like 10 I decided to get an actual username and changed my Minecraft account to this because I liked retro games and stuff (still do, obviously). The 104 was kinda random. The number had a nice ring to it, and that day happened to be January 4th. So actually, for a while it was retrokid0104, but that didn’t look great so I shortened it to just 104. Also yeah, it’s usually just said “One-Oh-Four” instead of “One Hundred Four”. I did have a guy use the latter once though… kinda awkward lol
Level 16 Chipist
post #193555 :: 2024.07.17 11:47am
  Surfcroc and Mugo liēkd this
In certain fighting games, you can pick different archetypes to fight with, like the high-defense Tanks or high-mobility Hit-and-Runs.

I used to play one called "Strife!" on Roblox. It was team-based (although most rounds were FFA elimination) and offered support classes AND their opposites: hexer classes.

Support characters heal and give buffs to allies. Hexer characters focus on weakening enemies, rather than hurting them.

One of those hexers was called Anubis, and he could temporarily curse enemies from all the way across the map. Cursed enemies were weakened, and whenever they died to ANYONE, they would stack into a permanent attack and defense buff for Anubis. With enough souls, most of which were stolen, Anubis would turn invincible. This also meant everyone would target anubises first, and Anubis was very weak without any stacked souls.

I loved playing Anubis. I'd third-party duels and steal souls, and later be persecuted by all. If they failed, id simply maul the remaining survivors with my massive soul bonus. Because of this i've come to prefer hexers over healers, and thus adopt the nickname Hexer.
Level 20 Chipist
post #193557 :: 2024.07.17 12:59pm
  Opilion and Hexer liēkd this
i liked triple laser phaser from portal 2 + the name is catchy. i think laserphaser was taken so i added the S. now it's not that catchy...
Level 22 XHBist
post #193562 :: 2024.07.17 2:49pm
  Hexer, Prestune, kilowatt64, lasersphaser and cabbage drop liēkd this
I came up with the name Surf Croc in a sauna sometime late 2021. I was really into surf rock at the time (Wavves, MGMT, Surf Curse) and crocodiles/gators are among my favorite animals, so I combined the two.

Why I decided to write my BotB username like this will forever remain a mystery (I thought spaces were not allowed and I wasn't sure how I wanted to capitalize it) :P
Level 18 Mixist
post #193568 :: 2024.07.17 5:35pm
  Caffeinator, Opilion and Hexer liēkd this
BotB is actually the only site i've ever got to claim the title of just "dobra" on, dobra is a shortened version of my full username "dobrakawanimat" which i use elsewhere. sometimes i just use kawanimat.

comes from xbox days, before it i went by "MidnightInTheYard" with a buncha numbers at the end, because of course. i had a pal, called "dobrakawanimate" and for some joke i changed my username to hers, but just removed the e at the end. what i didnt know was, that was actually my first time name change and therefore was stuck with it unless i paid to change it again. i think eventually they gave another free name change but i never bothered.

couple years later, i stopped talking to her and had made new friends and new accounts with the name dobrakawanimat, shortening it to dobra when i can, so it just kinda stuck. arguably a good thing though, dobra i find is better than MidnightInTheYard LOL

...however I am always under the threat of the original dobra returning and seeking revenge for my blatant name theft
Level 13 Mixist
post #193571 :: 2024.07.17 7:24pm
  Opilion and Hexer liēkd this
One of my first online accounts was for twitch and I probably went through like 50 combinations of phrases before eventually going dumb and thinking: "What if I named myself mrperson, no one would name themselves such an unoriginal combination."

Turns out someone already did, so I added 987 and it thankfully worked ᵕ̈
Level 15 XHBist
post #193635 :: 2024.07.19 12:59am
  mirageofher liēkd this
i like getting usernames that are time in amount of characters and i also thought it would be funny to have dsm5 as a username, and luckily it was available on this site
Level 6 Chipist
post #193731 :: 2024.07.21 7:55am
  Caffeinator and mirageofher liēkd this
my name actually came from the name i initally thought for my youtube channel, "Note", where basically i just delete all my channel posts and go into chiptune shit so then i turned it into "UltraNote" soon then i also set my alias to "ultraNT", this name as of now
i thought it was funny. i think it's funny when people have to announce the name during results streams
Level 11 Chipist
post #194233 :: 2024.07.29 12:25am
  Caffeinator, doopdee and Surfcroc liēkd this
Not really a story behind my botb nickname but my nickname in general

Originally it was (due to some real life circumstances) Background#2982 (on discord) -> Background2982 (everywhere else)
then somebody made a pun on my pfp and the game VVVVVV which said "Good day, Officer Furmilion from the hit game FFFFFF" and thats it, now thats my nickname everywhere where i bothered to change it
Level 13 Mixist
post #195159 :: 2024.08.11 6:16pm
  mirageofher, cabbage drop and SRB2er liēkd this
I hear people say that your musician name should sound somewhat similar to the music you make (Anomalie for jazzy beats, Hyper Potions for edm beats, etc). I came up with Kalowe just randomly, I was literally putting letters together. What I love about it is it just sounds unique and kinda mysterious, and I also found it fits literally every genre I make, so it stuck. It also isn’t a word, so the pronunciation is entirely up to you.

Some of the earlier ones I had was Cobalt39, Neptunez and Musevolt, but I never really stuck with those.
Level 28 Chipist
post #195162 :: 2024.08.11 6:45pm
  nitrofurano, cabbage drop and SRB2er liēkd this
it stuck with me for many years, some people called me by that nickname since my elementary school days.
Level 16 Chipist
post #195232 :: 2024.08.12 1:46pm
  cabbage drop and SRB2er liēkd this
My username is based on a car revving and a lightning bolt (that strikes).
Level 9 Pixelist
post #195234 :: 2024.08.12 3:09pm
  Caffeinator, doopdee, RevvoBolt, big lumby, mirageofher, Surfcroc, Kalowe, SRB2er and Mugo liēkd this
I think I need not explain.
Level 13 Chipist
post #195328 :: 2024.08.14 1:46pm
  RevvoBolt liēkd this
I was making a account for a popular game and choose the 2 last word of some German inspirational quote on my mousepad since i had no idea what to name myself.
Level 12 Chipist
post #195401 :: 2024.08.15 4:12pm
  Caffeinator, Mugo, cabbage drop and 02FD liēkd this
I picked two random words, and it accidentally sounded like a penis joke. I thought it was quite funny, so I went with it.
Level 13 Mixist
post #200272 :: 2024.11.03 7:07pm
Just adding this to my post, the pronunciation is entirely up to you because it’s not a real word. I pronounce it like “Cloud” or Kuh-loud” but without the D

That being said, I have a friend who pronounces it “Chloe” and I want to slap him everytime 🤣🤣
Level 13 Mixist
post #200273 :: 2024.11.03 7:27pm
I totally forgot, my previous name before this was Razp. I used and still use that as my discord name. I think it was when I first joined the beepbox discord, there were two people named Gasp and JazDog, and I loved the -az/-as prefix they did. I went by Raz for a while, but then I changed it to Razpberry/Razp.

Razp is super chill for people who know me and Kalowe is my official musician name, but you guys can call me either one, honestly.
Level 5 Playa
post #200274 :: 2024.11.03 7:51pm
  Stupe, doopdee, Lasertooth, Kalowe and kilowatt64 liēkd this
slap hand on keyboard at 9 years old

continue using string of characters as username

Level 27 Chipist
post #200276 :: 2024.11.03 8:17pm
  Kalowe liēkd this
Kalowe I've been pronouncing it Kay-low in my head
Level 29 Mixist
post #200289 :: 2024.11.03 9:15pm
  VirtualMan, BestSupport, Jakerson, doopdee, Luigi64, kilowatt64, Kalowe, Mrperson987 and cabbage drop liēkd this
go luigi
Level 13 Mixist
post #200292 :: 2024.11.03 10:23pm
  goluigi liēkd this
Level 15 Mixist
post #200293 :: 2024.11.03 10:44pm
  doopdee, Mugo and Kalowe liēkd this
i've been saying kalowe like it rhymes with 'wow no way' this whole time lmao
Level 16 Chipist
post #200307 :: 2024.11.04 5:29am :: edit 2024.11.05 6:13pm
Well, it's my first name.
(Sometimes you'll find me under the name "Geoffrey", that's the name of the guy in my pfp)
Level 13 Mixist
post #200308 :: 2024.11.04 5:57am
  adibabidan and goluigi liēkd this
@abidabidan Yeah, my dad pronounces it like Calloway. I really enjoy the variety of it all haha!
Level 9 Chipist
post #200312 :: 2024.11.04 8:28am :: edit 2024.11.16 8:52pm
used to lag a lot while playing, also I liked wizards :/
Level 13 Mixist
post #200316 :: 2024.11.04 9:43am
  Caffeinator and Kalowe liēkd this
i like churros i like bird (stellar jay)
Level 11 Chipist
post #200320 :: 2024.11.04 10:35am
  VirtualMan and Caffeinator liēkd this
First thing I thought of
Level 15 Mixist
post #200329 :: 2024.11.04 12:29pm
  Kalowe and Caffeinator liēkd this
oh yeah, i got my username by inserting more and more random letters into my first name each time i logged on to play among us with people i knew irl and eventually i just happened to stumble across a combination that i thought had a nice ring to it lmfao
Level 9 Mixist
post #200336 :: 2024.11.04 2:15pm :: edit 2024.11.17 6:19pm
  AstralFennex and Kalowe liēkd this
not much of a story behind my "official" name - i like coffee

i do have an older name though: Dragonsboystar (or just Dragon)

it's a username that i came up with over a decade ago and used damn near everywhere, and i cannot possibly fathom how i came up with that specific combination of words, but it stuck so i never really changed it (plus it's always been available)

i really only use that one in places related to gaming these days, and there's only two people here who know me by that name at the time of writing this (hi astral lmao)

edit: there are now three people here who recognize that name
Level 12 Chipist
post #200337 :: 2024.11.04 2:41pm
  Caffeinator and Kalowe liēkd this
Well, if you want to know...
Bingies — Childhood nickname from my Mom for always bouncing (or "binging" according to her) around. Had this one for years.
24 — Has this part since sometime in 2019. From my memory it was formed like this:
TWD98 > 98 - 2 > 96 / 4 > 24
Level 10 Grafxicist
post #200338 :: 2024.11.04 3:33pm
  Caffeinator and Kalowe liēkd this
My username on stuff used to be deathcherrycola because I was trying to come up with a username not tethered to my Xbox gamer tag, yetiboy, but I realized it was really long and kind of a word soup so I was changing it. Came up with WAY2REDD because cherries are red and my name is red, and then I shortened that to just reddd, and here we are
Level 6 Mixist
post #200372 :: 2024.11.05 5:11pm
  cabbage drop, Kalowe and Caffeinator liēkd this
hi dragon

my username came from actually a lot of different factors

I loved space and fennec foxes, but never thought to come up with this name
I came up with it after finding AstralSpiff (a streamer) and looking up to him I decided to pick astral as the first name then fennec as the second, combining all three

however this wasn't available everywhere so i simply just changed it to an X instead of a C to indicate that there are multiples of me

Level 7 Mixist
post #200373 :: 2024.11.05 5:47pm
  Kalowe liēkd this
Originally I came from the username of Bluecobra1, used that for a few years and then when I set up my xbox profile in 2017 my dad suggested the name LastDragon12, and it stuck with me since and I switched full time on everything to LastDragon12, so nothing too special really
Level 10 Signalist
post #200430 :: 2024.11.07 1:10am
  Caffeinator, SRB2er, Kalowe and Furmilion liēkd this
real last name+real first name(shortened)+last two digits of birth year (but with 2 instead of 1 on the first digit because this was originally my alt )
Level 5 Chipist
post #200476 :: 2024.11.08 4:59am
  Caffeinator and kinkinkijkin liēkd this
Random word generator and alliteration. In hindsight, not the best idea to call myself "cruel" but here we are :|
Level 12 Chipist
post #200477 :: 2024.11.08 5:22am
  CruelCreature, Caffeinator, Viraxor and kinkinkijkin liēkd this
its not the best idea to call myself sweaty either
Level 8 Chipist
post #200491 :: 2024.11.08 12:09pm
  Caffeinator, Viraxor, lasersphaser, cabbage drop and Surfcroc liēkd this
My name is Moxie, and I am a cat. :v

I picked "Moxie" because
1. It sounds cute
2. It has an X in it, which is fun
3. It means strength or spirit, something I'm trying to have more of IRL
Level 13 Mixist
post #200529 :: 2024.11.09 9:48am
  Caffeinator, cabbage drop, retrokid104, Viraxor and argarak liēkd this
it is an unfortunate fact that i am a Boring Nerd. as the first paragraph of my bio, copied directly from wikipedia, may suggest, UART is Boring Nerd Stuff.

to be more precise - UART is a dead-simple serial communication interface involving a RX (receive) and TX (transmit) line (and also ground and usually a voltage pin). it's used pretty often in embedded electronics (pretty much anything that has a programmable chip in it - including stuff like routers, smartphones) to provide logs or as a simple way of talking to a device, often way before any of the other hardware (screen, usb, etc) is brought up.

i first used the "uart" username for my personal fedi account a few months back. i found it pretty fitting for the kind of stream-of-consciousness posting i was going for. i used it on botb as well since i was looking for something catchy and cool (and that isn't the same username i use everywhere else for tech stuff), and it seemed to fit perfectly.

the aforementioned username i use for my tech stuff i won't talk about, but it has something to do with knuckles the echidna. it's a variation of a username i made when i was like 6 years old. that was... a long time ago :D i kind of want to make an effort to separate my non-tech stuff from it, but It Is There
Level 5 Playa
Da Flarf
post #201120 :: 2024.11.16 12:09pm :: edit 2024.11.16 12:25pm
  Caffeinator, cabbage drop and damifortune liēkd this
Originally, I made up my name "da flarf" as a random username for gaming. However, later, after starting my soundcloud, I learned of an unintentional hidden meaning behind my username.

After googling flarf to see if my username was unique in the online sphere (which it is), I learned that "flarf" is a form of poetry known for its circumvention of conventional standards of quality.

I guess the concept of flarf could also define chiptune. so yeah, funny coincidence
Level 11 Pixelist
post #201148 :: 2024.11.16 4:54pm :: edit 2024.11.16 4:54pm
  Caffeinator and cabbage drop liēkd this
The elongated form of my username is "PlugNPlaystation" in a few other places, but I usually like to trim it down to "PlugNPlay" when I can.

it literally popped in my head just before going to sleep. y'know how thoughts kind of start swirling around in your head just before falling asleep? For some reason my brain had a GENUIS MOVE to finally figure out that "play" is both in "plug and play" and "playstation". I said "hey, that'd make a cool username" and then i fell asleep
Level 19 Chipist
post #201149 :: 2024.11.16 6:18pm
  cabbage drop liēkd this
493rd pokemon + homestuck number idk
Level 12 Chipist
post #201153 :: 2024.11.16 6:59pm
  Caffeinator and cabbage drop liēkd this
swap memory (disk paging) + .... xfo? i dont remember why i added that
Level 24 Chipist
th4 D34D
post #204806 :: 2024.12.21 2:04am
I was deadite in high school and didn't put a lot of effort or thought into my name when I changed it to a generic gamer tag. I should probably change it already.

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