post #20447 ::
2012.10.24 11:28pm :: edit 2012.10.24 11:32pm gyms and Slimeball liēkd this
With respect, adding some statuses to you just as a precaution so you don't remove or edit anything until you've figured out what you need to figure out for yourself.
gyms, the rumor bin is telling me that you are going ghostface across the interwebs. I'd just like to inform you that your BotBr account and all of your entries are part of the BotB archive. You can not erase them.
You have a great taste in avatar pictures! There is not a single one I did not like...or actually there was not a single one where I didn't think "Wow, this is one great avatar!" Maybe it has to do with frogs being my favourite animals *croak*
post #27790 ::
2013.05.21 2:29pm trough liēkd this
What a queer bird the frog are:
When he sit he stand (almost);
When he walk he fly (almost);
When he talk he cry (almost);
He ain't got no sense (hardly);
He ain't got no tail, either (hardly);
He sit on what he ain't got (hardly).
hey >:0 i look nothing like that jerk! did you know, he doesn't even save you 15% of more on car insurance?! he just records your voice and sells it to chinese ppl who make soundboards for crank calls.
i'm self conscious about them, but i've uncovered my Distinct Froggy Ears so that there can be no question.
welcome to america where you have to have a car to do anything, where insurance is required by law and where you essentially pay rich white assholes tens of thousands over you lifetime just so they can make policies to wrestle your accident claims away, if one ever happens...fuck that gecko! wow hey
"where you essentially pay rich white assholes tens of thousands over you lifetime just so they can make policies to wrestle your accident claims away"
awwwwwwwww dont feel sad just believe in the power of SPOORLOOS and you'll get better and it will solve all ur problems and turn dat frown upside down :')))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
post #33577 ::
2013.11.17 6:28pm :: edit 2013.11.17 6:31pm gyms liēkd this
Do you draw these frogs yourself gyms? You are a good artist. Did you keep the old ones? It would be cool if you compiled them into one image or an archive or something because I really liked them.
[11:47] <BotB> gyms has logged out
[11:47] <brightentayle> gyms has left us for a long while, I guess.
[11:48] <BotB> gyms has logged out
[11:48] <brightentayle> LEFT BOTB TWICE.
I am so glad you are alive. I was about to send you a card this week.
I still might. I miss you!!!
man up pussy
grow a pair
why don't you take a risk for Once in your life(yea, for know, for Once in your life you should take a risk(i'm saying this because you've never taken a risk your life(you are risk averse i'd say, yep take it from us the Risk Masters)))
you kind of act like a little "woe is me" twat a lot of the time
that's not very attractive is it?
why do you even care so much, hahahah so weak wow
how could you even let it get to this point?
it appears i've wasted my attention on you
you are quite troubled
what's that?
you don't deserve it, maybe cos you're an asshole? haha
mentally unstable, loopy
look at you haha, why do you even hate yourself so much
all you do is complain, why are you so passive?
you gave up, go fuck yourself
~~~<333333333333 ;););) ^o^ ^o^ ^o^ -w- -w- -w- :P :P :P ;( ;( ;(
post #50480 ::
2014.12.12 9:37am :: edit 2014.12.12 9:39am aji and MKSTAR26 liēkd this
hi gyms,
artists often pride themselves on the uniqueness of their individuality, although it doesn't follow that they have something uniquely valuable to offer society. the vast majority of us are counterfactually artist is as pretty much as useful as the next, supply is certainly plentiful.
if it's some existential pursuit in the interest of becoming irreplaceable, then get a well-paying job, donate carefully, take care and support yourself, your family and your friends. as far as the great universal calculation of utility is concerned, you will have then made yourself hard to replace. meanwhile, artists will continue to paint the beautiful landscape in front of them while the rest of the world falls apart.
the iron logic of replaceability has left your dreams dead on the ground. you understand that the only good is what you accomplish over and above what the next person would have done in your place. your apparent good achieved minus the good your counterfactual replacement would have achieved equals any actual good achieved.
it would be great if the arts and humanities were hugely beneficial to the world, because they tend to be personally satisfying, but they’re not in fact helping much. is it not arbitrary to fill the world with your own personal spin on things, simply because they're yours?
edit: wait nah, everyone should definitely keep filling up soundcloud and bandcamp with clever and witty music. keep clinging to the teat of appraisal. keep taking pictures of yourself in cool poses. keep flooding youtube with memetic videos. keep spiraling down the sludge pit of meta one-uppers. keep feigning incessant, childish sarcasm to mask how angry and lost you are. keep telling yourself you're a genius. keep viewing the world in black and white hues of superiority and inferiority. keep trying to erase the bullies of your past. keep believing yourself a psychic, a guru, a shaman, a spiritual guidance counselor. keep up the confidence, yes you surely feel it don't you? keep feeding the projected images of yourself.
Hey Gyms :D Thank you for all the likes on my stuff. Its been a rel blast from the past lol. i hope to see you in an ohb possibly some time soon for old times sake :D. I am also glad to see you around here still. Stay safe and have a happy holiday season :).
hey gyms... yr a sensitive soul and a valuable person and my soundcloud's open for messages too fwiw... hope yr doing alright... don't let your sense of guilt completely eclipse your sense of self worth or make you feel like you need to do something to earn existing in the world;_; i think you're an important and cool person right now