Adlib Tracker II is a DOS tracker for OPL (FM) sound cards like the Sound Blaster and Adlib. '[#[Capabilities] The major hurdle and weak point of Adlib Tracker II is its cumbersome interface. However, it is probably the best tool for this format. '[#[Quick set up] '[l[[Download Adlib Tracker II v2.3.53 (with other versions) here] The DOS version (probably what you should use) requires a DOS machine, or, more modernly, '[l[[DOSBOX]. '[t[b3] Configuration'[/t] <> '[t[b3] Composing '[/t] Composing in Adlib Tracker II can be tricky, due to its aforementioned cumbersome interface, requiring awkward uses of the enter, space, and function keys. '[#[Expert tricks] < > '[#[Links for further development] < > '[#[See also] '[l[[Adlib Tracker II website]