So I registered. '[t[b4]What now?!'[/t] Well of course ready yer skills to battle botbers on our timely based '[[Compos] and talk with us at our '[l[[chat]. But first! This article will "Let's cling together" into getting familiar with some of the most basic used terms used on botb XD '[t[b2]TEH rounddown'[/t] '[t[b2]1. Finding people'[/t] By visiting and joining the '[l[[chats], getting to know people, and participate on "in the heat of the moment" one hour long competitions with people you know are (or not!) in your timezone. '[t[b2]2. Battles, compos and ohcs'[/t] Currently, the site is set up for two basic types of battles, musical and visual types. Which usually translate to tools like fl studio, milkytracker, famitracker, impulse tracker, and the likes. '[t[b2]3. Rules for battles =o'[/t] Usually coming in the form of '[l[[Sample Packs] provided with sounds, themes, and now palettes! And every other form of limitation that we think will help '[[BotBr]s develop their skills. These are usually provided in .ZIP form during ohcs, where most compos take place on irc. '[t[b2]4. Submitting work!'[/t] Three rules here a. anonymous entries (ohcs only) b. no covers c. Save often, and save plenty hahaha, trackers tend to crash during ohcs ;D c. This is the actual third rule :D '[t[b2]5. BOTB-bot'[/t] '[l[[main article] '[t[b2]6. BOTB currency and usage.'[/t] Also, to get familiar with the site check our schooling page, '[l[[teh Lyceum page] and the selected more specific pages '[[OHC] and '[[compos]