Trying another wack at the key map. The creeps are obviously comfortable, but I went too far from the original tower build/strategy keys. Hopefully, this combination will much closer to the final form! :D/ '[t[2] '[#[Functions] '[tab[f1] Help '[tab[f2] Sound on/off (default on) '[tab[f3] Anti-Aliasing on/off (default off) '[#[Tower Build] '[tab[h] Basic Tower '[tab[j] Splash Tower '[tab[k] Slow Tower '[tab[l] Rocket Tower '[tab[n] Speed Tower '[tab[m] Ultimate Tower '[tab[,] Bank Tower '[tab[.] Stun Tower '[#[Tower Function] '[tab[u] Upgrades Tower '[tab[i] Sell Tower '[#[Tower Strategy] '[tab[o] Weak '[tab[p] Hard '[tab[7] Close '[tab[8] Fast '[tab[9] Far '[tab[0] Lock '[#[Creep Send] '[tab[1] Mercury '[tab[2] Mako '[tab[3] Fast Nova '[tab[4] Large Manta '[tab[5] Demeter '[tab[q] Ray '[tab[w] Speedy Raider '[tab[e] Big Toucan '[tab[r] Vulture '[tab[t] Shark '[tab[a] Racing Mamba '[tab[s] Huge Titan '[tab[d] Zeus '[tab[f] Phoenix '[tab[g] Express Raptor '[tab[z] Fat Colossus '[tab[x] Insane Colossus '[tab[c] Banshee '[tab[v] Armored Turtle '[tab[b] Spirit Photon '[#[Creep Function] '[tab[shift + creep hotkey] Send Creep Wave '[#[See Also] '[[CreepSmash Hotkeys]