- Proposed Smeesh Hotkeys
- Functions
- Tower Build
- Tower Function
- Tower Strategy
- Creep Send
- Creep Function
- Creep Smash Hotkeys
- Functions
- Tower Build
- Tower Function
- Tower Strategy
- Creep Send
- Creep Function
Proposed Smeesh Hotkeys
As we work forward in expanding the creeps, towers, and possibly functions, the hot key map is going to be real impotant! ;D/
This proposed layout used all alphanumeric keys, open to suggestions!
f1 Help
f2 Sound on/off (default on)
f3 Anti-Aliasing on/off (default off)
Tower Build
7 Basic Tower
8 Splash Tower
9 Slow Tower
0 Rocket Tower
u Speed Tower
i Ultimate Tower
o Bank Tower
p Stun Tower
Tower Function
k Upgrades Tower
l Sell Tower
Tower Strategy
6 Weak
y Hard
h Close
j Fast
n Far
m Lock
Creep Send
1 Mercury
2 Mako
3 Fast Nova
4 Large Manta
5 Demeter
q Ray
w Speedy Raider
e Big Toucan
r Vulture
t Shark
a Racing Mamba
s Huge Titan
d Zeus
f Phoenix
g Express Raptor
z Fat Colossus
x Insane Colossus
c Banshee
v Armored Turtle
b Spirit Photon
Creep Function
shift + creep hotkey Send Creep Wave
Creep Smash Hotkeys
I figure, for reference, I would keep the original hotkeys of the game available for comparison. (we might want to move them to their own article at some time)
I'd also like to point out that some of the hotkeys are a little odd. The creep Zeus is 'y' where I think 'z' should be used (but I memorized it anyway) and the strategy hot keys are awkward as well.
f1 Help
f2 Sound on/off (default on)
f3 Anti-Aliasing on/off (default off)
Tower Build
g Basic Tower
h Splash Tower
j Slow Tower
b Rocket Tower
n Speed Tower
m Ultimate Tower
Tower Function
u Upgrades Tower
i Sell Tower
Tower Strategy
o Weak
p Hard
k Close
l Fast
0 Far
9 Lock
Creep Send
1 Mercury
2 Mako
3 Fast Nova
4 Large Manta
q Demeter
w Ray
e Speedy Raider
r Big Toucan
a Vulture
s Shark
d Racing Mamba
f Huge Titan
y Zeus
x Phoenix
c Express Raptor
v Fat Colossus
Creep Function
shift + creep hotkey Send Creep Wave