0CC-FamiTracker is a modified version of '[[FamiTracker] that incorporates interface improvements and numerous new features that work in exported NSFs. The name "0CC" comes from the author's favorite arpeggio effect command. '[#[Capabilities] Some features of this fork include: -Partial FamiTracker 0.5.0 beta support -Ad-hoc multichip NSF export -Echo buffer access -Polyphonic note preview -Hardware volume envelope effects -Delayed channel effects -FDS automatic FM effects -N163 wave buffer access effect -Arpeggio schemes -Instrument recorder -Compatible sequence instruments -Find / replace tab -Transpose dialog -Split keyboard -Detune settings -Groove settings -Bookmark manager -Linear pitch mode and new effect commands: '[[0CC-FamiTracker Effects Commands] '[#[Resources] '[l[https://web.archive.org/web/20191201071914/http://hertzdevil.info/programs/[Official Website] (archived from original) '[l[https://github.com/HertzDevil/0CC-FamiTracker[GitHub repository] '[l[http://hertzdevil.info/bug/main_page.php[Bug Tracker] '[l[http://0cc-famitracker.tumblr.com/[Development log] '[#[See Also] '[[0cc (format)] '[[j0CC-FamiTracker] '[[Dn-FamiTracker] '[[FamiTracker] '[[2a03 (soundchip)] '[[nsf (format)] '[[nsfplus (format)] '[[nsf_classic (format)] '[[Split DPCM Guide]