'[t[3]Welcome to '[[BotB[BotB's] Lyceum, a wiki-esque situation where '[[BotBr[BotBrs] are attempting to help each other learn.'[/t] '[t[2]If you're new to the site, you should check out '[[1 I Registered-Now what[this] article.'[/t] '[#[About the Lyceum] The Lyceum has several '[[Article categories[categories] and a general structure on how articles are related to each other. The most important ones are: '[t[b2]'[[1 I Registered-Now what[BotB Help]'[/t] is for everyone who's feeling a bit lost and confused (maybe) '[t[b2]'[[Battle[Battles]'[/t] includes the different Major Battle Series on BotB as well as information about Battles and Organization in general '[t[b2]'[[Format[Formats]'[/t] includes all available and different formats on BotB '[t[b2]'[[Botbr Classes[Classes]'[/t] An Overview of all the different classes a BotBr can get, depending on which points they get '[t[b2]'[[BotB Terminology[Terminology]'[/t] As a website with a lot of history, we also have our very own terminology in some cases. Most of it is explained in the lyceum. - '[[List of Trackers[Trackers]: The main tool to create chip music is a tracker. Since we're having a lot of different chiptune-formats on here, we also use a lot of different trackers. - '[[List of Effects Commands[Effects Commands]: Since there are so many different tools to create music with and all of them use different effects and effect commands, there is a whole category related to it. Perfect, if you're working on something and forgot a specific command. - '[[Tools[Helper Tools]: Tools used to make your life easier - '[[BotB[This Website]: is especially helpful if you need information about BotB itself. The battle system, rules, navigation, etc... - '[[The Hall of Knowledge]: for everyone who wants to know EVEN MOAR!!! '[#[Battles] '[[Battle[Battles] are the mainstay of the BotB community. BotB has a plethora of battle types (such as '[[XHB[XHBs]) and a lot of different '[[Format[formats]. '[#[BotBrs] BotB users are referred to as '[[BotBr[BotBrs]. When a new account is created that BotBr is given the default '[[BotBr Classes[BotBr class] of '[[n00b]. After earning 25 '[[Points[points] the BotBr will '[[BotBr#Levels[level up] to a different class level 1. BotBrs also earn '[[boons], the BotB currency, as they inspire BotB activity. '[#[Announcements] BotB has a few ways of communicating activity. The home page is the most obvious. There are also two twitter feeds : '[l[http://twitter.com/battleofthebits[@battleofthebits] and '[l[http://twitter.com/botb_battles[@botb_battles] the latter being a streamlined version of the former. '[#[IRC] BotBrs and non-BotBrs alike may talk up thing such as XHBs and relationship advice in our FREE* '[[IRC[IRC CHANNEL]! We've even included '[[BotB IRCBot[BotB the IRC bot] just for kicks at no extra charge! *ISP/cellular telephone/telepathy subscription fees may apply. '[#[Discord] An unofficial Discord Server, also featuring a channel linked to the BotB-IRC-Chat can be found by following '[l[https://discordapp.com/invite/4EnrPVK[this] invite link. '[#[Glossary] The BotB Lyceum ontological '[[Glossary] is a quick reference help. For a list of all articles, check the '[l[http://battleofthebits.com/lyceum/Glossary[Complete Glossary Index of Lyceum Articles]. '[#[See Also] '[[Lyceum Usage] '[[Firki Markup] '[[List of Icons] '[[BotB API v1]