Carillon Editor is a Music Engine for '[[Game Boy] & '[[Game Boy Color] that runs natively on the GB. All original program code is by Alexsi Eeben. It is recommended to run the editor on the actual '[[Game Boy Color] hardware only, but it's working on GB too. '[#[Versions] Carillon Editor V1.0 Carillon Editor V1.1 Carillon Editor V1.2 '[#[Player] Carillon Player & FX Hammer V1.0 7645HZ Sample Carillon Player & FX Hammer V1.0 No Sample Carillon Player V1.0 (16K) Carillon Player V1.0 (32K) Carillon Player V1.2 '[#[Downloads] '[l[[Carillon Editor v1.2] '[l[[Wave editor mod by nitro2k01]