A multi-platform "Digital Audio Workstation" in a tracker format. It is quite versatile, having a huge array of '[l[http://www.renoise.com/about/features/[features] (page not found). The demo can be downloaded freely and is "almost" fully functional, usable for as long as you want. '[#[Competition] Renoise is accepted for the following formats: - '[[remix (format)] - '[[allgear (format)] - '[[renoise (format)] '[#[Quick set up] Download here: '[l[http://www.renoise.com/download/[Renoise donload] '[[Renoise Effects Commands] To convert a Renoise song file (.XRNS) to MOD or XM format, use '[l[https://xrns2xmod.codeplex.com/[Xrns2XMOD] '[#[See Also] All related Lycem articles: '[[Renoise Effects Commands] '[[remix (format)] '[[allgear (format)] '[[renoise (format)] '[[sample (format)] '[[List of Trackers]