maxYMiser was designed by '[l[[gwEm], who's rugged handsomeness is known across the globe. maxYMiser is a YM2149 tracker for the Atari ST. It can be used on a wide variety of hardware Atari ST machines and has DMA sample capabilities. '[l[[website] '[#[Capabilities] maxYMiser is free, features a full MIDI implementation, and easy to use FastTracker II style editing. '[l[[Here's a demo] '[#[Quick set up] Download here: '[l[[maxYMiser donload] '[l[[documercial part 1 of 3] '[l[[documercial part 2 of 3] '[l[[documercial part 3 of 3] '[l[[documentation] '[#[Competition] - '[[aym (format)] '[#[Links for further development] gwEm works on it himself, you can contact him '[l[[here] '[#[See also] - '[[aym (format)] - '[[Tracker]