Arps, or arpeggios, are attained by sliding up the scale in half-step increments on most '[[List of Trackers[trackers]. The tracker quickly cascades through specified tones, creating an audible chord. Arps tend to be limited to three notes : the root note and the two tones specified in the effects column. If a chord has more than three notes and the tracker only allows three notes in it's arps then the musician must pick a note(s) to omit or place another arp in a different track with the rest of the notes. In music theory, it is advised to remove the 5th first if a note must be removed. '[#[Tracker Arp Effect Reference] '[tab['[[FamiTracker][120]0xx '[tab['[[FastTracker II][120]0xx '[tab['[[Impulse Tracker][120]Jxx '[#[Table Arps] Some trackers rely on tables to build arps. In this situation the number of notes in an arp may be unlimited. The arp table might be called from an effect column. '[#[Chord Arp Value Reference] The following is a list of chord shapes and the hexadecimal values for each tone in that chord. (These should also be effective for '[[MML] languages as well.) '[tab[major[120]47 '[t[0]'[tab[maj 1st inv[120]38'[/t] '[t[0]'[tab[maj 2nd inv[120]59'[/t] '[tab[minor[120]37 '[t[0]'[tab[min 1st inv[120]49'[/t] '[t[0]'[tab[min 2nd inv[120]58'[/t] '[tab[dim[120]36 '[t[0]'[tab[dim 1st inv[120]39'[/t] '[t[0]'[tab[dim 2nd inv[120]69'[/t] '[tab[aug[120]48 - '[t[0]this is the same for aug 1st inv and aug 2nd inv'[/t] '[tab[7th[120]47A or 4A '[t[0]'[tab[7th 1st inv[120]368 or 68'[/t] '[t[0]'[tab[7th 2nd inv[120]359'[/t] '[t[0]'[tab[7th 3rd inv[120]269 or 26'[/t] '[tab[maj7[120]47B or 4B '[t[0]'[tab[maj7 1st inv[120]378 or 78'[/t] '[t[0]'[tab[maj7 2nd inv[120]459'[/t] '[t[0]'[tab[maj7 3rd inv[120]158 or 15'[/t] '[tab[min7[120]37A or 3A '[t[0]'[tab[maj6[120]479 or 79'[/t] '[t[0]'[tab[min7 2nd inv[120]358'[/t] '[t[0]'[tab[min7 3rd inv[120]259 or 25'[/t] '[tab[half dim7[120]36A or 3A '[t[0]'[tab[min6[120]479 or 79'[/t] '[t[0]'[tab[half dim7 2nd inv[120]469'[/t] '[t[0]'[tab[half dim7 3rd inv[120]258 or 28'[/t] '[tab[full dim7[120]369 or 39 '[tab[7#5[120]48A or 8A '[tab[7b5[120]46A or 6A '[tab[min maj7[120]37B or 3B '[tab[maj7 b5[120]46B or 6B '[tab[5th[120]07 - root plays twice; 77 - 5th plays twice '[tab[octave[120]0C or CC '[tab[open[120]7C '[tab[sus2[120]27 '[tab[sus4[120]57 '[tab[sus42[120]257 '[tab[quartal[120]5A '[tab[7sus2[120]27A or 2A '[tab[7sus4[120]57A or 5A '[tab[add2[120]247 or 27 '[tab[add4[120]457 or 45 '[tab[add9[120]47E or 4E '[tab[min add9[120]37E or 3E '[tab[6/9[120]479E or 9E or 47 + 9E '[tab[9[120]47AE or AE or 47 + AE '[tab[maj9[120]47BE or BE or 47 + BE '[tab[min9[120]37AE or AE or 37 + AE '[tab[9sus4[120]57AE or 25A '[tab[7#9[120]47AF or AF or 47 + AF '[tab[7b9[120]47AD or AD or 47 + AD '[tab[dim b9[120]36D or 3D