Abyss' Highest Experience (AHX) is a tracker for the Commodore Amiga designed to make C64-esque chiptunes. Its interface is built to look like ProTracker. It features four channels of synthesized sound which imitates the sound of the Commodore 64's '[[SID (soundchip)[SID chip]. Please note that AHX does not emulate an actual SID chip, it only attempts to sound like it. '[l[http://amigascne.org/abyss/ahx/[Homepage] '[#[Capabilities] All standard Commodore 64 waveforms are supported: -Triangle wave -Sawtooth wave -Square wave -White noise Additionally, High and Low Pass filtering effects are supported. Sampled instruments are not supported since the files are made to be as small as possible. An AHX tune can range from 200 bytes to 5 kbytes (unpacked) in size. '[#[Quick set up] Download the program '[l[http://amigascne.org/abyss/ahx/files/ays-a233.lha[here]. This tracker only runs on the Amiga. If you would like to run it on Windows, Linux or MacOS, you'll have to install an emulator first. '[#[Expert tricks] From the program's FAQ: '[t[b1]Why does the note I enter appear on all 4 voices?'[/t] Because you enter the note into one track and when starting AHX, all four voices display track 0. In the position editor you enter what track to play on what voice, you can if you want play your bass-line e.g. on two voices (left+right channel) if you want, your decision. '[t[b1]Why are my AHX-tunes so big in size (compared with the included songs)?'[/t] Songsize depends mainly on the number of tracks you use (Number of positions is not very important). Try to cut down the track-length to 16 or 32. This will save a lot of space because you can arrange drum or bass tracks normally without a lot of change. '[t[b1]Sometimes some or all voices get muted in AHX Editor or the Delitracker-AHX-replay. Why does this happen?'[/t] AHX avoids to reset the sample offset in the audiohardware when playing a instrument. Resetting the sample-restart will produce a small 'click' that doesn't hurt when you use "normal" samples. When using small synthetic waveforms this small click is really annoying. So AHX sets the sample offsets only once at the beginning of the replay and then never again. When another application uses the audiohardware (e.g. DisplayBeep()) the sample offsets will be changed and strange results or muted voices will occur. '[#[See also] '[[ahx (format)] '[[Tracker] '[[Commodore 64] '[[SID (soundchip)[SID chip] '[[sid (format)]