M4G Tracker is a tracker written by Smiker. Its another tracker that is in the style of FT2. This one unfortunately seems to be stuck in early beta release and hasn't been updated as of February 16, 2010, and its been stuck in this state for the last 5 years, therefore the development of this tracker has been discontinued due to the fact that he never received some GBA flash carts that he was promised. even more sad is that he never released the source code to the public, which is a reel shame.
M4G Tracker can be found at an archive of the unofficial M4G Tracker website
Currently this tracker is for experimental purposes for the time being.
Update, 11/29/15, a rewrite of M4G Tracker has been released. But don't get too excited, this release has only visuals working (pattern data Etc) but no audio yet.
Update, 03/04/17, added a new download link