mptm is OpenMPT's own format, based on the .it (impulse tracker) format. It is currently in development, but it adds several features to the impulse tracker format. Some of those features include custom sample tuning (ex: non 12-tet tunings), parameter control events (for VST control), multiple pattern sequences, standard tempo (Modern) (as opposed to "tracker tempo"), tempo swing, and some special effects commands. Though you can use VSTs in OpenMPT; for BotB mptm format entries, you are '[u]'[b]NOT ALLOWED'[/b] to use VSTs'[/u], as they are not included in the module. However, for personal music-making, it's strongly encouraged to use VSTs with mptm as the most can be utilized out of them, given OpenMPT's VST capabilities. '[#[Tools] '[[MODPlug Tracker[Modplug/OpenMPT] for everything. '[#[Composing] '[t[b3]Tempo'[/t] Tempo in .mptm is set to 'Modern' by default which matches your standard DAW: You change the tempo to change the speed, and you generally don't interact with tick speed. In this mode changing the tick rate only changes the resolution of the rows and doesn't change the speed. This can be off putting to those used to .it type tempo controls which can be re-enabled by opening Song Properties and changing Tempo Mode to Classic. As the tick speed command is generally used to do swing in .it, Modern tempo mode can use Tempo Swing which can also be configured in Song Properties. '[t[b3]Effect Commands'[/t] The effect commands for .mptm are the same as the effect commands in .it. See '[[ImpulseTracker Effects Commands] for a complete (????) listing of these commands. A few more effects are added in the .mptm format. '[t[b2]\xx - '[/t] Smooth Macro. This command is a smoother version of the Zxx command which does not click unlike the the Zxx command. '[t[b2]#xx - '[/t] Parameter Extension. Extends the parameter of a Pattern Break (Cxx), Offset (Oxx) or Tempo (Txx) command. If placed below such a command, the parameter values are combined. If there is only one #xx command below the actual command (this is the limit for Cxx and Txx), the parameter of the original command is multiplied by 256 and the parameter of the #xx command is added. For the Offset command, up to four rows can be combined. The last row is then multiplied by 1, the row above it is multiplied by 256 (100h), the row above that row is multiplied by 65536 (10000h), and so on. '[t[b2]:xy - '[/t] Combined Note Delay and Note Cut. Delays note for x ticks and cuts after y ticks. (like combining SCx and SDx into one command) '[t[b2]+xx - '[/t] Fine tune. Tune note up to 100 cents in either direction (if in instrument mode, uses pitch bend range.) +80 is ±0 cents. '[t[b2]*xx - '[/t] Smooth fine tune. Note slides to new tuning instead of snapping. '[t[b2]S7D - '[/t] Force Pitch envelope (turn on the pitch/filter envelope and use pitch mode) '[t[b2]S7E - '[/t] Force Filter envelope (turn on the pitch/filter envelope and use filter mode) '[t[b2]S8D - '[/t] Force cutoff filter envelope. '[t[b2]o0x - '[/t] (volume column) Sample cue. Play from cue points set in the sample tab (Right click -> Set Sample cue to.) Has some additional effects when combined with the Oxx sample offset command: '[t[b1]o00 Oxx -'[/t] play sample from xx% '[t[b1]o0x Oyy -'[/t] play sample from cue point x offset by y. '[#[Additional features not found in IT] - custom sample tuning - parameter control events - multiple pattern sequences - Modern tempo / tempo swing - tempo values greater than 256 (maximum is 1000) and decimal tempos rounded to four places - high pass filters (.it only has a lowpass (cutoff) and a resonant filter) - externally save samples (rather than inside the module, treat a module like a project file rather than a self-contained file) - random variation on filters - DirectX audio effects (note: this is technically a Windows feature, not a feature of OpenMPT itself, however, using DirectX effects is allowed in BotB .mptm entries, because OpenMPT is a Windows program) - Midi I/O instrument plugin (only MS synth output is allowed) - LFO plugin for plugin parameters - OPL Instruments '[t[b3]Custom Tunings'[/t] Unlike .it, it is easy to create custom tunings. Go to the Instruments tab and find the a drop down menu that says "Alternative tunings". Here, you can change the current tuning of an instrument by inputting ratios of each "note", implement letter sequences for each note, specify notes per octave, and more! Custom tunings used to be local, but now they are included in the module, so feel free to use them in compo entries. In the menu bar at 'View/Find OpenMPT Hacks' you can find non-standard modifications that will only work for .mptm. '[t[b3]Plugins'[/t] '[o]Note: Once again, using VSTs in a submission is not allowed.'[/o] The Plugin settings are found at the bottom of the general tab. This is where you can add, remove, and configure plugins - these can be VSTs, DirectX audio effects, or built-in plugins (built-in plugins will list their vendor as OpenMPT.) Use the Select button to choose a plugin and the Editor button to change its parameters. To chain multiple plugins together, select the first plugin and use the 'Output to' dropdown to select the plugin it should output to. Plugins can be used by channel or by instrument. In the general tab, use the dropdown at the bottom of the channel settings to link channels to plugins. Alternatively, if the Show Plugins button is toggled, channel plugins can be changed and edited from the pattern editor. Instruments can be linked to plugins in the plugin/MIDI section of the instrument settings. '[t[b1]Parameter Control'[/t] You can control plugin parameters during the song by using parameter control events, by default bound to hypen (-) and shift-hyphen. These take up the whole cell and look like either PC xxx yyy zzz or PCs xxx yyy zzz (the s stands for smooth!) These stand for "set plugin X's Parameter Y to Z." For example: PC 01 000 500 If there is a Chorus in FX1, this command sets the dry/wet (parameter 0) to 50%. The status bar at the bottom of the OpenMPT window is very helpful in determining what number is what parameter. '[#[See also] '[[Format] '[[MODPlug Tracker] Guides that apply to mptm: '[[Tinymod Optimization Strategies] '[[IT Module Optimisation] '[[Using .it Instruments]