'[l[http://www.neonempyr.org/ppmck_guide.html[PPMCK] is a MML script-based NES/Famicom music composition utility. Some of its best features at the moment is its full-support for Famicom Disk System and expansion chip tunes. It is NOT a tracker. You write out your notes in script format. (Ex: a b r g+ ) Setting up PPMCK isn't all that difficult. Download it from the link provided in the guide in the above link. Don't worry about extracting it to a directory or anything just yet. We need '[l[http://studio293.at.infoseek.co.jp/data/index_e.html[MuMML] first. MuMML listens to your .mml or .txt file for changes and automatically initializes your favorite NSF plugin or stand-alone player after you save the txt file. (It's also a good environment for other chips.) Read the install_prog.txt in the ../prog/ppmck directory and extract the files from the PPMCK archive accordingly. That'll get you set up. Read the guide and everything should be fine. Some great things about PPMCK compared to MCK is the ability to switch banks for longer songs -- RUSHJET!