Bespoke is an open-source software modular synthesizer (self-described as a modular DAW) for Mac, Windows, and Linux. It supports VST plugins, MIDI controllers and live Python scripting. '[#[Restrictions on submit] Use of VST or LV2 or any form of external plugins is prohibited. All sound must be generated from the bespoke patch only, and should not rely on external software or devices for audio or control signals to play it back. Use of Python scripting is currently prohibited as it requires the user to set up Python to the correct version and may contain malicious code. If you are playing back a file in bespoke which does contain scripts and you don't completely trust them then DO NOT load the script(s) when you load the patch. '[#[Accepted file format] .bsk '[#[Render to MP3] Like with most software, it may be easiest to record the program directly via another program like Audacity or similar. It is also possible to use the '[t[mono]write audio'[/t] button to dump bespoke's audio buffer (30 minutes by default) to the recordings directory, but you may need to edit this file and convert to MP3. '[#[See Also] '[l[[Official website] '[l[[Github repository] '[l[[Official Discord] '[l[[Official documentation] '[l[[Community documentation]