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PPMCK is an extension of the MCK program, which utilizes '[[MML] (Music Macro Language) to create '[[nsf (format)[(NES Sound Format)] files. In other words PPMCK is an NES/Famicom music composition utility. It has the ability to utilize every type of expansion chip. 

'[#[Noteable Characteristics]
One advantage PPMCK has over '[[FamiTracker] (or other NSF Trackers for that matter) is that it boasts full support for ANY combination of '[l[http://famitracker.com/wiki/index.php?title=Sound_hardware#Expansion_sound[expansion chips]. FamiTracker normally has the possibility to use only one expansion chip at a time. (However, user nicetas_c on FamiTracker forums has found '[l[http://famitracker.com/forum/posts.php?id=3326[a way] to use up to 2 at a time.)

Additionally, since PPMCK is not a tracker, you are not bound to a grid, thus freeing the possibility to achieve any kind of note value intuitively without having to delay ticks or changing the ticks-per-step value. In PPMCK you write the note lengths next to the letter names e.g. (c2 d4 e4 b2 a2) which translates to (half-note, quarter, quarter, half-note, half-note). You can simultaneously, in another channel write something like (e6 f6 g6 d12 e12 c6 b6), which translates to (triplet-quarter, triple-quarter, triplet-quarter, triplet-eight, triplet-eight, triplet-quarter, triplet-quarter). You can also use disgusting weird divisions that no living person would want to play all the way up to 99999999999! Much more than 9000.

'[#[Setting up PPMCK]

First off, download an NSF player such as '[l[http://rainwarrior.ca/projects/nsfplay/nsfplay23.zip[NSFPlay] (Windows or Mac using Wine) or '[l[http://www.bannister.org/software/ao.htm[Audio Overload] (Windows and Mac)
Audio Overload runs natively in Mac and is temporarily a good solution if you are a Mac user, but it can't run chips like the FDS (Famicom Disk System chip). For immediate playback try using an emulator such as '[l[http://nestopia.sourceforge.net/[NEStopia].

Now for PPMCK

For Windows: 
-Download it '[l[https://github.com/fogota/ppmck[HERE].
-Unzip it to any directory
-Download '[l[http://woolyss.com/chipmusic/chipmusic-mml/MuMML.zip[MuMML]. MuMML listens to your .mml or .txt file for changes and automatically initializes your favorite NSF plugin or stand-alone player after you save the txt file.  (It's also a good environment for other chips.)
- If you are not using MuMML you can run "mknsf yoursongname.mml" in the directory by command prompt." This is what converts your MML's to NSF files.

For Mac:
-Download '[l[http://macromates.com/[TextMate]
-Download the '[l[http://shauninman.com/assets/downloads/MML.zip[TextMate MML Bundle], which has PPMCK nicely packed and ready to go!
-Run TextMate. To build your project into an NSF, press command-B. To build and run your project in your NSF player, simply press command-R.

'[#[Learning PPMCK/MML]
For MML/NSF n00bies check out: '[l[https://web.archive.org/web/20180102082905/http://www.nullsleep.com:80/treasure/mck_guide/[MCK/MML Beginner's Guide]
Once you got the hang of things read or if you're just naturally awesome check out: '[l[http://shauninman.com/assets/downloads/ppmck_guide.html[The Ultimate PPMCK MML Reference]

'[#[See also]
referred from: 
- '[[nsf (format)]
- '[[Tracker]

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