Summer Chip is a traditional major '[[battle] that happens annually during the northern hemisphere's summer months (around June-September). The entry period typically lasts for a month or more and a variety of (mostly newer) Chip '[[format[formats] are always available. '[#[Previous Battles] There have been twelve Summer Chip battles so far: '[l[[Summer Chip XII] in 2022 '[l[[Summer Chip XI] in 2021 '[l[[Summer Chip X] in 2020 '[l[[Summer Chip IX] in 2019 '[l[[Summer Chip VIII] in 2018 '[l[[Summer Chip VII] in 2017 '[l[[Summer Chip VI] in 2016 '[l[[Summer Chip V] in 2015 '[l[[Summer Chip IV] in 2014 '[l[[Summer Chip III] in 2013 '[l[[Summer Chip II] in 2012 '[l[[Summer Chip I] in 2011 '[#[See Also] '[[Winter Chip] '[[Spring Tracks] '[[Battle] '[[format]