LunarMagic is a romhacking tool for Super Mario World, which lets you create your own levels and more for Nintendo's Jump'n'Run-Classic from 1992. '[#[Tools] You should get '[l[[LunarMagic], which will be your main tool to build levels and change the overworld etc. Next, you need a SMW-Romfile (which will not get linked here, but i'm sure u can do googling). A SNES-Emulator is also handy for testing your modifications and playing back other submissions. '[#[General Rule for the format] - all custom elements like new sprites, music etc. shld be made within the batol time - no covers allowed, no leveldesign-covers, no music-covers within ur hack '[#[Restrictions on submit] '[t[b4]DO NOT UPLOAD YOUR .smc OR .sfc FILE (AKA: NOT THE ROMFILE OF THE GAME!) THIS IS ILLEGAL!'[/t] Use the tool '[l[[FLIPS] to create a patch of your hack and submit the resulting .ips or .bps file. '[#[Playback (for voting)] For playing back submitted entries, use FLIPS (see above) to patch the entry with a real SMW-Rom and run the resulting file either in an emulator of your choice or on real hardware. '[#[See also] '[[Battle] '[[Format]