'[#[Tools] '[t[b3]PabloDraw'[/t] is what the cool kids seem to be into these days '[l[http://picoe.ca/products/pablodraw/[homepage] '[t[b3]ACiDDraw'[/t] is a DOS tool created and used by the premiere ANSI group ACiD '[l[http://download.cnet.com/ACiDDraw-ANSI-Editor/3000-2192_4-10005588.html[download link] '[t[b3]The Draw'[/t] is the original DOS happy ANSI editor '[l[http://www.syaross.org/thedraw/[homepage] '[t[b3]ansiart2utf8'[/t] is a Linux tool that does exactly what its name says '[l[https://github.com/BourgeoisBear/ansiart2utf8[git repo] '[#[See Also] '[l[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_art[wikipedia] '[l[http://sixteencolors.net/[16c] - an ANSI art archive '[l[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_page_437[cp437] - wiki article about higher order ascii characters used in ANSI art