- Tools
- Restrictions on submit
- Playback (for voting)
- Render to MP3
Defined in 1982, MIDI is a standard protocol that allows multiple electronic instruments and musical devices to communicate and synchronize with themselves. It is usually associated with the sound of the Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth, which is the soundfont MIDIs are to be rendered to on BotB.
A composition saved as a MIDI is a sequence of notes and commands that will be played back by the computer's own MIDI drivers. Since this makes a .mid file much smaller than an audio file, MIDI files have a rich history of use in computer games, software, and websites.
Anything that can sequence MIDI notes and (optionally yet preferably) pipe the results to a MIDI output for testing will suffice.
Restrictions on submit
All MIDIs must be less than 64kb in size and must comply with only the sounds of the Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth. Otherwise, there are no extraneous restrictions to the format, which means you're free to create whatever with the patches provided by the GS Wavetable so long as it fits within the file size limit.
If you normally do not have access to render to MSGS, please use
this SF2 soundfont with your media player.
Playback (for voting)
A variety of tools exist for the sake of MIDI playback, though some of the preferred programs for playback include, but are not limited to:
TMIDI Player
Render to MP3
If your DAW supports direct playback of the GS Wavetable within the DAW (e.g. using the Fruity LSD on FL Studio), you can do a render of your entry simply by exporting to MP3.
In other cases, a Stereo Mix recording of the MIDI will also suffice so long as the MIDI in question can be played with as little issues (read: few to no dropped notes) as possible.