It's super cool that so many of you are in school. I envy the hell out of that (even if it means future debt!)
I make my pittance by teaching private lessons on bass, guitar, and drums every week (and at a month long program for 2 - 12 graders in the summer), gigging as a bass player, doing stuff with the music that actually belongs to the name "Bubblegum Octopus" (I used to tour a lot), occasional soundtrack/remix commissions, and then AV related stuff (which almost always actually translates to: hilariously brutal manual labor).
I have an interview TOMORROW to teach for an ESL program though, fingers freaking crossed.
Also, thanks for posting this Shinichi. I didn't want to be the one to start the thread and look like I just wanted to talk about myself, I just really like "get to know each other" kinda stuff. >_<;;
I also know this particular topic is pretty fucking sensitive for a lot people, so hopefully thinking about it didn't make anyone upset. Life is scary!! I really hope everyone in here that's "looking" or burdened by some other struggle in this realm finds something better!