what do u do for a living
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 23 Mixist
post #80494 :: 2017.03.14 5:08pm
  Post-retro, sleeparrow and BubblegumOctopus liēkd this
post ur ancer here

for my new friendd Bubblegum Octopus
Level 21 Chipist
post #80495 :: 2017.03.14 5:12pm
  Post-retro, DevEd, Pegmode, Lukas Eriksson, MiDoRi, DBOYD, sleeparrow, BubblegumOctopus, TMM12, Savestate and shinichi liēkd this
the grossery stoer
Level 24 Mixist
Cessor Safari
post #80496 :: 2017.03.14 5:13pm
  andres, Lukas Eriksson, sleeparrow, TMM12 and shinichi liēkd this
unemployed :(
Level 23 Mixist
post #80497 :: 2017.03.14 5:15pm :: edit 2017.03.14 5:16pm
  MiDoRi, sleeparrow and Cessor Safari liēkd this

i make a tiny bit of pocket money from tutoring and captioning but hardly anything that could count as a "salary"
Level 17 Mixist
post #80498 :: 2017.03.14 5:15pm
  Jangler, MiDoRi, NerdMcBoon, sleeparrow and shinichi liēkd this
Level 9 Chipist
post #80499 :: 2017.03.14 5:15pm
  mootbooxle, sleeparrow, VinCMG, Savestate and shinichi liēkd this
maths and cs undergrad student, essentially living off savings. soon to be grad student in data science while working for some data mining company
Level 22 Chipist
post #80503 :: 2017.03.14 5:19pm
  goluigi, VinCMG, NerdMcBoon, mootbooxle, sleeparrow, BubblegumOctopus, Savestate and shinichi liēkd this
at a beatup sports bar, i am a dishwasher (Demigod) of the highest caliber. been at it for a long 3 years, yet i am soon to be hanging up the apron for a new life in college where i will be learning cs just like the commoners
Level 5 Pixelist
post #80506 :: 2017.03.14 5:23pm :: edit 2017.03.14 5:24pm
  jaemie, chinanewyr, RatShack, MiDoRi, Bitfox, Dimeback, meanings, sleeparrow, NerdMcBoon, Muzak Efron, Savestate, Beard and shinichi liēkd this
I am A Popp Star; Create Sound for Listen Ears : )
Level 9 Chipist
post #80507 :: 2017.03.14 5:24pm
  jaemie, tothejazz, MiDoRi, mootbooxle, sleeparrow and shinichi liēkd this
stinky beaver
Level 17 Pixelist
Galak Sea
post #80509 :: 2017.03.14 5:31pm
  tothejazz, MiDoRi, sleeparrow, Savestate, sqwerty and shinichi liēkd this
Microtechnical engineering student
Level 14 Pixelist
Blaze Weednix
post #80511 :: 2017.03.14 5:41pm
  jaemie, Gauched, tothejazz, MiDoRi, Baron Knoxburry, Dimeback, ViLXDRYAD, sleeparrow, TMM12 and shinichi liēkd this
I rob the bank every day and run away from the police constantly, but I know every loophole in every law so I never land in jail.
Level 30 Chipist
post #80515 :: 2017.03.14 5:48pm
  MiDoRi, PeachBellini, Baron Knoxburry, sleeparrow, Modus Ponens, BubblegumOctopus and shinichi liēkd this
compsci dropout getting Destroyed working overtime fast food lol.
Currently on the hunt for a broadcasting/production job since I have a few years of experience in a professional environment w it.
Level 9 Chipist
post #80517 :: 2017.03.14 5:55pm
  tothejazz, Savestate, sleeparrow, Modus Ponens and shinichi liēkd this
I hope you find what you're looking for asap savestate
Level 17 Chipist
post #80518 :: 2017.03.14 5:57pm
  Post-retro, Baron Knoxburry, Dimeback, sleeparrow, Blaze Weednix and shinichi liēkd this
I make hit movies that show in theaters and make millions, then I bootleg my own films anonymously to make even more money on top of the millions I'm already making.

...but for real, unemployed :P
Level 8 Chipist
post #80520 :: 2017.03.14 6:05pm
  Savestate, mootbooxle, sleeparrow, shinichi and TMM12 liēkd this
Full time audio engineering student, making pocket cash on the side as a live and recording bass/keys player.

Looking to possibly swap out audio engineering for interaction design, though I'm not entirely sure yet.
Level 24 Chipist
post #80525 :: 2017.03.14 6:45pm
  goluigi, Jangler, RatShack, MiDoRi, sqwerty, Galak Sea, Baron Knoxburry, Savestate, sleeparrow and shinichi liēkd this
i am a manufacturing engineer in the aerospace industry
Level 8 Chipist
Muzak Efron
post #80528 :: 2017.03.14 7:01pm
  jaemie, Doxic, RatShack, MiDoRi, TMM12, Baron Knoxburry, Dimeback, meanings, DBOYD, mootbooxle, sleeparrow, Quirby64, Xyz and shinichi liēkd this
I'm a joker, I'm a smoker, I'm a midnight toker
Level 21 Criticist
post #80529 :: 2017.03.14 7:07pm
  Doxic, Slimeball, MiDoRi, Muzak Efron, Baron Knoxburry, TMM12, sleeparrow and Jimmyoshi liēkd this
  Beard and Razerek hæitd this
Level 28 Chipist
It's super cool that so many of you are in school. I envy the hell out of that (even if it means future debt!)

I make my pittance by teaching private lessons on bass, guitar, and drums every week (and at a month long program for 2 - 12 graders in the summer), gigging as a bass player, doing stuff with the music that actually belongs to the name "Bubblegum Octopus" (I used to tour a lot), occasional soundtrack/remix commissions, and then AV related stuff (which almost always actually translates to: hilariously brutal manual labor).

I have an interview TOMORROW to teach for an ESL program though, fingers freaking crossed.

Also, thanks for posting this Shinichi. I didn't want to be the one to start the thread and look like I just wanted to talk about myself, I just really like "get to know each other" kinda stuff. >_<;;

I also know this particular topic is pretty fucking sensitive for a lot people, so hopefully thinking about it didn't make anyone upset. Life is scary!! I really hope everyone in here that's "looking" or burdened by some other struggle in this realm finds something better!
Level 23 Mixist
post #80532 :: 2017.03.14 7:14pm :: edit 2017.03.14 7:16pm
  Post-retro, MiDoRi, Dimeback, NerdMcBoon, TMM12, sleeparrow, BubblegumOctopus and shinichi liēkd this
Im freelance illustrator, and working with indie game projects making soundtrack, and producing music for sell some on internet, + some mini projects on my city, photo,video, expositions or performance on little bars, events, etc;
Level 22 Mixist
post #80535 :: 2017.03.14 7:25pm :: edit 2017.03.14 7:26pm
  Gauched, Flaminglog, VinCMG, NerdMcBoon, Savestate, BubblegumOctopus and shinichi liēkd this
theater sweeper turned chiptune venture capitalist

edit: i'm also one of those hipster frontend developers
Level 30 Mixist
i do a music for teh monie

I am a full-time musician, part-time producer, part-time author, session musician, studio consultant, n00b.
It takes a lot of little jobs done on a regular basis to equal a good living in the world of music, but I'm happy to be doing it!
Level 23 Mixist
post #80545 :: 2017.03.14 8:44pm
  Post-retro, MiDoRi, mootbooxle, cyancoloneels, PeachBellini, sleeparrow, BubblegumOctopus, Savestate and shinichi liēkd this
Same as moot, but with more focus on the sound design part.

I mainly test synths for various companies, help with the sound judgement in the developement process, make presets and audio demos and stuff like that.
Level 23 Mixist
post #80546 :: 2017.03.14 8:51pm
  tothejazz, mootbooxle, sqwerty, sleeparrow, shinichi, BubblegumOctopus and Savestate liēkd this
same as savestate. compsci dropout -> fast food. i do some private guitar lessons and do live sound for a coffee shop/venue in my town.
Level 24 Chipist
post #80547 :: 2017.03.14 8:51pm
  sqwerty, sleeparrow, shinichi, Dimeback, BubblegumOctopus and Savestate liēkd this
Same as dimeback.

Currently working at a grocery store that pays a lot for what the job entails, and constantly trying to figure what I'm doing with dontblinkoryoulldie. I've been interested in applying for ESL or something else in Japan, as well as indie game scoring. Also generally very depressed and anxious But I've been playing a lot of shows lately and working on new music so it's not all that bad I guess.
Level 23 Pedagogist
post #80548 :: 2017.03.14 8:55pm
  TMM12, MiDoRi, VinCMG, Modus Ponens, sleeparrow, Baron Knoxburry, Savestate, Yukari and shinichi liēkd this
i eat avocados
Level 24 Mixist
post #80550 :: 2017.03.14 8:59pm
  sethdonut, mootbooxle, Modus Ponens, sleeparrow, Savestate and shinichi liēkd this
I've been working on becoming a professional voice actor for a few years now. I still have a ways to go but I do feel I've gotten a lot better since 3-4 years ago.
Level 13 Chipist
post #80551 :: 2017.03.14 9:01pm
  Slimeball, Post-retro, sleeparrow, Savestate, shinichi and BubblegumOctopus liēkd this
I'm on college so I don't have a proper job yet becuz no time, but I make some money from time to time from game soundtracks but i don't always get enough on a month to depend only on it.
Level 21 Chipist
post #80554 :: 2017.03.14 9:09pm :: edit 2017.03.14 9:23pm
  shinichi, TMM12, sleeparrow and Savestate liēkd this
I should also mention that I'm also in college studying cs and it makes me want to kms. Probably gonna switch to business or marketing if I lose interest.

I could probably be doing more for myself, but I don't want to give up my passion of making music.
Level 30 Mixist
Baron Knoxburry
Fluffer; I make pillows golden.
Level 27 Renderist
post #80569 :: 2017.03.14 10:32pm
  goluigi hæitd this
  mootbooxle, Chip Champion, sleeparrow, MiDoRi, Dimeback and shinichi liēkd this
Level 30 Chipist
post #80571 :: 2017.03.14 10:40pm
  sleeparrow, Savestate and shinichi liēkd this
I do da codez on da 💻 (compsci represent)
Level 23 Mixist
post #80572 :: 2017.03.14 10:42pm
  sleeparrow, Savestate and shinichi liēkd this
I am da student
Level 21 Criticist
post #80573 :: 2017.03.14 11:00pm
  sleeparrow, TMM12, VinCMG, Dimeback and shinichi liēkd this
I am da trackman
Level 22 Mixist
post #80575 :: 2017.03.14 11:26pm
  Post-retro, Jangler, sleeparrow, sqwerty, Savestate, Melon and shinichi liēkd this
I am a stud

ent and I really hope I get accepted one of these summer internships I've applied for so I can get job after I graduate next year
Level 28 Chipist
post #80579 :: 2017.03.15 12:29am
  goluigi, tothejazz, Modus Ponens, sleeparrow, Lukas Eriksson, sqwerty, Savestate and shinichi liēkd this
I teach. It's a lot of work but then the holidays are good!
Level 7 Criticist
post #80581 :: 2017.03.15 1:01am
  sethdonut, shinichi, sleeparrow and Savestate liēkd this
art student -> sailor student - > compsci dropout -> working in post production for reality shows at present time...
Level 13 Criticist
post #80582 :: 2017.03.15 1:03am
  mootbooxle, shinichi, sleeparrow, MiDoRi and Savestate liēkd this
I repair electronics and occasianally do some PCB design and production.
Level 22 Chipist
post #80586 :: 2017.03.15 2:36am
  goluigi hæitd this
  shinichi, sleeparrow and MiDoRi liēkd this
Sitting in the trash dumpster and procrastinating about the rest of my life
Level 25 Chipist
post #80594 :: 2017.03.15 5:35am
  goluigi, Slimeball, Post-retro, chunter, mootbooxle, Savestate, Modus Ponens, shinichi, sleeparrow and MiDoRi liēkd this
I have cerebral paulsy and so in truth I'm kind of a government mooch who lives at home lol. On the bright side I have made some money from time to time selling albums and getting music on little mobile indie games and whatnot. So when I am in public and someone asks me that I just say "Freelance musician". Honestly I'm pretty happy with my life for the most part. I get to stay at home and do what I love for a hobby or for money and my parents don't really give me grief about it much because a lot of the money I get I am very generous with. The thing that really impresses me though is that all of you are so good musically and yet unlike me most of you actually have lives :).
Level 17 Chipist
post #80595 :: 2017.03.15 5:41am
  Savestate, shinichi and sleeparrow liēkd this
Go to school.
Level 26 Chipist
Lukas Eriksson
post #80604 :: 2017.03.15 6:57am
  goluigi, mootbooxle, Dimeback, Savestate, Galak Sea, Modus Ponens, VinCMG, shinichi, sleeparrow and BubblegumOctopus liēkd this
I build at a model railway exhibition
Level 23 Pixelist
post #80607 :: 2017.03.15 7:23am
  Savestate, shinichi and sleeparrow liēkd this
I exist
Level 25 Chipist
post #80626 :: 2017.03.15 10:24am
  Slimeball, Post-retro, TMM12, MiDoRi, Savestate and shinichi liēkd this
School huh? Ehhh...in my late teens and early 20's I had a couple of case workers for youth transition and I was taking writing and psychology classes as well as some art and Spanish lol. I had a goal of eventually trying to get into the field of music psychology as I found the idea for the job extremely interesting. Sadly, they ran out of funding for my classes and I ran out of time. Finally, my last case worker who was a really cool guy and missing a leg but could still get around said to my mom and I "Why isn't he on disability?" We said we tried but they denied us. He told us they always do that and we should appeal with a lawyer that works on contingency. We did so and won the case pretty easily. So, I could either go to school and stress myself out going into debt when nobody in my life is pushing me to do so, or stay at home and do what I love all day and use my meager government money to help the family and pull our resources together to stay afloat. When my family has no problem with me staying at home and helping out with money, and the guy who suggested I get on disability was missing a leg it kind of let me know that being in my current situation is socially acceptable after I gave it a decent shot and so I have embraced my situation with open arms :P. Call me lazy if you must, you're probably not wrong but damn it I'm pretty happy ha ha.
Level 12 Mixist
post #80627 :: 2017.03.15 10:28am
  sleeparrow, MiDoRi and Melon liēkd this
  Savestate and shinichi hæitd this
I vote 7 in order to overthrow the BotB voting system and make way for my competing web site, battle of the bobs,
Level 24 Grafxicist
post #80632 :: 2017.03.15 11:48am
  MiDoRi, VinCMG, mootbooxle, Savestate, shinichi and Jangler liēkd this
Currently a Computer Game Science student in college! I have made a little pocket change from art but that's not my focus.

I also suffer,
Level 28 Chipist
post #80637 :: 2017.03.15 12:36pm :: edit 2017.03.15 12:36pm
  MiDoRi, mootbooxle, Savestate and shinichi liēkd this
compsci dropout who sometimes makes good decent money doing software contract work and other times is too busy struggling with mental health to do basic tasks. lately it's been more of the latter so i am applying for ssd/ssdi until i can figure out how to make things work better
Level 5 Criticist
post #80640 :: 2017.03.15 1:27pm
  Savestate and shinichi liēkd this
i'm a front-end dev support jockey
Level 25 Chipist
post #80645 :: 2017.03.15 1:46pm
  failure_supreme liēkd this
I was going to like failure_supreme's comment because I thought he said battle of the boobs. Awww....
Level 10 Mixist
post #80652 :: 2017.03.15 2:37pm
  mootbooxle, Savestate and shinichi liēkd this
Systems engineer & software developer. I work in warehouse automation, helping the stupid stuff you ordered online get out the door as fast as possible.
Level 22 Mixist
post #80656 :: 2017.03.15 4:34pm
  Ktcmoop, mootbooxle, Savestate, Jangler and shinichi liēkd this
Ktcmoop: wait a minute!!! I think we go to the same school
Level 22 Chipist
post #80657 :: 2017.03.15 5:27pm
  shinichi, MiDoRi and Quirby64 liēkd this
sit around all day on my computer
Level 31 chipist
Chip Champion
post #80660 :: 2017.03.15 6:04pm
  tothejazz, mootbooxle, Savestate, Jangler and MiDoRi liēkd this
print shit, mail shit, fax shit, drink free coffee
Level 22 Playa
post #80663 :: 2017.03.15 7:02pm
  Slimeball, Savestate, mootbooxle and shinichi liēkd this
data analyst/ETL guy, SQL/perl/python coder, heavily underemployed atm and looking for new remote work if anyone knows anything... ;)

also, same as Muzak Efron, b00daw and RazerBlue6. :P

[and Jangler to an extent, though the NYC metro area is entirely too expensive to live off SSD, so I haven't bothered. but medicaid is teh r0x though]
Level 29 Mixist
post #80665 :: 2017.03.15 7:54pm
  Slimeball hæitd this
  tothejazz, Jimmyoshi, Savestate, MiDoRi, Dimeback, VinCMG and shinichi liēkd this
i am a 女子高生~~~~~~~~~~

i'm a community college student who is gonna transfer to uni next fall doing the usual gay nerd cs shit like 166% of people here, i have a temp job at my school rn coding sql too which is Good

cc is easy so i'm not an emo uni student yet
Level 25 Chipist
post #80668 :: 2017.03.15 8:03pm
  gotoandplay, Savestate, MiDoRi and shinichi liēkd this
RE Jredd, TIL, much respect for what you are able to do.

I am a customer service telephone operator who has represented the websites of about 40 or so retail stores.

Before that, I was a clerk in a toy store.
Level 23 Criticist
post #80718 :: 2017.03.16 9:20am
  mootbooxle and shinichi liēkd this
I work at a grocery store like DBOYD and Dimeback.
I'm a night stocker so I have a messed up sleep schedule.
Level 27 Mixist
post #80734 :: 2017.03.16 5:06pm
  mootbooxle, goluigi, Savestate, VinCMG and shinichi liēkd this
i have an associate of applied science degree for digital media design and production, and am going back to school once again to pursue a bachelor's in electrical engineering. also interested in moving to tx to work as a wind technician sometime within the next couple years.

right now as far as dough, i'm working fart-time at my school, as well as in a custom framing shop here in town.
Level 25 Mixist
post #80738 :: 2017.03.16 7:35pm
  goluigi, shinichi and Savestate liēkd this
i am that emo uni compsci student. also doing security work and music commissions.
Level 7 Chipist
Mistor Moniter
post #80747 :: 2017.03.16 9:28pm
  Savestate, pedipanol, sqwerty, Galak Sea and shinichi liēkd this
Field Ecologist / Wildlife Conservationist... pretty much working with anything alive under the sun in eastern Canada.

so eletronics and musics is only a hobby.... some kind of warm & nostalgic memory from way back when... a thing I can't seem to shake off.
Level 9 Chipist
post #80775 :: 2017.03.17 10:18am
what do you teach, gtap?
Level 16 Chipist
post #80776 :: 2017.03.17 10:34am
  Quirby64 liēkd this
  Jangler hæitd this
I am number one.
Level 28 Chipist
post #80777 :: 2017.03.17 10:51am
  sleeparrow, mootbooxle, VinCMG, sqwerty, shinichi, Savestate and goluigi liēkd this
I teach mostly science and a little bit of maths in a secondary special school.
Level 22 Chipist
post #80783 :: 2017.03.17 11:54am
  sleeparrow, mootbooxle, goluigi, VinCMG, sqwerty, Jangler, MiDoRi, shinichi and Savestate liēkd this
I am an environmental consultant
Basically I look at dirt to make sure water didn't move it anywhere.

I also work as a sound engineer for film projects on the side and freelance musician.
Level 21 Mixist
post #80786 :: 2017.03.17 12:46pm
  goluigi, Savestate and shinichi liēkd this
video editor

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