[03:39] <goluigi> hong kong dongongong
[03:39] <HertzDevil> you only reslut once
[03:39] <goluigi> hertzdevil is the real dong
[03:39] <kfaraday> the_real_dong.nsf
post #25636 ::
2013.03.08 6:07pm :: edit 2013.03.08 6:07pm Slimeball liēkd this
Thanks you everyone! It's been fun being here and you're all wonderful people.
I love BotB and all of its members, and I am planning to stay here until the end of all humankind, where we may rise up, as a new species/race. Superior over all humanity in the past, we can contact to IRC with our heads and use music from our magical keyboards to summon magical powers from within our selves and destroy all remaining humankind and make a new planet.
thank you
GOLGI (still my benis buddy ever since 99)
MKSTAR (balp...~)
DUANE!!! (mega9man)
KTCMOOP (porygon z is hella cool)
B00DAW (it's comin!)
KINKINKKK (good song! i'm getting bjork to cover it)
TQ-JAM (貴方はかっこいいよ (^○^) )
bazz (pump da bazz....)
uUni (i won't forget you, sweet black jesus)
Cessor Safari (happy fuck)
thank you to all! i love botb and its residents yall are great thank you for coming, i do accept this nobel peace prize. here's to another decade at battleofthebits.com
woah thank you guys, i forgot it was my birthday here until my last hour! i hope on my death bed, it's my botb burfday so i can get those last affirmations of my existence before death - happy FOUR years here woah
thank you guys. it's a revolution. join in if you wanna, if you don't, you're gonna go unda. my burfday. the new wave. the new generation, X-Man, The New Generation. so i'm glad to be here!