i agree with the local gymnasium council, go back to being wiggly wiggly jigglypuff or something super duper cute not some dumb boring HUMAN ANIME GIRL who even wants to be a human wow cutey little animals like rainbow dash and interrobang pie are better : (
What you're seeing here is the result of a complicated relationship I've developed over time with Tux, goluigi and Doxic. You're probably having a hard time understanding the deep feelings we share for each other, and I would too if I saw any similar exchange of feelings on your profile between you, Interrobang Pie, HertzDevil and skinnyhead2000. Don't feel bad about it. Love and friendship isn't meant to be logical or understandable. <3
I think it'll be the story of how Haruhi had a gorgeous boyfriend, but then she changed into Rainbow Dash like a ding dong wow, so she had no boyfriend anymore and had to read clopfics for the rest of her life.sho
post #26594 ::
2013.04.10 12:33am :: edit 2013.04.10 12:33am GoldenDenis and goluigi liēkd this
[03:51] <Tux> death to haruhi f********
[03:51] <goluigi> mine is alreddy red :(
01[03:52] <golgibody> :(
06[03:52] * sethdonut skanks
[03:52] <kfaraday> how's my voice volume btw
[03:52] <CaptBeard> I don't want that!
[03:52] <Tux> i officially have a death to haruhi aura
[03:52] <Tux> no!!!!!!
01[03:52] <golgibody> Your voice volume is just fine!
[03:52] <@null1024> it's like, there's an entry number, why do you need the name other than to be pretty
[03:52] <mJ> lol
[03:52] <goluigi> i want BLUE death to arabs
[03:52] <commandycan> just peachy, kfaraday
[03:52] <MOOGbooxle> it's just right kfaraday
[03:52] <kfaraday> : ) danke
[03:52] <HertzDevil> haruhi found dead in palestine regions
gyms you are a very nice froggy and slimeball is a very nice slimeball and you two are adorable in every aspect. but you will never beat the adorableness between the relationship between me and rainbow dash. rainbow dash is the cutiest pony i have ever met and she might get tired of me but i will never get tired of her ^o^
tux is just mad that now he has to be in a threesome with slimeball and you :( Sad.
hey i hope not! our relationship is founded on mutual love, friendship and respect: there can be no jelly within the realm of true spirit walkers. earthly cognition must be cast side in order for the love shine in!
slimeball, if there were a 'most interesting profile' award category, i would vote for you. i just read everything from start to finish, it was an adventure.
Thank you for the kind words! You are my favourite ponymon and I hope you will never be involved in any clopfic...unless that is like your thing...which I'm okay with...
"It causes cream, remains firm and prevents becoming soft too quickly. It also gives an attractive appearance and a firmness of quality. Dr.Oetker Klop-fix is added while whisking."
hoppy burfday babe, i just bought u a whole case~ ;;oo
[20:07] <Slimeball> [04:07:11] <@BotB> OHB:: Fluttershy's Amazing OHC :: STARTS IN 4m 59s :: FORMAT S3XMODIT :: Baycun is host :: OHB PERIOD 60 MINUTES :: http://battleofthebits.com/arena/Battle/1435/
[20:08] <goluigi> crap now it says "last here 5-30-2013" :(
[20:08] <goluigi> on my profile
[20:08] <Slimeball> Time to leave a birthday wish on my profile~ :3
u tricked me by using baycun how could you :(
happy bday slimbol ilu sorry i forgot to buy 11th chords for your birthday and gave you dumb i bVII bVI V instead wooooow :(
I'm not the only one who has changed a lot. There are lots of people now who keep insulting Interrobang Pie and calling him bad names even though I-Pie hasn't done anything wrong to them. In fact it got so bad that Interrobang Pie himself believes that one of these insulting names is his actual name.
It fills me with such an overwhelming feeling of sadness Doxic, you could write at least 100 sad songs about it.
slimbol you must peer beyond the frills of everyday rhetoric and heed this chastened outcry, one that so surreptitiously lambastes the collective cognizance in which we find ourselves so profusely rapt:
after contest edit: safari hæitd all the comments that said it was me because he knew i made it and wanted no one to get boons so he tried to trick everyone who guessed it was me that they were wrong ;(
wow the slimbol cutie club:
Eternal Cutie Chan Goddess - Slimeball
Chief President - Safari
Vice President - Tails
Secretary of Slime - Zillah'
The Good Boy - Doxic
Emelia Kaylee, I owe you my life. Until this very moment, I spelled it as Narutsu. I even REGISTERED Narutsu as a nick and hung around on several channels using that nick.
This is probably why inchy kept linking me Naruto fanfics.
"Oh dear, looks like I was fooled into thinking it is anime! :P"
To be fair the art style was inspired by anime, so I can see why people would be fooled into thinking that it is.
now there's no more to render.... i did them all............
(except for a few select ones)
.......and im still only a fraction of yours O:
i can barely imagine how many hours you spent wowowowowoowwo
post #76605 ::
2017.01.11 12:32am :: edit 2017.01.11 12:32am Slimeball liēkd this
i shoulda posted a comment here last night, per the usual protocol:
i'm giving zombi ailment for two weeks 'cause you haven't done much on the site lately besides spread rumors and enmity and put down people who are active in the community precisely because they're active in the community. please find more positive ways to contribute.
I guess it's kinda cute you get on my profile and tell me to fuck off from my very own profile. You don't even give me a proper reason to do so!
*sigh* What am I going to do with you~
I'm afraid your anger and frustration towards me says a lot more about you, than it could possibly say about me. I never picked a fight with you, or intended any harm towards you. This is really silly.
If my profile offends you so much, perhaps you shouldn't read it?
my anger and frustration does not stem from nowhere, but rather how you have negatively impacted my friends, so it actually says quite a lot about you. fuck off on behalf of being a toxic presence, a lingering phantom of shittiness that leaves its mark upon everyone you touch. i don't hate people, but you're an exception - my sudden upset at you is simply triggered by your existence. i'm not the only one. again, fuck off
I think the real toxic presence here are those people who keep acting on grudges, and get triggered just by other people's existence. Don't be one of those people, even if they are your friends.
I guess I can't blame you personally for the way you're acting now. Having the wrong friends can turn you into a very bitter, negative and spiteful person.
If you don't like me, you can be a bit more constructive, and offer me some insight into how I should be acting according to you.
I'm afraid "toxic presence" doesn't tell me much. You don't see me throwing vitriol on your profile...