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snibbetracker (format)



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snibbetracker is a fakebit tracker written in C using SDL2 by lundstroem
  1. Tools
  2. Accepted file format
  3. Playback (for voting)
  4. Controls
snibbetracker is a fakebit tracker written in C using SDL2 for MS-Windows and MacOS-X. It has 6 channels with changeable instruments, including custom wavetables. The main window is the tracker view, with access to the pattern view and back by using the tab key. From the pattern view, you can go to the instrument view (when the cursor is on an instrument), or set the layout of the song's patterns from here.


- snibbetracker

Accepted file format

- .snibb

Playback (for voting)

Open the .snibb file with snibeetracker and press Space to play the track.


(''modifier'' here is ctrl or command for windows or mac)

° Global Controls
- modifier+s: go to save view
- modifier+o: go to load view
- modifier+e: go to export view.
- modifier+i: go to instrument view.
- modifier+t: go to tempo view.
- modifier+r: go to wavetable view.
- modifier+j: go to custom wave view.
- modifier+n: reset project.
- space: toggle playback.
- escape: exit current view.
- F1, F2 etc to change views.

° Track View
- return: toggle editing on/off.
- space: play/stop.
- arrow keys: move cursor.
- tab: go to pattern view.
- modifier+left/right: change octave up/down.
- modifier+up/down: move notes below cursor.
- modifier+1-9: step size.
- shift+arrow keys: make selection.
- modifier+c/v/x: copy paste or cut note (or selection).
- character keys: play notes or edit effects.
- modifier+f: toggle play cursor follow.
- home/end: go to top / bottom.
- plus/minus: transpose halfnote in selection.
- modifier+plus/minus: transpose octave in selection.
track format explanation:
a = note, b = instrument number, ccc = effects. 6 supported channels.
a b ccc | a b ccc | a b ccc | a b ccc | a b ccc | a b ccc

° Pattern View
- arrow keys: move around grid.
- plus/minus: cycle waveform, pattern numbers, active rows etc.
- return: go to instrument view (when gridcursor is at Ins 0-F)
- tab: go to track view.
- e: jump to trackview with current row position.
- m: mute track (or channel if cursor is at the top)
- x: activate/inactivate track.
- s: solo track (or channel if cursor is at the top)
- shift+up/down: paginate tracks (0-63).
- modifier+c/v: copy paste track data.
- home/end: set cursor to top / bottom.
- modifier+up/down: move rows below cursor.

° Instrument View
- arrow keys: move node.
- modifier+arrow keys: move node slowly.
- tab: cycle nodes.
- return/esc: go to pattern view.
- shift: toggle editing of envelope or effects.
- home/end: cycle instruments.

° Effects
0xx - arpeggio (second tone halfsteps, third tone halfsteps) change speed in settings:Arp xx.
1xx - arpeggio speed (speed, speed) use one of the values or both multiplied.
2xx - delay (speed, feedback)
3xx - portamento (speed, speed) uses a single value if other is 0 or a multiplication of both. Sets the speed to when new notes will be reached.
4xx - vibrato (speed, depth).
5xx - distortion (amp, amp).
6xx - FM (depth, speed).
7xx - detune (amount, amount) 88 is middle.
8xx - PWM (linear position/oscillation depth, oscillation speed) on squarewave. If param2 is present, param1 will be used for osc depth.
9xx - set wavetable/waveform for current channel. param1: set wavetable lane 0-5 or param2: change waveform 0-5.
Axx - (left amplitud, right amplitud) can be used for amplitude, pan och turning off a tone.
Bxx - downsample sweep down (linear, sweep) Works best on noise channel. Choose either linear or sweep.
Cxx - downsample sweep up (linear, sweep) Works best on noise channel. Choose either linear or sweep.
Dxx - ends pattern. D11 - jump to next pattern and reset tempo seq. D1x - reset tempo seq. D2x - switch tempo_seq column. x = tempo seq column (0-5).
Exx - pitch up (fast, slow) Works on non-noise channels. Both values can be combined to increase effect.
Fxx - pitch down (fast, slow) Works on non-noise channels. Both values can be combined to increase effect.
Gxx - bitcrush, params are multiplied to represent a bit depth. Affects all channels.

Battle Formats