Being a general use Mixist format, anything that can record, compose, arrange, and mix music and/or sound from scratch, free and paid, will do for this format. Anything that isn't audio is off limits. Additional bit pack rules may apply.
- Tools
- Restrictions on submit
- Accepted file format
- Playback (for voting)
- Additional notes
All - pertaining to
Gear - pertaining to tools, whether it be through software or hardware
Put it together, and you get
allgear! As the name implies, you can use any hardware and/or software tools that you desire to create your piece!
Not to be confused with wildchip; while the format has the same format liberties as allgear, it's restricted to chiptune-sounding entries. Also not to be confused with Remix, which restricts you to the bitpack provided for that battle.
Being a general use Mixist format, anything that can record, compose, arrange, and mix music and/or sound from scratch, free and paid, will do for this format.
Restrictions on submit
Generally, the resulting submission must at least be a piece of audio or something that can be played back as audio. In other words, anything that isn't audio is off limits.
Accepted file format
For major battles, the submitted file can be a source file (e.g. tracker module or other project file like .mid, .nsf, .ftm...), since a render can be uploaded immediately after submission. MP3 only is fine, too.
For minor battles (XHBs), MP3 is the only accepted file format unless specified in the bitpack. This is for ease of voting.
Please avoid submitting other audio stream filetypes like WAV, OGG, M4A, etc. This is because the BotB Radio web player only plays MP3 (for maximum browser compatibility) so server space gets eaten up by the need to upload an MP3 render anyway.
Playback (for voting)
Any media player that is capable of playing MP3 files will suffice.
Additional notes
"MP3 at all costs." - Derek2011Brony