How work the POINTS SYSTEM
First you must know, to have more points you have to participate in BotB community, sharing stuff, doing music and having fun with the chiptunes and people.
General Points
You get this points, writing posts and everyday you are logged into the site.
Samplist Points
You get this points, uploading SOUNDS/SAMPLES to BotB. When any REMIXING competition is on the way.
Mixist Points
You get this points, mixing SOUNDS/SAMPLES in any of the REMIXING competitions or in ALLGEARS OHC.
Chipist Points
You get this points, making CHIPTUNES in the CHIP competitions or in any of the CHIP OHC's, ( *.nsf / *.sap / *.s3m / *.mod / *.it / *.xm / Mario Paint ).
Grafxist Points
You get this points, making graphics for BotB.
OHCist Points
You get this points, participating in the BotB OHC's.
Criticist Points
You get this points, voting for the tracks in any of the COMPETITIONS, for example, ( Detroit, 3xthemeChip, AMENSIN, OHC, etc ).
Hackist Points
You get this points, by doing stuff to make BotB better, like code or IRC bots.
Pedagogist Points
You get this points, helping to BotB with links and information in the LYCEUM zone.
Total Comments
OBVIOUSLY, are the total of the comments you have in BotB.
P.D: all n00bz