The ahx format is for the .ahx filetype, created with the ahx tracker!! ;P
AHX is a tool for the Commodore Amiga, used for creating synthesized 4-channel chiptunes which emulate the sound of the Commodore 64. Please note that ahx does not emulate an actual SID chip, it just attempts to sound like it.
Recommended editors:
-Hively Tracker (Win32, AmigaOS4, Haiku, MacOS X) (note: Panning effects, ring modulation, 5+ channels, and the triggering of two effect commands per note in the pattern editor are NOT supported by AHX format. Those are HVL exclusive features)
Recommended players/converters:
-xmplay plugin (Windows)
-commandline replayer (linux/SDL)
-commandline replayer v1.8(Windows, Amiga OS4, Mac OSX)
-HVL2WAV commandline converter(Windows, Amiga OS4)
-[Droidsound] (chipmusic mediapayer for Android, also can export them as ringtones)