The ZX Spectrum beeper is a simple audio coil controlled by the Z80 processor. It is present in all models but more popular with the 48k edition before the introduction of the AY-3-8912 soundchip (more or less identical to Atari ST's YM2149).
Recommended editors:
- Beepola (Multi-engine; Windows, known to run in Wine)
- Orfeus Music Assembler (native)
- Phaser1 (native)
also available:
- Beep Tracker (native)
- Creador Musical II (native)
- Music Box T.E. (native)
- Music Synth TE (native)
- Stocker (Windows)
- YU the Music Box (aka The Music Studio)
- ZX-7 (native)
- WLA-DX (it's an assembler. roll-your-own driver, cross-platform, HAS BEEN USED BEFORE)
** In process of changing allowable formats to .z80 .sna .tap .tzx
Beepola has an export feature and is Windows specific, so not everyone can enjoy the source file, but could enjoy the exported ZX Spectrum specific program.