- Tools
- Guides
- Restrictions on submit
- How to play (for voting)
- See also
ZQuest is a tool for creating custom quests in Zelda Classic, a PC clone of the original
NES Legend of Zelda, not unlike
LunarMagic for Super Mario World except with a clone of the game rather than an actual ROM. As such, this is a Mappist format working with assets and mechanics from The Legend of Zelda.
ZQuest comes bundled with the 20+ years actively developed NES Legend of Zelda PC-clone Zelda Classic by Armageddon Games. It is a very deep custom-quest creation enviroment with map-editor, texture-editor, advanced game-configuration and script-expandability. Yet, it's very intuitive for the beginner with its interface, where upon launching the program, you're already up and set with graphics, music and blank maps to quickly begin creation of custom NES LoZ-style games. Though, for the experienced user it's definitely possible to create custom games, especially through bending the game-engine with the script-expandabilty.
ZQuest Classic - the most contemporary version of the software, forked from the original. You should most likely use this version for your entry.
zeldaclassic.com - The original "Zelda Classic" version can be found here (or on
this github page). If an entry doesn't open in ZQuest Classic, try this one instead.
purezc.net - a huge hub for ZQuest resources
The Comprehensive ZQuest 2.50 Tutorial
Restrictions on submit
Submission should be playable in ZQuest Classic or the original Zelda Classic. Because of some internal kerfuffle, two different versions of the software exist (linked above). Either is legal for the format, but ideally you should specify the version used so it can be opened easily by voters.
How to play (for voting)
Launch ZQuest Classic (or Zelda Classic) and create a new game. By pressing the A button in-game, it should open a tab where it'll show info and author of the current quest. Press A again and it'll open a dialog where you'll be able to locate your .qst file. Then after successfully loading it, you're ready to play!
See also
smw (format)
doom (format)and
boom (format)
Mappist (class)