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tic80 (format) View HTML Version

The TIC-80 tiny computer is a free "fantasy computer," or a mini virtual computer with its own OS. It is designed to create small video games. It is limited in size and power. You can download it or use it online '[l[https://tic80.com/create[here.] ( '[l[https://tic.computer/create[edit: tic.computer is a dead link now] )

'[#[Saving Your TIC-80 Cart]
The '[t[t monofont]save '[/t] command will save a copy of the currently loaded cartridge to the local filesystem - the location may vary according to operating system and context:

Windows: '[t[mono]%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\com.nesbox.tic\TIC-80'[/t]
Browser (IndexDB): '[t[mono]/com.nesbox.tic/TIC-80/'[/t]

To load .tic files on Windows, download and extract the executable from the link above and drag the .tic on the exe.

TIC-80 supports Lua, Moonscript, Javascript, Fennel, and Wren.
The full wiki can be found '[l[https://github.com/nesbox/TIC-80/wiki[here.] 

'[t[t tb1]Display - '[/t]240x136 pixels, 16-color palette
'[t[t tb1]Input -'[/t]           4 gamepads with 8 buttons / mouse / keyboard
'[t[t tb1]Sprites  -'[/t]        256 8x8 foreground sprites and 256 8x8 background tiles
'[t[t tb1]Map  -'[/t]            240x136 cells, 1920x1088 pixels (240*8 x 136*8)
'[t[t tb1]Sound   -'[/t]         4 channels (with editable waveform envelopes)
'[t[t tb1]Code     -'[/t]        64KB (or 512KB in PRO bankswitching)
'[t[t tb1]Bankswitching -'[/t]    Up to 8 banks in cart (PRO version only)

'[#[Sound Chip]

TIC-80 has four audio channels supplied by its virtual sound chip. These are updated by the sfx() and music() functions in the TIC-80 API. But you can also use poke() and poke4() to make noises.

The music is usually created with the built-in audio editors, but one can code their own music driver and write to the audio ram.

Every frame (60hz), on all 4 audio channels, the 4 bit, 32 length waveform can be changed, which could theoretically be used to produce dynamic sound using various audio synthesis methods.

'[l[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9oAccwjeDA[youtube: Crash course tracking music in TIC-80 ( '[l[https://www.pouet.net/user.php?who=177&show=groups[psenough] )] 

Battle Formats