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msxplus (format) View HTML Version

The '[b]MSXplus'[/b] format is for the MSX home computer's primary soundchip (the AY-3-8910/YM2419 found in BotB's '[[aym (format)[AYM format]) plus one or more expansion chips used on the MSX. This is similar to the '[[nsfplus (format)[NSFplus] format in that it allows for a lot of different configurations, with the only mandatory part being the use of an expansion chip.

These MSX expansion chips, all popular in their day, are legal for the format:
- '[b]Y8950'[/b], a chip available only in the MSX-AUDIO (the MSX's first sound expansion) and a couple early arcade machines.
- '[b]OPLL'[/b], a chip which became the standard FM soundchip expansion for the system with MSX-MUSIC, and later was packaged with MSX2+ and Turbo-R models.
- '[b]SCC'[/b] and '[b]SCC+'[/b], chips which were only used on the MSX, included various Konami cartridges and used by other software when these cartridges were plugged on the console.
- '[b]Turbo-R PCM'[/b], an 8-bit 16khz PCM synthesizer chip on the Turbo-R models, suported by various sound drivers.

On PC:
- '[l[https://www.msx.org/downloads/msxdrv-v320[mgsdrv] - an MML driver that can be edited and played back '[l[https://msxplay.com/editor.html[in your browser]. It's the main tool used in the Japanese scene. It supports OPLL and SCC/+.
- '[l[https://github.com/kuma4649/mml2vgm[MML2VGM] - a compiler for various '[[vgm (format)[.vgm] soundchips. It supports a wide variety of soundchips including OPLL, Y8950 and SCC/+.
- '[l[https://www.patreon.com/posts/0cc-lltracker-57793427[0CC-LLtracker] - for OPLL only
- '[[DefleMask Tracker[Deflemask] - for OPLL only
- '[[Furnace Tracker[Furnace] - The popular modern Swiss army knife chiptune tracker. By exporting to .vgm, it supports AY-3-8910/YM2419, Y8950, OPLL, and SCC/+ (but not Turbo-R PCM).

On MSX hardware or in emulator:
- '[l[https://github.com/cornelisser/TriloTracker[TriloTracker] - supports SCC and OPLL but not multichip.
- '[l[https://www.msx.org/news/software/en/realfun-3-a-new-scc-psg-tracker-in-development[Realfun 3 Tracker] - supports SCC.
- '[l[https://www.msx.org/wiki/FAC_Soundtracker[FAC Soundtracker] - an old tool that supports OPLL and Y8950 (no PCM) but not multichip.
- '[l[https://msxhub.com/ADXP[ADXP] and '[l[https://msxhub.com/XEDT[XEDT] - a sound driver and MML editor for OPLL, Y8950, SCC+ and Turbo-R PCM.
- The MSX Basic's internal MML syntax, which can be expanded for OPLL and Y8950.

'[#[Restrictions on submit]
Submission should be playable on hardware or in an emulator.
Regardless of the method, at least one expansion chip (Y8950, OPLL, SCC, SCC+, Turbo-R PCM) must be used; this differentiates the format from '[[aym (format)[the AYM format].

Use of the AY-3-8910/YM2419 (the stock 3-channel MSX soundchip) is not strictly required, much like the NES's '[[2a03 (soundchip[2A03] chip in '[[nsfplus (format)[NSFplus].

If you've used native trackers/drivers for your song, you can either submit a .DSK file with the player and module or log the song using OpenMSX and a script (read '[l[https://www.msx.org/forum/msx-talk/openmsx/vgm-logging-openmsx?page=0[here]).

'[#[Playback (for voting)]
- '[b].kss'[/b] is like the '[[nsf (format)[NSF] file format for MSX. It contains driver and song data.
Many general chiptune players supports it, including chipamp and foo_gep.
On Hardware/Emulator it can be played with '[l[https://msxhub.com/KSSPLAY[KSSPLAY]. 

- '[b].mgs'[/b] is the format for songs made using MGSDRV, the most popular sound driver for the platform;
   It can be played back on windows with '[l[https://github.com/digital-sound-antiques/in_msx[in_msx] on Winamp.
   It can also be played back on the browser on '[l[https://msxplay.com/[msxplay.com]
On Hardware/Emulator you can find the driver '[l[https://gigamix.hatenablog.com/entry/mgsdrv/#%E3%83%80%E3%82%A6%E3%83%B3%E3%83%AD%E3%83%BC%E3%83%89[here].

- '[b].vgm'[/b] can be opened in many tools, for example '[l[https://github.com/vgmrips/vgmplay-legacy[VGMPlay]
On Hardware/Emulator you can use '[l[https://www.grauw.nl/projects/vgmplay-msx/[VGMPlay MSX], playback restricted by the available RAM.

- '[b].dsk'[/b] is the FDD format for the MSX; people can put the song data and driver on it so one can play it on hardware/emulator. Hardware tracker and driver files can be submitted using this format.

MSX Emulators:
'[l[http://bluemsx.msxblue.com/download.html[blueMSX] (Windows): No support for Turbo-R PCM.
'[l[https://openmsx.org/[openMSX] (Multi): very complicated to set up, but supports pretty much everything and has script support for vgm logging.
'[l[http://fms.komkon.org/fMSX/[fMSX] (Multi): No support for Y8950(?).
'[l[https://webmsx.org/[WebMSX] (Browser): doesn't support Y8950 or Turbo-R PCM.

'[#[See also]
- '[[aym (format)]
- '[[MML]
- '[[mml (format)]

Battle Formats