Many BotBrs host XHBs with recurrent themes or ideas. After the ability to schedule XHBs in advance was implemented in 2020, they became especially popular - and remain so to this day! However older series have existed as well. This article hopes to catalog them all. The list is divided out into "multi-format" and "single-format" sections, and each section is sorted '[b]alphabetically'[/b]. '[o]Last updated December 30, Year of the Baconator'[/o]. '[#[Series with multiple formats] Several XHB series have occurred where the idea was to have a different format every time, or that utilized many different formats along the way: '[t[b2]AC21 Bit Period'[/t] A 4HB series hosted by '[l[[kleeder] in preparation for Advent Calendar 2021. '[l[['[icon[formats/vocal] #1] - '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #2] '[t[b2]Accompany this poem'[/t] Multi-format (though frequently allgear) series hosted by '[l[[roz]. '[l[['[icon[formats/nsfplus] #01] - '[l[['[icon[formats/nsfplus] #02] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #03] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #04] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #05] - '[l[['[icon[formats/nsf_classic] #06] - '[l[['[icon[formats/nsfplus] #07] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #08] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #09] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #X] '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #11] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #12] - '[l[['[icon[formats/nsfplus] #13] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #14] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #15] * '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #16] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #17] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #18] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #19] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #XX] '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #21] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #22] *'[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] special] '[t[b2]Auditory Imagery'[/t] Multi-format visual battle series hosted by '[l[[kilowatt64] where participants take inspiration from music linked in the bitpack. '[l[['[icon[formats/pixel] #1] - '[l[['[icon[formats/draw] #2] '[t[b2]Badge Quest'[/t] Hosted by '[l[[Chip Champion] as a part of his badge completionist collecting. '[l[['[icon[formats/sap] #01] - '[l[['[icon[formats/sapx2] #02] - '[l[['[icon[formats/nsf_classic] #03] - '[l[['[icon[formats/gameboy] #04] - '[l[['[icon[formats/deflemask] #05] - '[l[['[icon[formats/hes] #06] - '[l[['[icon[formats/tia] #07] - '[l[['[icon[formats/gameboy] #08] - '[l[['[icon[formats/draw] #09] - '[l[['[icon[formats/nsf_classic] #10] '[l[['[icon[formats/ansi] #11] - '[l[['[icon[formats/channelf] #12] '[icon[formats/plaintext] '[icon[formats/vocal] '[t[b2]Battle of the Bards'[/t] A singer-songwriter themed series of twin battles hosted by '[l[[roz]. In a '[[plaintext (format)[plaintext] battle participants must write a set of lyrics based on a theme, and the winning lyrics go on to be the bitpack for a subsequent '[[vocal (format)[vocal] battle. '[l[[#1α]/'[l[[1β] - '[l[[#2α]/'[l[[2β] - '[l[[#3α]/'[l[[3β] '[t[b2]BGM for this GIF'[/t] A multi-format series hosted by '[l[[Tex] involving scoring a GIF. '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #1] - '[l[['[icon[formats/furnace] #2] '[t[b2]Blob OHB'[/t] Blob (emoji) themed series hosted by '[l[[kleeder]. '[l[['[icon[formats/visuall] #1] - '[l[['[icon[formats/pixel] #2] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #3] '[t[b2]BOTBtober 2017'[/t] Hosted by '[l[[Sinc-X] at the end of October. Differs from 2016's edition, which was allgear-focused. '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #1] - '[l[['[icon[formats/sample] #2A] - '[l[['[icon[formats/remix] #2B] - '[l[['[icon[formats/zxbeep] #3] - '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #4] - '[l[['[icon[formats/sid] #5] '[t[b2]chopperz'[/t] Waveform manipulation based series hosted by '[l[[blower5], in which participants receive a single drum sample and a single miscellaneous sample. '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #0] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #1] - '[l[['[icon[formats/remix] #2] - '[l[['[icon[formats/s3xmodit] #3] '[t[b2]colours'[/t] A graphically focused OHB series hosted by '[l[[sean]. '[l[['[icon[formats/draw] #01] - '[l[['[icon[formats/pixel] #02] - '[l[['[icon[formats/visuall] #03] - '[l[['[icon[formats/visuall] #04] - '[l[['[icon[formats/visuall] #05] - '[l[['[icon[formats/visuall] #06] - '[l[['[icon[formats/ansi] #07] - '[l[['[icon[formats/visuall] #08] - '[l[['[icon[formats/visuall] #09] - '[l[['[icon[formats/visuall] #10] '[l[['[icon[formats/visuall] #11] - '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #12] - '[l[['[icon[formats/visuall] #13] '[l[['[icon[formats/visuall] #14] - '[l[['[icon[formats/visuall] #15] '[t[b2]COUNTELPRO'[/t] Module series hosted by '[l[[keffie]. '[l[['[icon[formats/mod48k] #1] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mod24k] #2] - '[l[['[icon[formats/s3xmodit] #3] '[t[b2]déjà vu'[/t] A multi-format series hosted by '[l[[nitrofurano] that recalls past bitpacks of yore. '[l[['[icon[formats/gameboy] #1] - '[l[['[icon[formats/midi] #2] - '[l[['[icon[formats/pxtone] #3] - '[l[['[icon[formats/pxtone] #4] - '[l[['[icon[formats/s3xmodit] #5] - '[l[['[icon[formats/pxtone] #6] - '[l[['[icon[formats/jummbox] #7] - '[l[['[icon[formats/nsf] #8] - '[l[['[icon[formats/nsf] #9] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mariopaint] #10] '[t[b2]E'[/t] NES-based series hosted by '[l[[kleeder]. The overall theme was to only use the note E with barely any effects to reach other frequencies. '[l[['[icon[formats/nsfplus] #1] - '[l[['[icon[formats/0cc] #2] - '[l[['[icon[formats/0cc] #3] '[t[b2]explain this format using the format'[/t] A series hosted by '[l[[kleeder] in which, as the title may convey, one must explain the concept of the format within that format's restrictions. '[l[['[icon[formats/plaintext] #1] - '[l[['[icon[formats/html] #2] - '[l[['[icon[formats/vocal] #3] - '[l[['[icon[formats/furnace] #4] '[t[b2]Eye to ear'[/t] Series hosted by '[l[[OminPigeonMaster] with the general idea to write music for a gfx entry that was previously submitted to BotB '[l[['[icon[formats/nsf] #1] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #2] '[t[b2]F MINOR'[/t] ChannelF/fSound series hosted by '[l[[kleeder]. Works as a sequel for '[l[[F MAJOR]. '[l[['[icon[formats/channelf] #1] - '[l[['[icon[formats/fsound] #2] '[t[b2]From The Past'[/t] Series hosted by '[l[[CastleNes]. '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #1] - '[l[['[icon[formats/visuall] #2] - '[l[['[icon[formats/nsfplus] #3] - '[l[['[icon[formats/visuall] #4] '[t[b2]hosting one ohb per day until single-format-major 1 starts'[/t] Series hosted by '[l[[kleeder]. '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #1] - '[l[['[icon[formats/renoise] #2] - '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #3] - '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #4] - '[l[['[icon[formats/remix] #5] - '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #6] - '[l[['[icon[formats/fakebit] #7] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #8] - '[l[['[icon[formats/s3xmodit] #9] - '[l[['[icon[formats/pixel] #10] '[t[b2]keffie needs a routine!'[/t] Module series hosted by '[l[[charlotte] and other keffie accounts. '[l[['[icon[formats/mod04k] #1] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mod04k] #2] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mod04k] #3] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mod08k] #4] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mod16k] #5] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mod04k] #6] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mod04k] #7] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mod04k] #8] '[t[b2]Level Music'[/t] An XHB series hosted by '[l[[OminPigeonMaster] with each bitpack prompt describing a level in a video game. It is one of the longest-running XHB series in existence. Though it began as a purely allgear series, several Chipist formats have been incorporated from S01E41 onward. '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #01] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #02] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #03] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #04] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #05] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #06] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #07] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #08] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #09] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #10] '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #11] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #12] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #13] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #14] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #15] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #16] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #17] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #18] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #19] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #20] '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #21] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #22] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #23] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #24] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #25] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #26] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #27] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #28] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #29] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #30] '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #31] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #32] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #33] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #34] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #35] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #36] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #37] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #38] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #39] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #40] '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #41] - '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #42] - '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #43] - '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #44] - '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #45] - '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #46] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #47] - '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #48] - '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #49] - '[l[['[icon[formats/fakebit] #50] '[l[['[icon[formats/fakebit] #51] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #52] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #53] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #54] - '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #55] - '[l[['[icon[formats/nsf] #55.5] - '[l[['[icon[formats/nsfplus] #55.55] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #55.555] '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #55.5555] - '[l[['[icon[formats/nsfplus] #55.55555] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #56] OPM started a '[b]second season'[/b] right after the 56th battle of season one was hosted: '[l[['[icon[formats/nsfplus] #01] - '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #02] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #03] - '[l[['[icon[formats/gameboy] #04] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #05] - '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #06] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #07] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #08] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #09] - '[l[['[icon[formats/sms] #10] '[l[['[icon[formats/sms] #11] - '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #12] - '[l[['[icon[formats/gameboy] #13] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #14] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #15] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #16] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #17] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #18] - '[l[['[icon[formats/nsf_classic] #19] '[l[['[icon[formats/nsf_classic] #20A] - '[l[['[icon[formats/nsf_classic] #20B] - '[l[['[icon[formats/nsf_classic] #20C] '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #21] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #22] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #23] - '[l[['[icon[formats/nsf_classic] #24] - '[l[['[icon[formats/nsfplus] #25] - '[l[['[icon[formats/aym] #26] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #27] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #28] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #29] '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #30A] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #30B] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #30C] '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #31] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #32] - '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #33] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #34] - '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #35] - '[l[['[icon[formats/nsf_classic] #36] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #37] - '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #38] - '[l[['[icon[formats/nsf_classic] #39] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] secret] '[t[b2]like a melody'[/t] A series of twin battles hosted by '[l[[roz] in which entrants must first write a melody with no accompaniment, then write an accompaniment to the winning melody. '[l[['[icon[formats/mariopaint]#1a]/'[l[[1b] - '[l[['[icon[formats/famitracker]#2a]/'[l[[2b] '[icon[formats/allgear] '[t[b2]make a song inspired by this image'[/t] Allgear (and as of recently, sometimes wildchip) series hosted by '[l[[tree]/'[l[[mary]. AKA "make a song based on this image". '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #01] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #02] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #03] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #04] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #05] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #06] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #07] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #08] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #09] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #10] '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #11] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #12] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #13] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #14] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #15] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #16] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #17] - '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #18] - '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #19] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #20] '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #21] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #22] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #23] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #24] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #25] '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #26a] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #26b] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #27] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #28] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #29] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #30] '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #31] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #32] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #33] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #34] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #35] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #36] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #37] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #37] (2) '[t[b2]making music for an imaginary soundchip'[/t] Mostly module-focused (and fairly self-explanatory) series hosted by '[l[[kleeder]. '[l[['[icon[formats/mod12k] #1] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mod32k] #2] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mod16k] #3] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mod04k] #4] - '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #5] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mod16k] #6] '[t[b2]MEATPOP PRODUCER CHALLENGE'[/t] One-off series hosted by '[l[[damifortune] which had sample & midi format prep battles and culminated in a '[[vocal (format)[vocal] format 4HB. '[l[['[icon[formats/sample] prep 1] - '[l[['[icon[formats/midi] prep 2] - '[l[['[icon[formats/sample] prep 3] - '[l[['[icon[formats/vocal] main event] '[icon[formats/midi]'[icon[formats/mt32] '[icon[formats/xg] '[t[b2]MIDImoji'[/t] MIDI series hosted by '[l[[damifortune] with a different emoji for the bitpack every time. From #12 onward, the series expanded from MSGS MIDI to include other MIDI formats (XG, MT32) as well. '[l[[#01🌴] - '[l[[#02☄️] - '[l[[#03🍵] - '[l[[#04☔] - '[l[[#05🔮] - '[l[[#06🌶️] - '[l[[#07🧀] - '[l[[#08⚡] - '[l[[#09🗝️] - '[l[[#10☁️] '[l[[#11⛰️] - '[l[[#12🌆] - '[l[[#13🦖] - '[l[[#14🏯] - '[l[[#15🌈] - '[l[[#16🪁] - '[l[[#17🛎️] - '[l[[#18🎺] - '[l[[#19🎀] - '[l[[#20🍒] '[l[[#21⚔️] - '[l[[#22🦠] - '[l[[#23🌠] - '[l[[#24🏙️] - '[l[[#25🐦] - '[l[[#26🌋] - '[l[[#27🎮] - '[l[[#28💰] - '[l[[#29🍁] - '[l[[#30🎣] '[l[[#31🧁] - '[l[[#32❄️] - '[l[[#33🎻] - '[l[[#34🍓] - '[l[[#35🔥] - '[l[[#36🧛] - '[l[[#37🌱] - '[l[[#38🚀] - '[l[[#39🌵] - '[l[[#40🍭] '[l[[#41🧊] '[t[b2]Multi 100'[/t] A series hosted by various BotBrs held for '[l[[Tilde] in the spirit of finishing a "100 songs in 1 year" challenge. '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #1] - '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #2] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #3] - '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #4] - '[l[['[icon[formats/nsfplus] #5] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #6] '[t[b2]OHB Advent Calendar 2018'[/t] Before '[[Advent Calendar (Battle series)[Advent Calendar became a major battle], it was a daily OHB series hosted by '[l[[kleeder]. '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #01] - '[l[['[icon[formats/sgen] #02] - '[l[['[icon[formats/zxbeep] #03] - '[l[['[icon[formats/pixel] #04] - '[l[['[icon[formats/sap] #05] - '[l[['[icon[formats/nsfplus] #06] - '[l[['[icon[formats/midi] #07] - '[l[['[icon[formats/amigamod] #08] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mariopaint] #09] - '[l[['[icon[formats/pxtone] #10] '[l[['[icon[formats/snibbetracker] #11] - '[l[['[icon[formats/photomash] #12] - '[l[['[icon[formats/fsound] #13] - '[l[['[icon[formats/sample] #14] - '[l[['[icon[formats/ansi] #15] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mod16k] #16] - '[l[['[icon[formats/tia] #17] - '[l[['[icon[formats/remix] #18] - '[l[['[icon[formats/gameboy] #19] - '[l[['[icon[formats/adlib] #20] '[l[['[icon[formats/mt32] #21] - '[l[['[icon[formats/sunvox] #22] - '[l[['[icon[formats/html] #23] - '[l[['[icon[formats/ascii] #24] '[t[b2]OHB Advent Calendar 2019'[/t] Before '[[Advent Calendar (Battle series)[Advent Calendar became a major battle], it was a daily OHB series hosted by '[l[[kleeder]. '[l[['[icon[formats/mariopaint] #01] - '[l[['[icon[formats/snibbetracker] #02] - '[l[['[icon[formats/deflemask] #03] - '[l[['[icon[formats/draw] #04] - '[l[['[icon[formats/midi] #05] - '[l[['[icon[formats/aym] #06] - '[l[['[icon[formats/s3xmodit] #07] - '[l[['[icon[formats/nsfplus] #08] - '[l[['[icon[formats/ted] #09] - '[l[['[icon[formats/tia] #10] '[l[['[icon[formats/sap] #11] - '[l[['[icon[formats/hes] #12] - '[l[['[icon[formats/svg] #13] - '[l[['[icon[formats/pc-x801] #14] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #15] - '[l[['[icon[formats/bytebeat1k] #16] - '[l[['[icon[formats/adlib] #17] - '[l[['[icon[formats/zxbeep] #18] - '[l[['[icon[formats/renoise] #19] - '[l[['[icon[formats/sms] #20] '[l[['[icon[formats/spc] #21] - '[l[['[icon[formats/html] #22] - '[l[['[icon[formats/ahx] #23] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mod24k] #24] '[icon[formats/s3xmodit] '[t[b2]one sample only'[/t] Module series hosted by '[l[[kleeder]. '[l[['[icon[formats/mod16k] #1] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mod24k] #2] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mod32k] #3] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mod48k] #4] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mod64k] #5] '[t[b2]One-OHB-Per-Day-Challenge'[/t] Series hosted by '[l[[kleeder]. '[l[['[icon[formats/pc-x801] #01] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mod32k] #02] - '[l[['[icon[formats/s3xmodit] #03] - '[l[['[icon[formats/s3xmodit] #04] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mod16k] #05] - '[l[['[icon[formats/s3xmodit] #06] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mariopantse] #07] - '[l[['[icon[formats/nsfplus] #08] - '[l[['[icon[formats/s3xmodit] #09] - '[l[['[icon[formats/remix] #10] '[l[['[icon[formats/remix] #11] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mt32] #12] - '[l[['[icon[formats/html] #13] kleeder started a second season of One-OHB-Per-Day-Challenge near the end of 2023: '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #01] - '[l[['[icon[formats/fakebit] #02] - '[l[['[icon[formats/fakebit] #03] - '[l[['[icon[formats/s3xmodit] #04] - '[l[['[icon[formats/fakebit] #05] - '[l[['[icon[formats/fakebit] #06] - '[l[['[icon[formats/fakebit] #07] - '[l[['[icon[formats/s3xmodit] #08] - '[l[['[icon[formats/fakebit] #09] - '[l[['[icon[formats/s3xmodit] #10] '[l[['[icon[formats/mariopaint] #11] - '[l[['[icon[formats/photo] #12] - '[l[['[icon[formats/s3xmodit] #13] '[t[b2]PAINTIN YOUR PANTS'[/t] A series all about '[[mariopaint (format)[Mario Paint] hosted by '[l[[big lumby]. '[l[['[icon[formats/mariopaint] #01] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mariopaint] #02] - '[l[['[icon[formats/visuall] #03] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mariopaint] #04] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mariopantse] #05] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mariopaint] #06] - '[l[['[icon[formats/visuall] #07] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mariopaint] #08] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mariopaint] #09] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mariopaint] #10] '[l[['[icon[formats/visuall] #11] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mariopaint] #12] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mariopaint] #13] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mariopaint] #14] - '[l[['[icon[formats/visuall] #15] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mariopaint] #16] - '[l[['[icon[formats/moai] #17] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mariopantse] #18] - '[l[['[icon[formats/visuall] #19] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mariopaint] #20] '[l[['[icon[formats/mariopaint] #21] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mariopantse] #22] - '[l[['[icon[formats/visuall] #23] '[t[b2]Press start button'[/t] Series hosted by '[l[[CastleNes]. '[l[['[icon[formats/sap] #1] - '[l[['[icon[formats/nsf] #2] - '[l[['[icon[formats/nsfplus] #3] - '[l[['[icon[formats/pc-x801] #4] - '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #5] - '[l[['[icon[formats/visuall] #6] '[t[b2]Quest Awaiting'[/t] Series hosted by '[l[[CastleNes]. '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #1] - '[l[['[icon[formats/pixel] #2] - '[l[['[icon[formats/pixel] #3] - '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #4] - '[l[['[icon[formats/visuall] #5] '[t[b2]rando samples off my puter'[/t] Formerly '[[s3xmodit (format)[classic DOS module], now multi-format series hosted by '[l[[Bravoman]. '[l[['[icon[formats/s3xmodit] #1] - '[l[['[icon[formats/s3xmodit] #2] - '[l[['[icon[formats/s3xmodit] #3] - '[l[['[icon[formats/s3xmodit] #4] - '[l[['[icon[formats/s3xmodit] #5] - '[l[['[icon[formats/furnace] #6] '[t[b2]Rare Format Sighting'[/t] Series for rare formats hosted by '[l[[Jangler] first and other people later. '[l[['[icon[formats/panda] #1] - '[l[['[icon[formats/ntrq] #2] - '[l[['[icon[formats/fsound] #3] - '[l[['[icon[formats/html] #4] - '[l[['[icon[formats/channelf] #5] - '[l[['[icon[formats/svg] #6] - '[l[['[icon[formats/sunvox] #7] - '[l[['[icon[formats/ahx] #8] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mod12k] #9] - '[l[['[icon[formats/pc-x801] #10] '[t[b2]Secret Sunday'[/t] Formerly-weekly series hosted by '[l[[Jessica Robo] with a different, randomly-rolled format each week. '[l[['[icon[formats/ascii] #1] - '[l[['[icon[formats/amigamod] #2] - '[l[['[icon[formats/panda] #3] - '[l[['[icon[formats/sample] #4a] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mptm] #4b] '[t[b2]Shmup Shmuck'[/t] Multi-format Shoot-'Em-Up themed series by '[l[[OminPigeonMaster]. '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #1] - '[l[['[icon[formats/pc-x801] #2] - '[l[['[icon[formats/visuall] #3] '[t[b2]shoplift'[/t] Typeface-focused series hosted by '[l[[nitrofurano]. '[l[['[icon[formats/visuall] #1] - '[l[['[icon[formats/svg] #2] '[t[b2]Short Circuit'[/t] Series hosted by '[l[[CastleNes]. '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #1] - '[l[['[icon[formats/nsfplus] #2] '[t[b2]structures'[/t] Series hosted by '[l[[sean] with a different structure focused upon in the bitpack every time. '[l[['[icon[formats/famitracker] #1] - '[l[['[icon[formats/nsf] #2] - '[l[['[icon[formats/nsf] #3] - '[l[['[icon[formats/nsfplus] #4] - '[l[['[icon[formats/visuall] #5] - '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #6] '[t[b2]Test Your Mettle'[/t] A series hosted by '[l[[kilowatt64] in which participants are encouraged to submit as late as possible. '[l[['[icon[formats/nsf_classic] #1] - '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #2] '[t[b2]The McDonalds Mix and Match'[/t] Series hosted by '[l[[tree]. '[l[['[icon[formats/visuall] #1] - '[l[['[icon[formats/visuall] #2] - '[l[['[icon[formats/midi] #3] '[t[b2]The Playertone Chronicles'[/t] Formerly NSF+, now multi-format(?) series hosted by '[l[[TristEndo]. '[l[['[icon[formats/nsfplus] #1] - '[l[['[icon[formats/nsfplus] #2] - '[l[['[icon[formats/nsfplus] #3] - '[l[['[icon[formats/nsfplus] #4] - '[l[['[icon[formats/nsfplus] #5] - '[l[['[icon[formats/nsfplus] #6] - '[l[['[icon[formats/nsfplus] #7] - '[l[['[icon[formats/midi] #8] '[t[b2]this series will end when castle returns'[/t] An alternating allgear-visuall series hosted by '[l[[mirageofher]. '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #1] - '[l[['[icon[formats/visuall] #2] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #3] - '[l[['[icon[formats/visuall] #4] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #5] '[t[b2]tiny songule'[/t] A small module series hosted by '[l[[damifortune]. Includes all of the modXk formats; it goes in a size-order cycle - 4k all the way up to 64k, then repeats after all 8 flavors have been done. '[l[['[icon[formats/mod04k] #01] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mod08k] #02] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mod12k] #03] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mod16k] #04] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mod24k] #05] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mod32k] #06] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mod48k] #07] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mod64k] #08] '[l[['[icon[formats/mod04k] #09] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mod08k] #10] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mod12k] #11] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mod16k] #12] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mod24k] #13] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mod32k] #14] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mod48k] #15] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mod64k] #16] '[l[['[icon[formats/mod04k] #17] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mod08k] #18] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mod12k] #19] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mod16k] #20] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mod24k] #21] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mod32k] #22] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mod48k] #23] '[l[['[icon[formats/mod04k] #25] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mod12k] #27] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mod24k] #29] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mod48k] #31] '[l[['[icon[formats/mod04k] #33] '[l[['[icon[formats/mod04k] #41] '[t[b2]Transcendence.'[/t] Formerly a '[[renoise (format)[Renoise] series hosted by '[l[[ordinate]. Has now been picked up by '[l[[sulkaritari] as a remix series. '[l[['[icon[formats/renoise] #1] - '[l[['[icon[formats/renoise] #2] - '[l[['[icon[formats/renoise] #3] - '[l[['[icon[formats/renoise] #4] - '[l[['[icon[formats/renoise] #5] - '[l[['[icon[formats/renoise] #6] - '[l[['[icon[formats/renoise] #7] - '[l[['[icon[formats/renoise] #8] - '[l[['[icon[formats/renoise] #9] - '[l[['[icon[formats/renoise] #10] '[l[['[icon[formats/remix] #11] '[t[b2]Vav's Lunch Break'[/t] Mostly hosted by '[l[[Vav], this is a series of allgear/fakebit/wildchip XHBs, done in lieu of XHB activity. Has been on hiatus ever since Vav's work stopped him from being able to make music there. '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #01] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #02] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #03] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #04] - '[l[['[icon[formats/fakebit] #05] - '[l[['[icon[formats/fakebit] #06] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #07] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #08] - '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #09] - '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #10] '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #11] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #12] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #13] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #14] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #15] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #16] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #17] - '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #18] - '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #19] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #20] '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #21] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #22] - '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #23] - '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #24] - '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #25] - '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #26] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #27] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #28] - '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #29] - '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #30] '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #31] - '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #32] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #33] - '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #34] - '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #35] - '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #36] '[t[b2]where breast'[/t] Originally '[[aym (format)[AYM]-focused, now multi-format, mammary-themed series hosted by '[l[[Zlew]. '[l[['[icon[formats/aym] #1] - '[l[['[icon[formats/aym] #2] - '[l[['[icon[formats/aym] #3] - '[l[['[icon[formats/s3xmodit] #4] - '[l[['[icon[formats/midi] #5] '[t[b2]you get what you want'[/t] A former weekly series hosted by '[l[[kleeder] in which each week's format was chosen by another BotBr (the setup/scheduling thread was '[l[[here]). The series was set to end upon boonloss, which #8, HTML5 did incur. '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #1] - '[l[['[icon[formats/sunvox] #2] - '[l[['[icon[formats/remix] #3] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #4] - '[l[['[icon[formats/sample] #5] - '[l[['[icon[formats/mariopantse] #6] - '[l[['[icon[formats/sample] #7] - '[l[['[icon[formats/html5] #8] A "sequel" was also briefly hosted by '[l[[TristEndo] and '[l[[damifortune] which continues the original series. '[l[['[icon[formats/gameboy] #1] - '[l[['[icon[formats/midi] #2] - '[l[['[icon[formats/pxtone] #3] '[t[b2]Zonecore'[/t] Zone-Generator-based series hosted by '[l[[OminPigeonMaster]. '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #1] - '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #2] - '[l[['[icon[formats/allgear] #3] - '[l[['[icon[formats/wildchip] #4] - '[l[['[icon[formats/sgen] #5] '[#[Format-focused series] Many XHB series are also focused on particular formats: '[icon[formats/visuall] '[t[b2]2d map'[/t] '[[visuall (format)[Visuall] series hosted by '[l[[nitrofurano], themed around creating 2D map tiles. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] '[icon[formats/pixel] '[t[b2]32 pixels wide, and 32 pixels tall, tile design battle'[/t] A tile design '[[pixel (format)[pixel art] series hosted by '[l[[ViLXDRYAD]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] - '[l[[#6] - '[l[[#7] '[icon[formats/remix] '[t[b2]4DRUMS 4HUMS 4RANDOMS'[/t] Remix OHB series hosted by '[l[[Blast_Brothers]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] '[icon[formats/allgear] '[t[b2]5 in 60'[/t] "5 songs in 60 minutes" OHB series started by '[l[[mootbooxle] and picked up by other BotBrs. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[ [#3] '[icon[formats/allgear] '[t[b2]6 in 60'[/t] "6 songs in 60 minutes" OHB series hosted primarily by '[l[[mootbooxle]. #4 was hosted by someone else and it hasn't been located yet. Mysterious! '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - #4 - '[l[[#5] - '[l[[#6] - '[l[[#7] '[icon[formats/allgear] '[t[b2]a Kirby Kristmas'[/t] A Kirby-themed allgear series by '[l[[OminPigeonMaster], in which OPM wrote a bunch of Kirby music for a friend's Christmas gift. '[l[[#01] - '[l[[#02] - '[l[[#03] - '[l[[#04] - '[l[[#05] - '[l[[#06] - '[l[[#07] - '[l[[#08] - '[l[[#09] - '[l[[#10] '[l[[#11] - '[l[[#12] Bonus: '[l[[NSF spinoff] '[icon[formats/visuall] '[t[b2]A mimiga's badge quest'[/t] A visuall series by '[l[[ViLXDRYAD]. So far, series bitpacks have always involved bunnies. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] - '[l[[#6] '[icon[formats/s3xmodit] '[t[b2]actually good s3xmodit bitpack'[/t] '[[s3xmodit (format)[S3xmodit] series hosted by '[l[[SnugglyBun]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] '[icon[formats/s3xmodit] '[t[b2]Addition'[/t] '[[s3xmodit (format)[S3xmodit] series hosted by '[l[[hqaoqu]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] - '[l[[#6] - '[l[[#7] '[icon[formats/nsf] '[t[b2]Adventure RPG'[/t] An NSF series/choose-your-own-adventure forum game by '[l[[Prestune] in which an RPG scenario is presented which the participants must score - and then they vote to decide what happens in the next installment by voting on the player character's course of action. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] '[icon[formats/mod08k] '[t[b2]AIGHT EIGHTKAY'[/t] '[[mod08k (format)[Mod08k] series hosted by '[l[[hanna]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] '[icon[formats/amigamod] '[t[b2]AMIGA Compo'[/t] '[[amigamod (format)[Amiga .MOD] series hosted by '[l[[SoDa7]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] '[icon[formats/visuall] '[t[b2]AMIGA Compo b'[/t] '[[visuall (format)[Visuall] series hosted by '[l[[nitrofurano] after (and inspired by) the "AMIGA Compo" battles. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] '[icon[formats/nsf] '[t[b2]animal spirits'[/t] Animal-themed '[[nsf (format)[NSF] series hosted by '[l[[roz]. '[l[[#01] - '[l[[#02] - '[l[[#03] - '[l[[#04] - '[l[[#05] - '[l[[#06] - '[l[[#07] - '[l[[#08] - '[l[[#09] - '[l[[#10] '[l[[#11] - '[l[[#12] - '[l[[#13] - '[l[[#14] - '[l[[#15] - '[l[[#16] - '[l[[#17] '[icon[formats/visuall] '[t[b2]ANIMATION'[/t] Animation-themed visuall 2HB series hosted by '[l[[hanna]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] '[icon[formats/midi] '[t[b2]another scale battle'[/t] '[[midi (format)[MSGS MIDI] series hosted by '[l[[nitrofurano] in which participants are restricted to a certain scale (+ optional percussion). '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] '[icon[formats/photo] '[t[b2]Appreciate City'[/t] '[[photo (format)[Photography] series hosted by '[l[[kleeder] focusing on urban photos. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] '[icon[formats/photo] '[t[b2]Appreciate ______'[/t] '[[photo (format)[Photography] series hosted by '[l[[roz] with different Appreciation focuses each time. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] '[icon[formats/vgm] '[t[b2]Badge Quest'[/t] '[[vgm (format)[VGM] series hosted by '[l[[kleeder]. Unrelated to the multi-format series of the same name by Chip Champion. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] '[icon[formats/nsf] '[t[b2]Battle of Gourmets'[/t] Food/cooking themed '[[nsf (format)[NSF] series by '[l[[Opilion]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] '[icon[formats/jummbox] '[t[b2]beepcord Xth interventional BEEPBATTLE'[/t] '[[jummbox (format)[Jummbox] 4HB series by '[l[[kfaraday]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] '[icon[formats/plaintext] '[t[b2]Bit Poets Society'[/t] Poetry-focused '[[plaintext (format)[plaintext] series by '[l[[kilowatt64]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] '[icon[formats/visuall] '[t[b2]BotBer arts'[/t] Visuall series hosted by '[l[[CastleNes]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] - '[l[[#6] - '[l[[#7]* - '[l[[#8] - '[l[[#9] - '[l[[#A] - '[l[[#B] - '[l[[#C] - '[l[[#D] - '[l[[#E] - '[l[[#F] *not hosted by CastleNes '[icon[formats/allgear] '[t[b2]BOTBtober 2016'[/t] A small OHB series hosted by '[l[[Sinc-X] at the end of October. While 2016 was entirely allgear-based, 2017 varied between the formats. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] '[icon[formats/allgear] '[t[b2]BotB Rewind'[/t] A yearly 4HB series by '[l[[kleeder] that asks participants to reflect upon their year on BotB. '[l[[2020] - '[l[[2021] '[icon[formats/allgear] '[t[b2]breakcore'[/t] Allgear series hosted by '[l[[XFREDDYxDANGERX]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] '[icon[formats/plaintext] '[t[b2]Bulwer Lytton Smackdown'[/t] '[[plaintext (format)[Plaintext] series hosted by '[l[[kilowatt64] in which participants write a particularly bad opening line of a story. The name is based on a long-running contest with the same purpose. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] '[icon[formats/s3xmodit] '[t[b2]Byeah Videogame'[/t] '[[s3xmodit (format)[S3xmodit] series hosted by '[l[[Lincent] requiring usage of some included vocal samples each time. The name is a reference to long-running remix series YEA VIDEOGAME. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] '[icon[formats/plaintext] '[t[b2]Caption Contest'[/t] '[[plaintext (format)[Plaintext] series hosted by '[l[[Tex] in which participants caption an image and the winner sends an image of their choice to Tex to be the bitpack for the next installment. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] - '[l[[#6] '[icon[formats/musescore] '[t[b2]chamber music'[/t] '[[musescore (format)[Musescore] series hosted by '[l[[damifortune] in which participants compose accurately for a different small ensemble each time. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] - '[l[[#6] '[icon[formats/nsfplus] '[t[b2]ch1p5 4 br8k4st'[/t] NSF+ series hosted by '[l[[A64]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] '[icon[formats/allgear] '[t[b2]composition homework'[/t] Teaching-focused allgear series hosted by '[l[[big lumby] for '[l[[Lotepamera]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] '[icon[formats/wildchip] '[t[b2]cute and little songies'[/t] A '[[wildchip (format)[wildchip] series hosted by '[l[[kleeder] focusing on entries less than a minute long. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] '[icon[formats/famitracker] '[t[b2]daily famitrack'[/t] Famitracker series hosted by '[l[[kleeder]. '[l[[#01] - '[l[[#02] - '[l[[#03] - '[l[[#04] - '[l[[#05] - '[l[[#06] - '[l[[#07] - '[l[[#08] - '[l[[#09] - '[l[[#10] '[l[[#11] '[icon[formats/allgear] '[t[b2]Darker Than Night'[/t] Allgear series hosted by '[l[[CastleNes]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] '[icon[formats/visuall] '[t[b2]Did U Say Bunny Batol?'[/t] Visuall series hosted by '[l[[Tex] focused on bunnies. Perhaps a spiritual successor to the "A mimiga's badge quest" series. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] '[icon[formats/s3xmodit] '[t[b2]Division'[/t] S3xmodit series hosted by '[l[[hqaoqu]. '[l[[#01] - '[l[[#02] - '[l[[#03] - '[l[[#04] - '[l[[#05] - '[l[[#06] - '[l[[#07] - '[l[[#08] - '[l[[#09] - '[l[[#10] '[l[[#11] - '[l[[#12] - '[l[[#13] - '[l[[#14] - '[l[[#15] - '[l[[#16] - '[l[[#17] '[icon[formats/allgear] '[t[b2]double whammer'[/t] An allgear series started by '[l[[tree] and joined in by other BotBrs. Multiple-OHB-at-once madness! '[l[[#1]/'[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2]/'[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3]/'[l[[#3]/'[l[[#3]/'[l[[#3] '[icon[formats/sgen] '[t[b2]Drive to Golden MegaRoad'[/t] '[[sgen (format)[Sega Genesis] series hosted by '[l[[OminPigeonMaster]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] '[icon[formats/allgear] '[t[b2]dub techno'[/t] Dub techno focused allgear series hosted by '[l[[tennisers]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] '[icon[formats/allgear] '[t[b2]EP in a Week Challenge'[/t] An XHB-allgear-series hosted by '[l[[OminPigeonMaster]. Related Challenge Thread can be found '[l[[here]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] '[icon[formats/s3xmodit] '[t[b2]espercompo'[/t] S3xmodit series hosted by '[l[[coda], in his words "celebrating the long history of one-hour tracked music competitions (aka compos) on espernet IRC!!!" '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] - '[l[[#6] - '[l[[#7] - '[l[[#8] - '[l[[#9] - '[l[[#9.1] '[icon[formats/allgear] '[t[b2]FALLGEAR'[/t] The sequel to the Summer Allgear Series, an '[[allgear (format)[allgear] series hosted by '[l[[hanna] in lieu of a proper autumn-themed allgear major. See "SEASONAL ALLGEARS" for more info & the full list of battles. '[icon[formats/allgear] '[t[b2]FALLGEAR REVIVAL'[/t] A conceptual reboot of '[l[[hanna]'s '[[allgear (format)[allgear] series hosted in (northern hemisphere) autumn by '[l[[damifortune]. See "SEASONAL ALLGEARS" for more info & the list of battles. '[icon[formats/mt32] '[t[b2]Five Sounds'[/t] An '[[mt32 (format)[MT-32] format counterpart to the MIDI series Six Sounds - both hosted by '[l[[BubblegumOctopus] - in which the bitpack contains five RNG-chosen instruments to which participants are restricted. '[l[[#01] - '[l[[#02] - '[l[[#03] - '[l[[#04] - '[l[[#05] - '[l[[#06] - '[l[[#07] - '[l[[#08] - '[l[[#09] - '[l[[#10] '[l[[#11] - '[l[[#12] '[icon[formats/allgear] '[t[b2]friends battle'[/t] Allgear series hosted by '[l[[XFREDDYxDANGERX]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] '[icon[formats/allgear] '[t[b2]Frosty The Snowman's Creativity Workshop'[/t] Wintry allgear series hosted by '[l[[TristEndo]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] '[icon[formats/nsfplus] '[t[b2]Fusion Expansion'[/t] NSF+ series by '[l[[Tex] in which participants score a fanart. '[l[[#01] - '[l[[#02] - '[l[[#03] '[icon[formats/gameboy] '[t[b2]Gameboy Marathon'[/t] Gameboy series hosted by '[l[[TristEndo] while speedrunning Gameboy badge acquisition with '[l[[2a03fox]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] '[icon[formats/remix] '[t[b2]Game Boi Advance'[/t] Remix series hosted by '[l[[kilowatt64] in which the bitpack contains samples from a different Game Boy Advance game every time. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] '[icon[formats/allgear] '[t[b2]Game Music Adventure'[/t] Allgear 4HB series hosted by '[l[[bluenocturne] about making polished VGM tunes with commission-like parameters resembling game dev requests. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] '[icon[formats/gameboy] '[t[b2]GBMod XHB'[/t] Gameboy series hosted by '[l[[DevEd] requiring use of their .xm to .gb converter. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] '[icon[formats/allgear] '[t[b2]Genrelizations'[/t] Allgear series hosted by '[l[[wizardmusic] that focuses on a different genre each time. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#2 (2)] - '[l[[#3] '[icon[formats/wildchip] '[t[b2]Getting the wildchip for NARD'[/t] Wildchip series hosted by '[l[[Bravoman] with intent of helping a fellow BotBr gain the format badge. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] '[icon[formats/plaintext] '[t[b2]___ Haikus'[/t] '[[plaintext (format)[Text] series hosted by '[l[[roz] requiring participants to write a haiku around a given theme in each bitpack. '[l[[#01] - '[l[[#02] - '[l[[#03] - '[l[[#04] - '[l[[#05] - '[l[[#06] - '[l[[#07] - '[l[[#08] - '[l[[#09] - '[l[[#10] '[l[[#11] - '[l[[#12] - '[l[[#13] - '[l[[#14] - '[l[[#15] - '[l[[#16] '[icon[formats/s3xmodit] '[t[b2]HAPPY EAT DAY'[/t] This s3xmodit battle is hosted on Thanksgiving. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] '[icon[formats/pixel] '[t[b2]hearty party'[/t] '[[pixel (format)[Pixel] series hosted by '[l[[nightmoth]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] '[icon[formats/allgear] '[t[b2]HOMM-Series'[/t] Allgear series hosted by '[l[[kleeder]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] '[icon[formats/allgear] '[t[b2]horse'[/t] Allgear series hosted by '[l[[sulkaritari]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#4] (2) - '[l[[#5] '[icon[formats/nsfplus] '[t[b2]Hour-DM'[/t] '[[nsfplus (format)[NSF+] series hosted by '[l[[A64] in which participants make a different subgenre of EDM each time. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] '[icon[formats/allgear] '[t[b2]Imagine Foods'[/t] Food-based allgear series hosted by '[l[[Dunehawk] in which participants are provided a grainy photo of some food. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] '[icon[formats/allgear] '[t[b2]i litsen to REAL musicc'[/t] Allgear series hosted by '[l[[2a03fox]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] '[icon[formats/visuall] '[t[b2]I want battle!'[/t] Visuall series hosted by '[l[[CastleNes]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] '[icon[formats/midi] '[t[b2]journal entry'[/t] '[[midi (format)[MSGS MIDI] series hosted by '[l[[mirageofher] with journal entries for bitpacks. '[l[[#01] - '[l[[#02] - '[l[[#03] - '[l[[#04] - '[l[[#05] - '[l[[#06] - '[l[[#07] - '[l[[#08] - '[l[[#09] - '[l[[#10] '[l[[#11] - '[l[[#12] '[icon[formats/xg] '[t[b2]Journey to Silver XG'[/t] '[[xg (format)[XG] MIDI series hosted by '[l[[BubblegumOctopus] which follows a story arc influenced by the winning entry of each battle. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] '[icon[formats/jummbox] '[t[b2]jummbox TOP O' THE MONTH battle (quarter 2)'[/t] '[[jummbox (format)[Jummbox] 2HB series hosted by '[l[[kfaraday]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] '[icon[formats/jummbox] '[t[b2]jummbox (quarter 2) tiny battle'[/t] '[[jummbox (format)[Jummbox] OHB series hosted by '[l[[kfaraday]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] - '[l[[#6] '[icon[formats/wildchip] '[t[b2]Karl's Xth Battle!'[/t] '[[wildchip (format)[Wildchip] XHB series hosted by '[l[[kgb525]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] - '[l[[#6] - '[l[[#7] - '[l[[#8] - '[l[[#9] '[icon[formats/plaintext] '[t[b2]Keeping it 💯'[/t] A '[[plaintext (format)[plaintext] series hosted by '[l[[zor] about writing exactly 100 word stories. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] '[icon[formats/s3xmodit] '[t[b2]keygen beeps'[/t] '[[s3xmodit (format)[S3xmodit] series by '[l[[DuccBoi] utilizing small, chippy samples. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] '[icon[formats/remix] '[t[b2]klaeddemix'[/t] Remix series by '[l[[mirageofher]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] '[icon[formats/klangfreude] '[t[b2]klangfreudians SECRET meeting'[/t] '[[klangfreude (format)[Klangfreude] OHB series hosted by '[l[[charlotte]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] '[icon[formats/mt32] '[t[b2]level music, basically'[/t] MT-32 series by '[l[[tree] inspired by OPM's long-running Level Music series. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] '[icon[formats/draw] '[t[b2]lime draw battle'[/t] Draw series hosted by '[l[[sleeparrow]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] '[icon[formats/pixel] '[t[b2]lime pixel battle'[/t] '[[pixel (format)[Pixel] series hosted by '[l[[sleeparrow] and later '[l[[azurglade]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] '[icon[formats/allgear] '[t[b2]lime's picture game'[/t] Allgear XHB series hosted by '[l[[azurglade] where the prompt is an image. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] - '[l[[#6] - '[l[[#7] - '[l[[#8] - '[l[[#9] - '[l[[#10] '[l[[#11] - '[l[[#12] - '[l[[#12] (another) - '[l[[#13] - '[l[[#14] - '[l[[#15] '[icon[formats/plaintext] '[t[b2]meditations'[/t] A series of text battles hosted by '[l[[zor] in which the participants are encouraged to spend some time meditating before writing about their thoughts. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] '[icon[formats/midi] '[t[b2]MIDI Monday'[/t] A formerly-weekly '[[midi (format)[MSGS MIDI] series hosted by '[l[[Jessica Robo]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] '[icon[formats/s3xmodit] '[t[b2]Midweek Module Madness'[/t] S3xmodit 2HB series hosted by '[l[[hanna]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] - '[l[[#6] - '[l[[#7.1] - '[l[[#7.2] - '[l[[#8] - '[l[[#9] '[icon[formats/allgear] '[t[b2]Mini Sample Pack Contest'[/t] Allgear series hosted by '[l[[NardInYourYard] where a provided sample pack must be used in addition to other sounds of participants' choice. Despite the name, not affiliated with Sample Pack Contest (or the related Sample Pack Series). '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] '[icon[formats/remix] '[t[b2]MOD Samples Remix'[/t] Remix series hosted by '[l[[Blast_Brothers]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] '[icon[formats/s3xmodit] '[t[b2]modnar s3xmodit'[/t] S3xmodit series hosted by '[l[[ASIKWUSpulse]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] - '[l[[#6] '[icon[formats/midi] '[t[b2]MONDAY NIGHT MIDI'[/t] MSGS MIDI series hosted on '[-s]various days of the week'[/-s] Mondays by '[l[[DefenseMechanism]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] - '[l[[#6] - '[l[[#7] '[icon[formats/visuall] '[t[b2]Monster Madness'[/t] Visuall series hosted by '[l[[OminPigeonMaster] themed around designing monsters. '[l[[#01] - '[l[[#02] - '[l[[#03] - '[l[[#04] - '[l[[#05] - '[l[[#06] - '[l[[#07] - '[l[[#08] - '[l[[#09] - '[l[[#10] '[l[[#11] - '[l[[#12] - '[l[[#13] - '[l[[#14] - '[l[[#15] '[icon[formats/midi] '[t[b2]Monster Midi'[/t] Spooky MIDI series hosted by '[l[[TristEndo]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] '[icon[formats/tic80] '[t[b2]n chars or less'[/t] A '[[tic80 (format)[TIC80] series hosted both by '[l[[sean] and '[l[[nitrofurano]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] '[icon[formats/visuall] '[t[b2]Nice costume!'[/t] Halloween-focused '[[visuall (format)[visuall] series hosted by '[l[[OminPigeonMaster]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3]* - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] *not hosted by OPM '[icon[formats/nsf_classic] '[t[b2]NO VIDEOGAME'[/t] NSF classic series hosted by '[l[[OminPigeonMaster]. The title is a riff on longrunning OHB series YEA VIDEOGAME. OPM created an evil version. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#10] '[icon[formats/allgear] '[t[b2]Oh The Humanity'[/t] Allgear series hosted by '[l[[Mikaboshii] where the bitpacks tell a story over time. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] - '[l[[#6] '[icon[formats/mod04k] '[t[b2]OK FOURKAY'[/t] '[[mod04k (format)[Mod04k] series hosted by '[l[[hanna]. '[l[[#01] - '[l[[#02] - '[l[[#03] - '[l[[#04] - '[l[[#05] - '[l[[#06] - '[l[[#07] - '[l[[#08] - '[l[[#09] - '[l[[#10] '[l[[#11] - '[l[[#12] - '[l[[#13] - '[l[[#14] - '[l[[#15] '[icon[formats/allgear] '[t[b2]One Hour Blattle'[/t] Allgear series hosted by '[l[[blower5]. '[l[[#0] - '[l[[#1] '[icon[formats/pixel] '[t[b2]Palette, I Choose You!'[/t] A pixel art series hosted by '[l[[Tex] in which participants design new Pokemon out of existing Pokemon palettes. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] - '[l[[#6] - '[l[[#7] - '[l[[#8] - '[l[[#9] - '[l[[#10] '[l[[#11] '[icon[formats/mariopaint] '[t[b2]Pants Sounds'[/t] Mario Paint series hosted by '[l[[BubblegumOctopus] in which the Mario Paint instruments permitted are selected by RNG each battle. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] '[icon[formats/photomash] '[t[b2]photomash road to somewhere'[/t] A '[[photomash (format)[photomash] series hosted by '[l[[nitrofurano]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] '[icon[formats/pc-x801] '[t[b2]pic-98'[/t] '[[pc-x801 (format)[PC-98] series hosted by '[l[[damifortune] where the prompt is a screenshot from a PC-98 game. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] - '[l[[#6] '[icon[formats/pixel] '[t[b2]Pixel and Canvas'[/t] Pixel art series involving canvas size / palette limitations hosted by '[l[[kilowatt64]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] - '[l[[#6] '[icon[formats/visuall] '[t[b2]Pixelesque'[/t] Pixel art-focused '[[visuall (format)[visuall] series hosted by '[l[[kilowatt64]. Discontinued with the return of the pixel format to XHBs. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] - '[l[[#6] '[icon[formats/visuall] '[t[b2]pre-photomash'[/t] Visuall series hosted by '[l[[nitrofurano] where the submissions are intended to be used in a '[[photomash (format)[photomash] battle afterward, much like sample battles preceding remix battles. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] Resulting photomash battles, hosted by '[l[[kleeder] and '[l[[damifortune]: '[l[[#1] - no #2 :( - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] '[icon[formats/allgear] '[t[b2]project ridealong'[/t] Series hosted by '[l[[Vav] focused on trying to nail the vibe for a commission. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] - '[l[[#6] '[icon[formats/pxtone] '[t[b2]PXTUNES'[/t] '[[pxtone (format)[PxTone] OHB and 2HB series hosted by '[l[[damifortune] which alternates between sample packs and dramatic text prompts (similar to the season allgear series). '[l[[#01] - '[l[[#02] - '[l[[#03] - '[l[[#04] - '[l[[#05] - '[l[[#06] - '[l[[#07] - '[l[[#08] - '[l[[#09] - '[l[[#10] '[l[[#11] - '[l[[#12] - '[l[[#13] - '[l[[#14] - '[l[[#15] - '[l[[#16] - '[l[[#17] - '[l[[#18] - '[l[[#19] - '[l[[#20] '[l[[#21] - '[l[[#22] - '[l[[#23] - '[l[[#24] - '[l[[#25] - '[l[[#26] - '[l[[#27] - '[l[[#28] - '[l[[#29] - '[l[[#30] '[l[[#31] - '[l[[#32] '[icon[formats/wildchip] '[t[b2]random word'[/t] '[[wildchip (format)[Wildchip] XHB series hosted by '[l[[Viraxor] where the prompt is a single word. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] '[icon[formats/remix] '[t[b2]Rare Gems'[/t] A '[[remix (format)[remix] series hosted by '[l[[DuccBoi] using Bejeweled samples. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] '[icon[formats/renoise] '[t[b2]Renose Silver Synthetic Desert'[/t] A badge-acquisition '[[renoise (format)[Renoise] series hosted by '[l[[ordinate]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] '[icon[formats/visuall] '[t[b2]Road to Bronze Visuall'[/t] Visuall series hosted by '[l[[tree] in pursuit of the bronze visuall badge. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] - '[l[[#6] - '[l[[#6.5] - '[l[[#7] - '[l[[#8] '[icon[formats/xg] '[t[b2]Road to Bronze XG'[/t] Yamaha XG series hosted by '[l[[BubblegumOctopus] in pursuit of the bronze XG badge. Features story-driven bitpacks involving the previous winning entry! '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] - '[l[[#6] - '[l[[#7] '[icon[formats/jummbox] '[t[b2]Road to Golden JummBox'[/t] JummBox series hosted by '[l[[hanna] in pursuit of the golden JummBox badge. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] '[icon[formats/midi] '[t[b2]Road to Golden MIDI'[/t] MSGS MIDI series hosted by '[l[[BubblegumOctopus] in pursuit of the golden MIDI badge. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] - '[l[[#6] - '[l[[#7] - '[l[[#8] '[icon[formats/nsf] '[t[b2]Road to Golden nsf'[/t] NSF series hosted by '[l[[kleeder] in pursuit of the golden NSF badge. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] '[icon[formats/s3xmodit] '[t[b2]Road to Golden Sexmodit'[/t] S3xmodit series hosted by '[l[[kleeder] in pursuit of the golden badge for the format. A long-runner along with Road to Golden Wildchip, this series is responsible for a greater proliferation of beginning battle and/or series names with "Road to..." '[l[[#01] - '[l[[#02] - '[l[[#03] - '[l[[#04] - '[l[[#05] - '[l[[#06] - '[l[[#07] - '[l[[#08] - '[l[[#09] - '[l[[#10] '[l[[#11] - '[l[[#12] - '[l[[#13] - '[l[[#14] - '[l[[#15] - '[l[[#16] - '[l[[#17] - '[l[[#18] - '[l[[#19] - '[l[[#20] '[l[[#21] - '[l[[#22] - '[l[[#23] - '[l[[#24] - '[l[[#25] - '[l[[#26] - '[l[[#27] - '[l[[#28] '[icon[formats/wildchip] '[t[b2]Road to Golden Wildchip'[/t] Wildchip Series hosted by '[l[[kleeder]. '[l[[#01] - '[l[[#02] - '[l[[#03] - '[l[[#04] - '[l[[#05] - '[l[[#06] - '[l[[#07] - '[l[[#08] - '[l[[#09] - '[l[[#10] '[l[[#11] - '[l[[#12] - '[l[[#13] - '[l[[#14] - '[l[[#15] - '[l[[#16] - '[l[[#17] - '[l[[#18] - '[l[[#19] - '[l[[#20] '[l[[#21] - '[l[[#22] - '[l[[#23] - '[l[[#24] - '[l[[#25] - '[l[[#26] - '[l[[#27] - '[l[[#28] - '[l[[#29] - '[l[[#30] '[icon[formats/mt32] '[t[b2]Road to Mount-32'[/t] MT-32 series hosted by '[l[[MelonadeM] (also by one of their previous accounts mega9man). '[l[[#00] - '[l[[#01] - '[l[[#02] - '[l[[#03] - '[l[[#04] - '[l[[#05] - '[l[[#06] - '[l[[#07] - '[l[[#08] - '[l[[#09] '[l[[#10] - '[l[[#11] '[icon[formats/musescore] '[t[b2]Road to Musescore Badge'[/t] A '[[musescore (format)[MuseScore] series hosted by '[l[[mirageofher] and '[l[[kleeder]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] - '[l[[#6] - '[l[[#7] '[icon[formats/visuall] '[t[b2]Robotnik's Workshop'[/t] Visual Series hosted by '[l[[OminPigeonMaster]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] '[icon[formats/allgear] '[t[b2]RPG Soundtrack'[/t] An allgear series hosted by '[l[[Kris] in which a couple descriptors are randomly chosen and participants must soundtrack the result in an RPG-like style. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] '[icon[formats/s3xmodit] '[t[b2]s3xmodit road to somewhere'[/t] S3xmodit series hosted by '[l[[nitrofurano]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] '[icon[formats/remix] '[t[b2]Sample Pack Series'[/t] Hosted by '[l[[damifortune] (with early installments by '[l[[hanna] until badge acquisition happened), this is a series of '[[remix (format)[remix] OHBs hosted as a BotB equivalent to '[l[[Sample Pack Contest]. Many earlier bitpacks in the series used samples from past contests. '[l[[#01] - '[l[[#02] - '[l[[#03] - '[l[[#04] - '[l[[#05] - '[l[[#06] - '[l[[#07] - '[l[[#08] - '[l[[#09] - '[l[[#10] '[l[[#11] - '[l[[#12] - '[l[[#13] - '[l[[#14] - '[l[[#15] - '[l[[#16] - '[l[[#17] - '[l[[#18] - '[l[[#19] - '[l[[#20] '[l[[#21] - '[l[[#22] - '[l[[#23] - '[l[[#24] - '[l[[#25] - '[l[[#26] - '[l[[#27] - '[l[[#28] - '[l[[#29] - '[l[[#30] '[l[[#31] - '[l[[#32] - '[l[[#33] - '[l[[#34] - '[l[[#35] - '[l[[#36] - '[l[[#37] - '[l[[#38] - '[l[[#39] - '[l[[#40] '[l[[#41] - '[l[[#42] - '[l[[#43] - '[l[[#44] '[icon[formats/remix] '[t[b2]Sample Spotlight'[/t] Single-sample remix series hosted by '[l[[damifortune]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] '[icon[formats/allgear] '[t[b2]SAMPLESCAPES'[/t] Allgear series featuring a sample pack as non-required inspiration hosted by '[l[[02FD]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] '[icon[formats/allgear] '[t[b2]SEASONAL ALLGEARS'[/t] This large, multi-name XHB series was originally hosted by '[l[[hanna] as the "SUMMER ALLGEAR SERIES", intended to be the allgear counterpart to Summer Chip. One of the first long-running series of the XHB scheduling era, it was so successful it ran for a full year under new seasonal names and even continued partway into a second year. It used very storytelling-focused, multi-threaded bitpack prompts. More recently (starting with 8. FALLGEAR REVIVAL), this series has been picked up by '[l[[damifortune] as a "conceptual reboot" and is intended to continue running in the same "storytelling prompt" tradition. '[b]1. SUMMER ALLGEAR SERIES (1st season)'[/b] '[l[[#01] - '[l[[#02] - '[l[[#03] - '[l[[#04] - '[l[[#05] - '[l[[#06] - '[l[[#07] - '[l[[#08] - '[l[[#09] - '[l[[#10] '[l[[#11] - '[l[[#12] - '[l[[#13] - '[l[[#14] '[b]2. FALLGEAR (1st season)'[/b] '[l[[#01] - '[l[[#02] - '[l[[#03] - '[l[[#04] - '[l[[#05] - '[l[[#06] - '[l[[#07] - '[l[[#08] - '[l[[#09] - '[l[[#10] '[l[[#11] - '[l[[#12] '[b]3. WINTER ALLGEAR SERIES'[/b] '[l[[#01] - '[l[[#02] - '[l[[#03] - '[l[[#04] - '[l[[#05] - '[l[[#06] - '[l[[#07] - '[l[[#08] - '[l[[#09] - '[l[[#10] '[l[[#11] '[b]4. SPRING ALLGEAR SERIES'[/b] '[l[[#01] - '[l[[#02] - '[l[[#03] - '[l[[#04] - '[l[[#05] - '[l[[#06] - '[l[[#07] - '[l[[#08] - '[l[[#09] - '[l[[#10] '[l[[#11] - '[l[[#12] '[b]5. SUMMER ALLGEAR SERIES year 1 finale'[/b] '[l[[#15] - '[l[[SEASON ALLGEAR FINALE] '[b]6. SUMMER ALLGEAR SERIES (2nd season)'[/b] '[l[[#15] (2) - '[l[[#16] - '[l[[#17] - '[l[[#18] - '[l[[#19] - '[l[[#20] - '[l[[#21] - '[l[[#22] - '[l[[#23] - '[l[[#24] '[l[[#25] - '[l[[#26] - '[l[[#27] - '[l[[#28] - '[l[[#29] '[b]7. FALLGEAR (2nd season)'[/b] '[l[[#13] - '[l[[#14] - '[l[[#15] - '[l[[#16] - '[l[[#17] - '[l[[#18] - '[l[[#19] - '[l[[#20] - '[l[[#21] - '[l[[#22] '[b]8. FALLGEAR REVIVAL'[/b] '[l[[#01] - '[l[[#02] - '[l[[#03] - '[l[[#04] - '[l[[#05] - '[l[[#06] - '[l[[#07] - '[l[[#08] - '[l[[#09] - '[l[[#10] '[l[[#11] '[b]9. WINTERGEAR RESURGENCE'[/b] '[l[[#01] - '[l[[#02] '[icon[formats/s3xmodit] '[t[b2]Sega Genesis ExMO'[/t] A '[[s3xmodit (format)[s3xmodit] XHB series with YM2612 samples hosted by '[l[[ASIKWUSpulse]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] '[icon[formats/visuall] '[t[b2]Se7en Bunnies Before Easter'[/t] Seven-part bunny-drawing visuall series hosted by '[l[[Tex]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] - '[l[[#6] - '[l[[#7] '[icon[formats/allgear] '[t[b2]shuffle series'[/t] Allgear series hosted by '[l[[BinkNSmacker] where the bitpack is a stylized image with lyrics taken from a random song. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] '[icon[formats/nsfplus] '[t[b2]silly songs'[/t] '[[nsfplus (format)[NSF+] series hosted by '[l[[roz]. Get silly! '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] '[icon[formats/midi] '[t[b2]six drums'[/t] '[[midi (format)[MSGS MIDI] series hosted by '[l[[damifortune] in which participants are required to use a set of 6 randomly chosen drum sounds (given in the bitpack). Inspired by BgO's Six Sounds, listed below. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] '[icon[formats/midi] '[t[b2]Six Sounds'[/t] '[[midi (format)[MSGS MIDI] series hosted by '[l[[BubblegumOctopus] in which participants are required to only use 6 randomly chosen MIDI patches (+ drums) given in the bitpack. '[l[[#01] - '[l[[#02] - '[l[[#03] - '[l[[#04] - '[l[[#05] - '[l[[#06] - '[l[[#07] - '[l[[#08] - '[l[[#09] - '[l[[#10] '[l[[#11] - '[l[[#12] - '[l[[#13] - '[l[[#14] - '[l[[#15] - '[l[[#16] - '[l[[#17] - '[l[[#18] - '[l[[#19] - '[l[[#20] '[l[[#21] - '[l[[#22] - '[l[[#22] (2) - '[l[[#23] - '[l[[#24] - '[l[[#25] - '[l[[#26] - '[l[[#27] - '[l[[#28] - '[l[[#29] - '[l[[#30] '[l[[#31] - '[l[[#32] - '[l[[#33] '[icon[formats/remix] '[t[b2]Sixty Four Expansion Pak'[/t] Nintendo 64 '[[remix (format)[remix] series hosted by '[l[[kilowatt64]. Inspired by YEA VIDEOGAME, it features samples from a new N64 game each installment. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] '[icon[formats/smw] '[t[b2]SMW-Hacking Batol'[/t] A '[[smw (format)[Lunar Magic] battle series by '[l[[kleeder]. '[l[[#1]* - '[l[[#2]* - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] - '[l[[#6] - '[l[[#7] - '[l[[#8] - '[l[[#9] - '[l[[#10] '[l[[#11] - '[l[[#12] * Not hosted on BotB. '[icon[formats/nsf] '[t[b2]Soundtrack Sessions'[/t] A small '[[nsf (format)[nsf] OHB series hosted by '[l[[ElHuesudoII] in 2014. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] '[icon[formats/allgear] '[t[b2]SPRING ALLGEAR SERIES'[/t] Allgear series hosted by '[l[[hanna] - the final of four seasons' worth of Allgear Series! See "SEASONAL ALLGEARS" for more info & the full list of battles. '[icon[formats/pixel] '[t[b2]Sprite Silhouette Redraw'[/t] Pixel series hosted by '[l[[kilowatt64] involving creating new sprites from a given silhouette. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] '[icon[formats/allgear] '[t[b2]SPY MISSION'[/t] Story-prompt-based allgear series hosted by '[l[[NardInYourYard]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] '[icon[formats/svg] '[t[b2]squarish'[/t] '[[svg (format)[SVG] series hosted by '[l[[nitrofurano] utilizing the web tool Squarish. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] '[icon[formats/allgear] '[t[b2]Summer Allgear Series'[/t] XHB series hosted by '[l[[hanna] during the season of summer, intended to be the allgear counterpart to Summer Chip. One of the first long-running series of the XHB scheduling era. As this series spawned many additional ones of the same flavor, they are listed in one place - see "SEASONAL ALLGEARS" for more info & the full list of battles. '[icon[formats/photo] '[t[b2]SUNDAY SAMWIDGE'[/t] Photo series hosted by '[l[[roz] in which participants make and present a sandwich for their timezone-appropriate meal. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] '[icon[formats/remix] '[t[b2]Super Sample Pack Series'[/t] A 2HB '[[remix (format)[remix] series hosted by '[l[[damifortune]. As the title sort of implies, this is the 2HB equivalent to the "Sample Pack Series" of OHBs. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] - '[l[[#6] - '[l[[#7] '[icon[formats/allgear] '[t[b2]surprise oneoff!!!'[/t] Allgear series (despite the name!) hosted by '[l[[BinkNSmacker]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] '[icon[formats/allgear] '[t[b2]Synth City'[/t] Allgear series hosted by '[l[[CastleNes]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] '[icon[formats/teletext] '[t[b2]Teletext Badge Grind'[/t] '[[teletext (format)[Teletext] series by '[l[[mirageofher]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] - '[l[[#6] '[icon[formats/remix] '[t[b2]terrible ingredients'[/t] A '[[remix (format)[remix] series hosted by '[l[[cadecomposer] based on popular cooking show "Chopped" - participants receive a small bitpack of assorted weird, unconventional, and/or "unusable" samples to work with. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] '[icon[formats/nsf_classic] '[t[b2]the climb of mt. nsfc'[/t] '[[nsf_classic (format)[NSF classic] series hosted by '[l[[OPM]. Title in reference to '[l[[this Monthly Major Battle]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] '[icon[formats/nsfplus] '[t[b2]the extra chips makes it sound more plus'[/t] NSF+ series hosted by '[l[[TristEndo]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] '[icon[formats/plaintext] '[t[b2]The Magical Letter'[/t] A '[[plaintext (format)[plaintext] series hosted by '[l[[rory] about sending magical letters to any recipient based on a given theme and set of restrictions each time. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] '[icon[formats/allgear] '[t[b2]the motto'[/t] Allgear series hosted by '[l[[Sinc-X] focused on strong compositional choices. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] '[icon[formats/allgear] '[t[b2]THE ELEMENTS...'[/t] Allgear 4HB series hosted by '[l[[kfaraday] themed around the four classical elements. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] - '[l[[#6] '[icon[formats/wildchip] '[t[b2]The Ultimate Hum'[/t] A '[[wildchip (format)[wildchip] 4HB project organized by '[l[[Maximemoring] (who also streamed weekly '[[synclistens] for it) and hosted by '[l[[puke7]. For more information read '[l[[its lyceum page]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] - '[l[[#6] - '[l[[#7] - '[l[[#8] - '[l[[#9] - '[l[[#10] Bonus: '[l[[album art battle] '[icon[formats/allgear] '[t[b2]Theme Allgear'[/t] Allgear series hosted by '[l[[CastleNes]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] '[icon[formats/allgear] '[t[b2]there are 2 rules'[/t] Allgear series hosted by '[l[[Quirby64] in which there are 2 rules. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] '[icon[formats/renoise] '[t[b2]this is a renose battle'[/t] '[[renoise (format)[Renoise] series hosted by '[l[[kleeder] in pursuit of '[l[[agargara]'s Renoise badge. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] '[icon[formats/midi] '[t[b2]Three Sounds'[/t] MSGS MIDI series hosted by '[l[[BubblegumOctopus] as a variant of the Six Sounds series. Unlike Six Sounds, this series lets you use the given sounds (which are chosen by RNG) on as many channels as you want. '[l[[#01] - '[l[[#02] - '[l[[#03] - '[l[[#04] - '[l[[#05] - '[l[[#06] - '[l[[#07] - '[l[[#08] - '[l[[#09] - '[l[[#10] '[l[[#11] - '[l[[#12] - '[l[[#13] - '[l[[#14] - '[l[[#15] - '[l[[#16] - '[l[[#17] - '[l[[#18] - '[l[[#19] - '[l[[#20] '[l[[#21] - '[l[[#22] - '[l[[#23] - '[l[[#24] - '[l[[#25] - '[l[[#26] '[icon[formats/allgear] '[t[b2]Time Signature Terror'[/t] Allgear series hosted by '[l[[OminPigeonMaster]. Each battle requires the use of one or several odd time signatures. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#3] (2) '[icon[formats/fakebit] '[t[b2]Truly Fake Bits'[/t] A '[[fakebit (format)[Fakebit] series hosted by '[l[[BubblegumOctopus]. Bitpacks require participants to write within a set of channel restrictions resembling a soundchip, but not any real existing one! Example: A pulse wave, a saw wave, and two sample channels. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] '[icon[formats/remix] '[t[b2]Unlocking Nintendo DS Samples'[/t] Remix series hosted by '[l[[Tex] with a different DS game's sample pack every time. '[l[[#01] - '[l[[#02] - '[l[[#03] - '[l[[#04] - '[l[[#05] - '[l[[#06] - '[l[[#07] - '[l[[#08] - '[l[[#09] - '[l[[#10] '[l[[#11] - '[l[[#12] '[icon[formats/vocal] '[t[b2]videos i took when i was drunk'[/t] A '[[vocal (format)[vocal] series hosted by '[l[[mirageofher]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] '[icon[formats/visuall] '[t[b2]Visufall'[/t] A '[[visuall (format)[visuall] series initially hosted by '[l[[big lumby] alone. In later rounds, a group of interim hosts was formed, including '[l[[OminPigeonMaster], '[l[[sean], '[l[[CastleNes], and '[l[[mirageofher]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] - '[l[[#6] - '[l[[#7] - '[l[[#8] - '[l[[#9] - '[l[[#10] '[icon[formats/adlib] '[t[b2]WINTER ADLIB SERIES'[/t] A winter-themed '[[adlib (format)[AdLib] series hosted by '[l[[damifortune]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] '[icon[formats/allgear] '[t[b2]Winter Allgear Series'[/t] Allgear series hosted by '[l[[hanna] - the third of four Allgear Series seasons. See "SEASONAL ALLGEARS" for more info & the full list of battles. '[icon[formats/nsfplus] '[t[b2]Write a theme song for this vegetable.'[/t] NSF+ series hosted by '[l[[roz]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] '[icon[formats/allgear] '[t[b2]xenharmonic pogfest'[/t] Microtonal-focused allgear series hosted by '[l[[2a03fox]. '[l[[mav7] - '[l[[mav9] - '[l[[26edo] - '[l[[7edo] - '[l[[13edo] - '[l[[15edo] - '[l[[56edo] '[icon[formats/nsf_classic] '[t[b2]XUP MOCKUP'[/t] An NSF Classic series by '[l[[Tex] in which a screenshot from an imaginary game is presented and the participants write a soundtrack to the scene. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] '[icon[formats/remix] '[t[b2]YEA VIDEOGAME'[/t] A '[[remix (format)[remix] OHB series hosted by '[l[[damifortune] where the bitpack contains the sampleset of a different SNES game every week (check the most recent bitpack for a .txt containing the list of games). In addition to the weekly battle, there are sometimes reruns of previous bitpacks, and more recently, the series has been expanded to include '[[spc (format)[SPC format] spinoffs, denoted with a different numbering system. See '[[YEA VIDEOGAME] for more information. '[l[[#001] - '[l[[#002] - '[l[[#003] - '[l[[#004] - '[l[[#005] - '[l[[#006] - '[l[[#007] - '[l[[#008] - '[l[[#009] - '[l[[#010] '[l[[#011] - '[l[[#012] - '[l[[#013] - '[l[[#014] - '[l[[#015] - '[l[[#016] - '[l[[#017] - '[l[[#018] - '[l[[#019] - '[l[[#020] '[l[[#021] - '[l[[#022] - '[l[[#023] - '[l[[#024] - '[l[[#025] - '[l[[#026] - '[l[[#027] - '[l[[#028] - '[l[[#029] - '[l[[#030] '[l[[#031] - '[l[[#032] - '[l[[#033] - '[l[[#034] - '[l[[#035] - '[l[[#036] - '[l[[#037] - '[l[[#038] - '[l[[#039] - '[l[[#040] '[l[[#041] - '[l[[#042] - '[l[[#043] - '[l[[#044] - '[l[[#045] - '[l[[#046] - '[l[[#047] - '[l[[#048] - '[l[[#049] - '[l[[#050] '[l[[#051] - '[l[[#052] - '[l[[#053] - '[l[[#054] - '[l[[#055] - '[l[[#056] - '[l[[#057] - '[l[[#058] - '[l[[#059] - '[l[[#060] '[l[[#061] - '[l[[#062] - '[l[[#063] - '[l[[#064] - '[l[[#065] - '[l[[#066] - '[l[[#067] - '[l[[#068] - '[l[[#069] - '[l[[#070] '[l[[#071] - '[l[[#072] - '[l[[#073] - '[l[[#074] - '[l[[#075] - '[l[[#076] - '[l[[#077] - '[l[[#078] - '[l[[#079] - '[l[[#080] '[l[[#081] - '[l[[#082] - '[l[[#083] - '[l[[#084] - '[l[[#085] - '[l[[#086] - '[l[[#087] - '[l[[#088] - '[l[[#089] - '[l[[#090] '[l[[#091] - '[l[[#092] - '[l[[#093] - '[l[[#094] - '[l[[#095] - '[l[[#096] - '[l[[#097] - '[l[[#098] - '[l[[#099] - '[l[[#100] '[l[[#101] - '[l[[#102] - '[l[[#103] - '[l[[#104] - '[l[[#105] - '[l[[#106] - '[l[[#107] - '[l[[#108] - '[l[[#109] - '[l[[#110] '[l[[#111] - '[l[[#112] - '[l[[#113] - '[l[[#114] - '[l[[#115] - '[l[[#116] - '[l[[#117] - '[l[[#118] - '[l[[#119] - '[l[[#120] '[l[[#121] - '[l[[#122] - '[l[[#123] - '[l[[#124] - '[l[[#125] - '[l[[#126] - '[l[[#127] - '[l[[#128] '[b]Re-Runs:'[/b] '[l[[#5 #2] - '[l[[#3 #2] - '[l[[#10 #2] - '[l[[#6 #2] - '[l[[#1 #2] '[l[[#11 #2] - '[l[[#23 + 2]* - '[l[[#16 #2] - '[l[[#12 #2] - '[l[[#8 #2] '[l[[#5 #3] - '[l[[#56 #2] - '[l[[#1 #3] (3rd annviersary special 2HB) * Not hosted by damifortune '[b]SPC'[icon[formats/spc] format spinoffs:'[/b] '[l[[#Δ] - '[l[[#Σ] - '[l[[#Θ] - '[l[[#Φ] - '[l[[#Γ] - '[l[[#Ω] - '[l[[#Ψ] - '[l[[#Λ] - '[l[[#Ξ] - '[l[[#Π] - '[l[[#Ε] - '[l[[#Κ] - '[l[[#Α] - '[l[[#Ι] - '[l[[#Β] - '[l[[#Ζ] - '[l[[#Ο] - '[l[[#Ρ] - '[l[[#Η] '[l[[#Ḁ] - '[l[[#₿] - '[l[[#₵] - '[l[[#Đ] - '[l[[#Ɇ] - '[l[[#₣] '[icon[formats/midi] '[t[b2]You .mid what you want'[/t] MSGS MIDI series hosted by '[l[[BubblegumOctopus] designed after kleeder's multi-format series "you get what you want". In '[l[[this thread], anyone can post a set of 4 MIDI patches, and at some point that set will be chosen as the bitpack: only use those sounds. '[l[[beta test] - '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] - '[l[[#3] - '[l[[#4] - '[l[[#5] '[icon[formats/wildchip] '[t[b2]zlew wildchip batol awooo'[/t] A brief wildchip series hosted by '[l[[mirageofher]. '[l[[#1] - '[l[[#2] '[#[See also] '[[Advent Calendar (Battle series)] '[[Battle] '[[OHB] '[[2HB] '[[4HB] '[[XHB]