nsf_classic is a format like your '[[nsf (format)[regular ol' NSF], except you can't use that DPCM channel you like so much. Have fun. '[#[Tools] Check out '[[nsf (format)] for a complete list. '[#[Restrictions on submit] The nsf_classic format is '[b]for '[[2A03 (soundchip)[2a03] only'[/b] with the additional restriction, that you can't use the DPCM-channel; DPCM is allowed in the '[[nsf (format)[nsf-format], expansions are accepted in the '[[nsfplus (format)[nsfplus-format]. That means, the only channels you may use for this format are Pulse 1, Pulse 2, Triangle and Noise. The nsf classic format aims for a "classic" sound design and functionality-usage of the chip. This means '[b]no overclocking/higher refresh rates'[/b], '[b]no DPCM samples'[/b], and '[b]no use of the Zxx effect'[/b] (delta counter for DPCM). For Example: If you're using Famitracker, simply do not use the DPCM channel or change the refresh rate. Pulse 1, Pulse 2, Triangle and Noise only. Additional specs for those making their own tools: you must only use these 2a03 or 2a07 channels: pulse 1, pulse 2, triangle and noise. you must not update those channels more than once per NMI. '[#[Accepted file format] .nsf '[b]that's all!'[/b] no .ftm or .0cc - '[b]only .nsf !!'[/b] '[#[Playback (for voting)] There is a list with compatibility info '[l[http://famitracker.com/wiki/index.php?title=List_of_NSF_players[here]. For playback on actual hardware, both the '[l[https://www.retrousb.com/product_info.php?products_id=34[PowerPak] and the '[l[https://krikzz.com/our-products/cartridges/everdrive-n8-pro-72pin.html[EverDrive N8 PRO] (but not the original EverDrive N8!) have built-in NSF players. There is also '[l[https://github.com/bbbradsmith/eznsf[EZNSF] to convert NSF file(s) into a .nes ROM. '[#[See also] - '[[nsf (format)] - '[[2a03 (soundchip)] - '[[NES Famicom (console)] - '[[nsfplus (format)]