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67% kleeder
fakebit (format) View HTML Version

FakeBit, first and only appereance in '[l[[Summer Chip X], is a format for any and all chip-sounding submissions (ideally those that are not made on and for a real soundchip).

'[o]'[t[3]Since there was a lot of confusion between this format and '[[wildchip (format)[Wildchip], this format was turned into a legacy format in August 2020. It's not possible anymore to host fakebit XHBs. However, Puke ruled that it may appear in major battles, as of July 2021.'[/t]'[/o]

Anything that can compose, arrange, and mix chip music from scratch will do for this format.

'[#[Restrictions on submit]
The differentiating factor between this format and Allgear is that, it must at least adhere to an aesthetic of chiptune which is potentially open to Criticists' interpretation. The difference between this format and wildchip was an ongoing debate between June and July 2020. Because there is no clear distinction between the wildchip and fakebit formats just from listening to them, the format turned into a legacy format in early August 2020. Fakebit is now again an official part of the wildchip format!

'[#[a note from puke7]
Fakebit is.... uh..... not really caring about traditional chiptune limitations whether that be the low pitch resolution of very early chips or a limit on channels. It allows the use of any and all effects on your instrumentation (so if you want an nes triangle with lots of delay and reverb cool!). But also you could use fancy 8-pole filter on a 8-note chord voicing with each of those voices having 6 sawtooth waves. Perhaps this format is superfluous. Perhaps it should give mixist points.

'[#[Accepted file format]
Submitting .mp3 was the way to go for this format.

'[#[Playback (for voting)]
For any entry that is submitted as an MP3, any media player that is capable of playing MP3 files will suffice.

The format was blocked from XHB hostage in early August 2020 and Summer Chip X remains the only major battle that featured this format.
puke7: '[o]I put fakebit in the xhb format blocklist. I don't plan on using it again in the future right now either. I thought this would be a fun joke format, but its just an annoyance at this point.'[/o]

Because there's no way to submit any more entries to the fakebit format, there's also no way to get any more badge points for it. This means the only to BotBrs with a fakebit badge are '[l[[OminPigeonMaster] and '[l[[kleeder].

'[#[See also]
- '[[allgear (format)]
- '[[wildchip (format)]

Battle Formats