The deflemask format is(/was?) a specific format of the module tracker '[[Deflemask Tracker]. The format was suspended in April 2021 due to the program becoming a paid product from version 1 onwards, with discussion on how to carry on the format from hereon ongoing as of this revision. '[#[Tools] - '[[Deflemask Tracker] '[#[Restrictions on submit] The entry must be saved in the .dmf format. Additional restrictions are being contemplated as of this revision. '[#[Accepted file format] .dmf '[#[Playback (for voting)] Use '[[DefleMask Tracker] for playback. '[#[Render to MP3] You can export the song to .wav. Covert this to an mp3 however you want. 日本語は'[[【日本語】deflemask (フォーマット)[こちら]です。