The Master System was a video game console produced by Sega beginning in 1985. For audio, the SMS used a clone of the Texas Instruments SN76489 chip. These clones were also present in the Sega Genesis and Game Gear systems, the latter adding stereo functionality. The SN76489 chip has 1 white noise and 3 square wave tone generators. Each channel has 16 levels of volume. The third square wave channel can also be used to control periodic noise in the white noise channel. '[#[Tools] '[t[b2]Main tools:'[/t] - '[[SnevenTracker] - Fork of '[[FamiTracker] made by HertzDevil. Can export .VGM and .WAV. - '[[DefleMask Tracker] - Multi-chip tracker supporting the SN76489, alongside its bigger brothers. Can export .VGM. '[t[b2]Other tools:'[/t] - '[[1tracker] - '[o]Technically'[/o] can do SN7. The SNBasic engine is basically a truncated SN7 tracker, so technically. - '[[MOD2PSG2] - Tracker that can import .MOD, as well as import and export .MID and .VGM files. - '[[VGM Music Maker] - Shiru's actual SN7 tracker and cousin to TFM Music Maker. - '[[XPMCK] - MML compiler that supports SN7, among many other formats. '[#[Accepted file format] Both this entry format and the '[[sgen (format)[sgen entry format] share the .VGM file format. '[#[Playback (for voting)] '[l[[in_vgm] - a winamp plugin for playback '[l[[vgmplay] For playback on actual hardware, there is '[l[[SMS VGM Player] by Maxim. '[#[See also] Want to listen music ripped from the console’s games? check out the ripped chiptune repository! - '[[Complete list of ripped chiptunes repositories]